Wild Utah

Wild Utah
Wild Utah

SUWA's campaign to Protect Wild Utah cuts across policy, legal and administrative issues. Our podcast, Wild Utah, gives the land a voice. In order to preserve the unique natural quiet of southern Utah, we're gonna have to make some noise.

  1. 2022. 10. 24.

    Bears Ears – An Indigenous Perspective

    Bears Ears National Monument has been in the news for years due to its status as a national monument being in flux– and as it finally enters its official planning process, we’re looking to Indigenous leaders to tell us what co-management (and the change in agency culture it could take to make that happen successfully) really mean.A note: It’s at this stage of the planning process that the Bureau of Land Management receives input from the public to prioritize issues they should focus on. The current open comment period (which ends October 31st) is your golden opportunity to help shape the future of the Bears Ears National Monument and echo sentiments put forward by the Indigenous voices leading the way. Joining us for this essential conversation about the role of Indigenous knowledge and leadership for Bears Ears National Monument and beyond is Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk, whom we’re honored to have on the show. Regina is a fierce advocate for nature who has served as a member of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council. She’s a former co-chair of the Bears Ears Inter-tribal Coalition and helped lead the effort that resulted in the Bears Ears being designated as a national monument. She has been appointed by Department of Interior Secretary Haaland to serve as the Chair of the current Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee, and she also serves on SUWA’s board of directors.Take action after this episode!The BLM is accepting comments until 10/31 as part of the scoping process. This is your chance to tell the BLM what issues are important for them to consider as they develop a draft management plan.Comment Today! (https://p2a.co/cXVRydr)Thank you to our show supporters!Wild Utah is made possible by the contributing members of SUWA. Thank you for your support!Become a SUWA member today and support the Wild Utah Podcast (https://secure2.convio.net/suwa/site/Donation2?df_id=5521&mfc_pref=T&5521.donation=form1)Subscribe to Wild Utah on your favorite podcast app!wildutah.info/Stitcher (http://wildutah.info/Stitcher)wildutah.info/Apple (http://wildutah.info/Apple)wildutah.info/Spotify (http://wildutah.info/Spotify)Theme music is by Haley Noel Austin, with interlude music by Larry Pattis.Dave Pacheco is the host of Wild Utah.Post studio production and editing is by Laura Borichevsky.

  2. 2022. 09. 22.

    Save Labyrinth Canyon!

    TAKE ACTION TO SAVE LABYRINTH CANYON: Leave a comment by 10/7!⁠ (https://p2a.co/mDdwZcG)The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is accepting comments on a draft travel management plan for the iconic Labyrinth Canyon and Gemini Bridges area outside of Moab. The plan will determine where off-road vehicle (ORV) use is allowed in this remarkable landscape for decades to come, so public input is extremely important. ⁠⁠Home to irreplaceable cultural and historic resources, critical wildlife habitat, and unmatched quiet recreational opportunities, the Labyrinth Canyon and Gemini Bridges region is a magnificent area of Utah’s backcountry. The BLM’s travel plan will have a long-lasting impact on the future of this region by determining where ORVs will be able to travel and what areas will be managed for the protection of wildlife, solitude, cultural values and non-motorized recreation.⁠⁠Labyrinth Canyon is a gem of the American West, where the placid Green River flows for more than 40 miles past towering canyon walls. This stretch of river provides an unparalleled multi-day wilderness experience for boaters of all ages and experience levels. It is also a designated Wild and Scenic River, noted for its outstanding recreational, scenic, ecological, and cultural values. ⁠You can act now by leaving a comment with the BLM by October 7th. It only takes minutes and your voice truly matters on these issues. Head to suwa.org/travelplans where we’ve made it easy to get started, and thank you for taking action.

  3. 2022. 09. 14.

    All You Need to Know About Grand Staircase-Escalante RMP

    What’s “GSENM RMP”, anyway? It’s shorthand for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Resource Management Plan. Originally proclaimed by President Clinton in 1996, the almost two million acre monument was slashed in half under former President Trump in 2017. It’s been close to a year since President Biden restored the monument to its original boundaries, and it’s time for his administration to re-write the Trump-era plan and re-emphasize scientific discovery and conservation as the primary purpose of the monument. That also means that it’s time for you to get involved!Our guest is SUWA Wildlands Attorney Kya Marienfeld, who is heading up SUWA’s official comments about Grand Stairacse-Escalante to the BLM. In non-legal terms, she explains the process for monument planning and helps us understand how to effectively engage in making the final plan a guiding document we can all be proud of. Take Action After this Episode:Have a Say in the Future of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument! (https://p2a.co/BEE61VG)Leave your public comment to the Bureau of Land Management by 9/27.Thank you to our show supporters!Wild Utah is made possible by the contributing members of SUWA. Thank you for your support!Become a SUWA member today and support the Wild Utah Podcast (http://www.suwa.org/donate)Subscribe to Wild Utah on your favorite podcast app!wildutah.info/Stitcher (http://wildutah.info/Stitcher)wildutah.info/Apple (http://wildutah.info/Apple)wildutah.info/Spotify (http://wildutah.info/Spotify)Theme music is by Haley Noel Austin, with interlude music by Larry Pattis.Dave Pacheco is the host of Wild Utah.Post studio production and editing is by Laura Borichevsky.

  4. 2022. 08. 17.

    Into the Wild: Bristlecone Firesides Takeover!

    Where does wilderness show up in literature and spirituality? We’re proud to share 20 minutes of the Bristlecone Firesides podcast to provide some answers to this question.  Great nature writers such as John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, and Aldo Leopold have written extensively that wilderness contains the salvation of mankind. Wilderness is also a recurring spiritual theme in sacred texts throughout the world. What is this Wilderness and why is it crucial to our spiritual growth? What can we learn about ourselves from understanding this Wildness? Join co-hosts Madison Daniels and Abigail Pinegar to dig in with this engaging conversation that gets to the heart of what draws some individuals to wilderness conservation.Take Action After this Episode:Subscribe to the Bristlecone Firesides podcast! (https://bristleconefiresides.com/15-into-the-wild/)Resources:Act now with SUWA (https://suwa.org/)Catch up on Season One (https://bristleconefiresides.com/podcast-2/season-one/)30×30 Campaign (https://www.campaignfornature.org/news/category/30x30)The Wilderness Act (https://www.nps.gov/subjects/wilderness/law-and-policy.htm#:~:text=The%20Wilderness%20Act%20of%201964,Service%2C%20and%20US%20Forest%20Service.)How to Do Nothing (https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/600671/how-to-do-nothing-by-jenny-odell/) by Jenny OdellFrom Wild Man to Wise Man (https://store.cac.org/products/from-wild-man-to-wise-man-reflections-on-male-spirituality) by Richard RohrThank you to our show supporters!Wild Utah and Bristlecone Firesides are made possible by the contributing members of SUWA. Thank you for your support!Become a SUWA member today and support the Bristlecone Firesides Podcast (http://www.suwa.org/donate)

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27개의 평가


SUWA's campaign to Protect Wild Utah cuts across policy, legal and administrative issues. Our podcast, Wild Utah, gives the land a voice. In order to preserve the unique natural quiet of southern Utah, we're gonna have to make some noise.

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