The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast

The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast

Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study the Bible together and through the experiences of other believers, learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives. Here’s just some of what we cover in The Crosswalk Daily Devotional Podcast: ☕️ Why the Tongue Can't Be Tamed (And What to Do about It) ☕️ The Quickest Way to an Attitude Adjustment ☕️ Your Birthday: The Most and Least Important Day of Your Life ☕️ Noticing God's Blessings in the Hardest Moments of Life ☕️ One of the Sneakiest Lies Satan Is Telling the Church ☕️ How to Push Through the Weariness of Prayer ☕️ 3 Steps to Take When Facing Temptation ☕️ What to Remember during a Stressful Election Year If you love what you're listening to on the podcast, be sure to check out our companion devotional at

  1. HACE 19 H

    Loving Those Who Are Hard to Love

    In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we explore the challenging yet transformative call to love those who are hard to love. Jesus commands us to love not just our friends but also our enemies, which can feel daunting. We’ll discuss practical ways to embody Christ-like love, even when faced with difficult relationships. Together, we’ll examine scriptural insights, the power of forgiveness, and the importance of seeing others through God’s eyes. Join us as we uncover how loving the unlovable can lead to profound spiritual growth and deeper connections with God. Join the Conversation: We want to hear from you! How have you navigated relationships with those who challenge your capacity to love? Share your stories and insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. What strategies have helped you cultivate love and understanding in tough situations? 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER: Full Transcript Below: 19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. 1 John 4:19-21. The holidays can place us at the table with some of the people we find hardest to love. Maybe we fear our mother-in-law will spend Christmas dinner criticizing our parenting, career choices, or cooking. Perhaps we’ll spend time with a sibling who hurt us deeply and with whom we experience significant, ongoing conflict. Or, we might feel stuck in a lonely marriage with a spouse who seems oblivious to our pain.  We live in a relationally messy world, infiltrated by brokenness and sin. Sometimes it can feel confusing to know how to guard our hearts and love others well. For years, I assumed this meant suppressing my pain when others wounded me, but that created codependent behaviors and increased dysfunction. Discouraged and frustrated, I began to emotionally withdraw behind a self-protecting façade.  Perhaps you can relate. How can we demonstrate the love of Christ to the most the unloving people in our lives? While this is an area in which I’m still learning and growing, in my wrestling with God over this question, He’s taught me a few things. Verse 19 reminds me that I cannot give what I don’t possess. In other words, the more I receive God’s love, in my most wounded places, the more it flows from me. Consider Jesus’ behavior on the night before His death. He humbly and tenderly washed His disciples’ feet, knowing they’d abandon Him and that Judas would betray Him.  Notice what Scripture reveals in John 13:3-4: “Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist” (NIV, emphasis mine). Jesus loved His disciples from a place of wholeness. He lived secure in His identity, remained focused on His mission, and confident of His eternal destination. He didn’t allow other people to set His agenda, hijack His emotions, or affect how He viewed Himself.  We see this in how He related to the masses, as well. In John 2:23-25, we read: Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. 24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. 25 He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person (NIV). I’m struck by the phrase: He didn’t entrust Himself to them. Jesus knew the very ones who praised Him on Palm Sunday would chant for His crucifixion come Good Friday. Yet, still He chose the cross, praying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (John 23:24, NIV).  He understood the pervasive effects of sin and therefore could separate the individual from their behavior. I began to experience healing when I started to do the same. I learned to shift my anger off the person who hurt me and onto the one responsible for our world’s darkness.  I hated the devil for the damage he inflicted rather than a fellow victim. This helped shift my anger for the person to compassion, which in turn stirred me to prayer. As I stepped more fully into God’s illuminating light, I came to realize the bitterness that once consumed me was merely a defense mechanism shielding me from pain. My soul needed space to grieve, and to receive the comfort of the Lord who sees me, knows me, and will always love me.  This didn’t mean I denied or accepted someone’s poor behavior, or that it necessitated relational closeness. There are some people in my life I must love from a distance. I’m also learning not to make their behavior about me. I see it instead as a reflection of their heart and their need for Jesus.  Intersecting Life and Faith I don’t intend to imply that this has been easy or that I have complete clarity. It’s taken therapy, prayer, and listening for God’s gentle voice as I read Scripture and journaled to better understand how He is calling me to love each individual. I recognize I still have much room for growth. But I also know that He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion. He will carry me to completion, to wholeness, as He gently yet consistently leads me to greater freedom.  I recognize how difficult today’s passage can feel, especially for those who’ve experienced inconceivably deep wounds. Jesus never exacerbates or diminishes our pain. To the contrary. At every moment, He is leading us toward thriving life (John 10:10). When we remember that He is always focused on our ultimate good, we gain the courage to yield to His transformative, healing hand.  Further Reading: Romans 13:8 Matthew 5:43-48 John 13:34 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    7 min
  2. HACE 1 DÍA

    Are Resolutions Failing Propositions?

    In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we delve into the concept of New Year’s resolutions and examine whether they truly serve us in our faith journey. Many set resolutions with good intentions, but how often do we find ourselves falling short? Together, we’ll discuss the importance of aligning our goals with God’s will, the role of grace in our efforts, and practical steps to make our resolutions more meaningful. Join us as we explore how to transform resolutions into intentional commitments that draw us closer to Christ. Join the Conversation:We’d love to hear your thoughts on resolutions! Share your experiences with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email—Have you found success in your resolutions, or have they felt like failing propositions? What strategies have worked for you in pursuing lasting change?🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER: Full Transcript Below: Are Resolutions Failing Propositions? By Kelly Balarie “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:41 NIV  I set my specific goals to improve on January 1st, however somewhere between 3 days to 3 weeks later, my resolution was done, broke, and entirely over. I can’t say I’m proud of it. My spirit was willing, but flesh proved weak. And, in a spirit of confession, before you, fellow Christian, I must admit, this wasn’t an isolated incident either. I’ve broken resolution after resolution. I commit things and don’t always follow through. I sometimes hate myself for it too. Ever been there? It’s frustrating. The new year resolution that was supposed to bless, inspire, and make me better -- defeated, discouraged, and deflated me. Grr…So, here we are again…in the midst of the new year. The time of year when people are throwing up resolution-like things, like bullets, all over social media sites. A time when they say, “I am going to ____.” “I will stop ____.” “My word of the year is ___.” Hearing all these bold declarations -- almost makes you feel like a lazy loser if you’re not participating.  But, at the same time, and I think it is a valid question to ask – do resolutions even work? And are they God’s best intent for us?  Research shows only 9% people keep their new year resolution. 23% give up by the first week. 43% give up by February.  Even the holy and saintly disciples broke a resolution.  In Jesus’ hour of intense agony and sorrow, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told them to sit nearby and to keep watch with him. I’m sure they determined, with great inner-resolution to accomplish this -- to obey and to pray, just like Jesus had said. Yet, it wasn’t too long until Jesus returned and found them -- asleep. So much for that resolution! “Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter.41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mt. 26:41-42 NIV) Ultimately, what it comes down to is – resolution without intercession is ineffective. Resolution without God’s accompanying grace is counterproductive. Resolution without keeping watch leads to falling into temptation. In all this, I can’t help but think -- it is better not to say, “I am going to do this ___ this year,” but, instead, to pray, “God, give me grace and show how to do __ today. Reveal to me what to watch out for…”  One sets itself up for defeat; the other sets itself up to rely on God. Just as I want my kid to trust me as I teach them, verses being a know-it-all who can do it all – God wants our trust too. In this, we can be encouraged! God has all the grace we need! Like fresh bread, with fresh daily-equipping power all packed inside – we can approach him day-by-day, moment-by-moment, for all the grace we need in our hour of need, without setting ourselves up for defeat.  What if, instead of declaring some massive resolution we get about daily intercession for the deep desires of our heart? Perhaps, then, we’ll see, even in the failings God is gleaning great learnings for us, as we go forward. Our life change is not by our own power or might, but it all happens by the Spirit of God.  Intersecting Faith & Life: What do you want to see change in your life? What if, morning by morning, you ask God to help you, you seek His way and you keep knocking? How might God’s grace be more valuable than your own willpower? How have you seen God change you in the past? Ask Him to do it again. Kelly uplifts believers with boosts of faith; find encouragement by getting Kelly’s blog posts by email. Kelly, creator of the “Hear God’s Voice” podcast, is also a blogger, national speaker, and author of Take Every Thought Captive, Rest Now, Battle Ready, and Fear Fighting. Kelly, a real cheerleader of faith, loves seeing the power of prayer in live action. She loves seeing the look on people’s faces when they realize –God is faithful! Kelly’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CBN’s 700 Club, Relevant and Today’s Christian Woman.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    6 min
  3. HACE 2 DÍAS

    New Found Hope for the New Year

    In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we celebrate the theme of hope as we step into the new year. As believers, we are reminded that each new beginning offers us a chance to renew our faith and trust in God’s promises. Together, we’ll explore Scripture that inspires hope, discuss how to let go of past disappointments, and embrace the future with a heart full of faith. Join us as we discover practical ways to cultivate hope in our daily lives and uplift those around us. Join the Conversation:We want to hear how you’re finding hope as you enter the new year! Share your stories and insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email—What new hopes and dreams are you embracing this year, and how can we pray for you in that journey? 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER:  Full Transcript Below: Newfound Hope for the New Year. Three Ways to Find it. By Keri Eichberger But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. (Micah 7:7)  Hope isn’t something I’ve felt a whole lot of lately. Well, for a while actually. In fact, I honestly can’t remember when I last felt it, or when I seemed to lose it. Maybe it was a year ago when my first book was released, and the results didn’t quite match my efforts and initial excitement. And maybe a little more hope left me with the death of a beloved family member a few months later. Then more through the fear of Dad’s open heart surgery that followed. And some more with his sudden stroke too shortly after that. But I likely lost my final spark when we found out a huge investment crashed, leaving my family in a financial nightmare the very next season of sorrow. And I hate to highlight so much of the sad side of life, and neglect to share the good—because deep down I know there actually is always so much to be thankful for. But vulnerably speaking, sometimes our reality and human nature tend to bend a bit down in the dumps. The ugly truth is, I feel like I was on the verge of forgetting how to even feel truly hopeful altogether. But I want to be. I want to feel hope and joy and fresh, vibrant life budding and blossoming within. And I know God wants that. For all of his children. Plus, the alternative is just dark, depressing, and dreadful. Now these sentiments I am well acquainted with these days. Ugh, how horrible is that to admit? Do you feel like you are lacking some hope too? Or any hope? Are you tired of feeling this way? I sure am. I miss feeling alive with anticipation of blessings in the works. I miss excitedly expecting better days just ahead. I want to watch in joyful hope for the Lord‘s goodness and gifts, that I really do know are ever-flowing.  You get it. Yes, we’ve all walked through some hard things. We’ve all cried out to God in our suffering more times than we’d like to be true. But here’s the thing. He has heard each and every cry. He has grieved and wept right with us. But he wants so much more for our lives. Because he loves us. He has better and bigger plans for our future. Because he loves us. He is pleased to share with us his glory and blessings right here on earth. Because he loves us. I want this year to be different, don’t you? Yes, we all want to be filled with hope in the Lord. Intersecting Faith and Life: Here’s what I’ve learned from God and his Word when it comes to hope. It starts with him. Hope begins by: Acknowledging him. Sitting silently in his presence. Sharing with Jesus what’s still causing you hurt and heartache. Releasing the disappointments of the past, your current season of sadness, your mistakes, mishaps, and misunderstandings. Acknowledging that he hears you and your cries. And then, Acknowledging him as savior. Accepting and professing that he is the sovereign one who loves you so much. Who wants good for you. And has all the power to bring your best to be. You can trust your life in his all-powerful hands. And because of this, you can practice, Waiting in hope for him. We wait because God is currently working out his plan. And we can do it with anticipation, patience, and hope because we know it will be nothing short of perfect. Because his love for you and me is nothing less than perfect. Like Micah 7:7 says, “But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” Friend, let this be true of you too as we walk into the new year. Watch in hope for the Lord. Wait for our good, good God. The Almighty God who loves you. He is your savior. He has heard you, he hears you, and he always will. May we both not only be hopeful, but abounding with praise and joy today for the good things he is abundantly bringing our way. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    6 min
  4. HACE 3 DÍAS

    New Year Now What?

    In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we tackle the question that often arises as the new year begins: "Now what?" After the excitement of new resolutions fades, how do we maintain our momentum and purpose? Together, we’ll explore how to set realistic goals that align with our faith, the importance of prayer in our planning, and ways to stay accountable in our spiritual journey. Let’s discover how to embrace the opportunities this new year holds while remaining anchored in God’s Word. Join the Conversation:We’d love to hear about your plans and aspirations for the new year! Share your thoughts with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email—What steps are you taking to grow in your faith this year, and how can we support you in that journey? 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER:  Full Transcript Below: New Year, Now What? By Vivian Bricker “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” - Ephesians 4:22-24  Now that the New Year has arrived it is difficult to know where to go from here. The twinkling lights of Christmas have been packed up and we are sitting back at our work desk again. The dark, winter month of January has only begun and all we want to do is go back to Christmas Day. Most years I feel exactly like this, yet I know that I cannot return to the week prior.  I have to move on—and so do you. When we leave the previous year behind, we need to see the new year as a new start. We are no longer bound to the events of the past year. Instead, we can start fresh. Maybe this means making New Year resolutions, but maybe this means something different this year. Personally, I don’t believe in New Year resolutions as it is impossible to uphold them throughout the year. Once we feel we have failed, we give up on them.  Therefore, it is more beneficial to look at the new year in a different way. We can either choose to deem this year already a “bad year” or we can try to make the most of it. This can be hard, especially when it is cold and dreary, but there are things we can do to make the cold winter months a bit more bearable. Most of us have jobs either in person or at home, therefore, we can decorate our work desks to be a bit more cheerful. Letting in some natural light can do wonders or placing a flower vase on our desk can add a pop of color. Even these little things can make us see the new year in a different light. We don’t need to allow the darker days of January to make us think the rest of the year will be this hard. Instead, we can look forward to participating in winter activities, such as ice skating, skiing, or even staying at home under the covers reading a book.  With this new year, we need to fight against the urge to automatically dismiss it as going bad. It’s only the first month of the year and many beautiful things can happen this year that we don’t even know about yet. This calls us to trust in God and not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). January is not a defining tool for the rest of the year and we need to let go of any post-Christmas sadness.  Once we let go of this, we will be able to take hold of the new year. This is something that I’m learning to do, so we can do this together. Taking hold of this new year looks like letting the old year go and moving forward. We need to always be pushing forward in order not to fall back in our Christian walk with the Lord (Philippians 3:13-14).  Intersecting Faith & Life: The Apostle Paul tells us, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24). Our former year needs to be put away and we need to put on the new year with confidence.  With this new year, we can become more dedicated followers of the Lord. By putting away the evil desires we once had, we can be made new in the attitudes of our minds. This is all part of the transforming work of God. Maybe last year wasn’t a good year for Christian growth or for life in general. See this new year as a chance to start over.  This present year can be an opportunity to put on the new self, which is created to be like God in all of His righteousness and holiness. By pushing forward and continuing to fight the good fight, you will grow in your faith. Even though this new year starts with a dreary January, it might turn into your best year yet. Follow God faithfully and trust Him with the rest. Further Reading: Jeremiah 29:11 2 Corinthians 5:17 1 Timothy 6:12 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    6 min
  5. HACE 4 DÍAS

    A New Year Attitude

    In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we embrace the fresh start that a new year brings and discuss how to cultivate a positive attitude grounded in faith. As believers, it’s vital to approach each day with a heart of gratitude and a mindset aligned with God's promises. We’ll explore biblical principles that encourage us to renew our minds and set our intentions for the year ahead, focusing on hope, purpose, and resilience. Join the Conversation:We’d love to hear how you’re setting your intentions for the new year! Share your thoughts with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email—What new attitudes or habits are you embracing to deepen your faith in the coming year? 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER:  Full Transcript Below: A New Year Attitude By Aaron D’Anthony Brown“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” - Psalm 90:12, CSB Finding Your New Year Attitude After the most wonderful time of the year, comes preparation for the year to come. Needless to say, we often anticipate the new year with excitement. We see the new as an opportunity to do away with the old. We replace diets, habits, relationships. Sometimes we’re not replacing anything, but starting something for the first time. Ideally, we move toward the new year looking forward to better things. This sounds great, but the issue with the New Year attitude is that anything new eventually wears off. The new car smell fades away. We often lose our initial excitement and all the new we had previously replaced, sadly makes a comeback. There’s a reason so many people fall off of their workout regimens and start eating all the food they previously swore off. The change that we pretended to want was conditional and the results show. They always show.  However, chances are you have implemented change in your life that lasted for more than a season. You wanted something badly enough that you made some critical changes and the results are still visible today. You realized the need for change and the change became permanent. The truth is, we don’t actually have to wait until next year to improve ourselves. We shouldn’t. Jesus said that our life is, but a “mist,” here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14). That means our time is limited. Therefore, we should be asking ourselves an important question. Why wait for the new year to become better, when the chance to change is available today? Intersecting Faith & Life: The New Year attitude is one we should strive to hold every day. Scripture tells us that we are called to do away with the “old self,” that the old has been crucified with Christ, and we have been raised to new life (Romans 6:6). With that in mind, here’s how you can start your new year before the new year. Recognize the need for change. The average life expectancy for men and women in America is around 80, yet, we all know someone who sadly passed before that time. The unexpected happens everyday. We also know people advancing in age who gave up on dreams and relationships, who have lived to regret their decisions. Why assume our lives are guaranteed to be long? Why assume that tomorrow is always available when we feel the desire to change today? Don’t wait. Some opportunities only come our way once. Not only that, but we only have one life to live. Seek Wisdom After you desire change, you’ll want to know what you should change. The world has plenty to say about what is morally correct or incorrect, but as believers, the one we should turn to is God. He wants to help us grow. The Bible says that He will grant wisdom to those who seek it (James 1:5). When we grow wiser we can become more like Christ and thus, we become better people. So if you’re not actively seeking wisdom, ask yourself why not. Even if you don’t realize it, we are always learning from either the people or things in our environment. Make sure God and His kingdom are a part of that learning. Reward Yourself Some say that growing is a reward in and of itself, and that’s true. However, giving yourself incentives to continue to make positive change is not unbiblical. Positive affirmation can encourage you to continue when you lose motivation, and if you’re like most people, you will lose motivation. Reward yourself with some material thing and if that doesn’t work, accountability will push you too. When You Fail, Try Again Change might be inevitable in life, but it’s also extremely difficult to manage when you’re in charge of it. The key is to not give up. God blesses us for our righteousness and becoming more like Christ is nothing but righteousness. There is not a certain time of year to aspire to be more like Jesus. God wants us to start today, so don’t wait. Start the new year you before you enter the new year. Further Reading: Psalm 51:10-11 Jeremiah 29:11 Romans 8:28 James 4:14 Romans 6:6 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    6 min
  6. HACE 5 DÍAS

    What New Mercies Mean for the New Year

    In this episode, we dive into the theme of "What New Mercies Mean for the New Year," reflecting on the profound concept of God’s mercies being renewed each day. We’ll explore how these fresh mercies empower us to let go of past burdens and embrace new beginnings with hope and resilience. Discover practical ways to recognize and celebrate God’s faithfulness as you step into the new year. Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear how you interpret the idea of new mercies in your life. What does it mean for you as you enter this new year? Share your insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. How can we encourage each other to fully embrace the new mercies God offers us? 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER: Full Transcript Below: By Sarah Frazer Bible Reading: “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV One of my favorite times in the morning is before the sun rises. I get up while it is still dark, grab my journal and Bible and head downstairs. I turn on the coffee and go sit on the couch while I wait for it to brew. Those are the moments when the house is quiet and I get to sit and just breathe and relax.  Although I am still a little sleepy, I open my journal or my Bible and start with prayer. Over the past thirty years of walking with God I have met with God in a variety of ways and times during the day. But there is something special about getting up and watching the sun rise while meditating on His Word.  The sun reminds us that God is faithful. Everyday we do not doubt the the sun will rise. We believe, no matter what is going on in our world, the sun will shine. It might be cloudy and stormy, but the sun eventually comes out. Every morning we have this physical reminder of a powerful truth from God’s Word.  In the book of Lamentations the author mourns and cries out to God because horror and destruction surround him on a daily basis. He wakes up each morning and hears more bad news. We can surely relate to that! In the middle of this book we see a shift in His perspective. Instead of waking up and focusing on all of the bad news, the author of Lamentations says he wakes up and thinks about the faithfulness of God.  Each morning we have a reminder in the sun that God will be faithful but when I think about a New Year I am also encouraged with the thought that “new mercies” are waiting for me as well. Yes, we have God with us each day, but each year, at beginning as we feel that fresh new start we can take moment and think about what new mercies mean for the new year.  First, we see that God’s compassion and mercy are linked together. The word for “compassion” can also mean tender love, like a mother has for the child growing in her womb. God loves us so deeply, so tenderly, so intimately and this should give us reason to trust Him in the coming year. Maybe this past year has been hard when it comes to love. People tend to disappoint us and cannot love us perfectly. This is not God. In this new year may we come to God freely knowing that His compassion and tender love is waiting for us.  We also see God’s mercies are directly related to God’s faithfulness. Maybe you are like me and don’t make new year’s resolutions. I often have a general idea of what kind of goals I want to accomplish. As I’ve gotten older I feel more discouraged at the end of the year if I make to many goals. I’m not always faithful to do the things I set out to do in the new year. When it comes to my faithfulness I am always falling short. God is not like that. His faithfulness is never wavering. We can trust and believe that God is working. Maybe we can’t see how He is working or if it will work out, but these verses give us this hope that God is faithful, even if we are not.  Because of God’s tender love and faithfulness our response should be to wait and seek Him. Although this new year might mean we will face trouble or trials, we will not be out from under the hands of God. He is our salvation and He is good. No matter what bad news might be around the corner this year, we can rejoice in our faithful, merciful, and tender-loving God. May we allow Him to work this year in bringing us closer to Him! Even though the circumstances hadn’t changed but the author of Lamentations, still declared: “It is good that one should hope…” God’s tender love, mercy, and faithfulness is reason to hope. It isn’t up to us and God will always come through. No matter the disappointments that have followed us into this new year, you and I can have hope. John Piper says,“biblical hope is a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future.” Let’s enter this new year with that kind of hope - based on God’s new mercies. Each day the sun rises, hang on to the hope that we can expect good in our future!    Intersecting Faith & Life: As you consider how God’s faithfulness and mercy was a part of your life in the past year, reflect on these questions as they relate to the coming new year.  In what ways did God show you His tender love in 2024?  How did God reveal His faithfulness to you in 2024?  What answer to prayers did you receive in 2024? What prayer(s) are you praying for 2025?  Further Reading: Deuteronomy 7:9 2 Thessaliens 3:3 Hebrews 13:8 Revelation 19:11 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    8 min
  7. HACE 6 DÍAS

    Beginning Again This New Year

    In this episode, we focus on the theme of "Beginning Again This New Year," exploring the concept of renewal and the fresh opportunities that come with a new year. We’ll discuss practical steps for letting go of the past and embracing new possibilities, drawing inspiration from Scripture. Learn how to set intentions that align with your faith, cultivate a spirit of gratitude, and trust in God’s guidance as you embark on this journey of transformation. Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear your thoughts on what it means to begin again this new year. How do you feel God is calling you to start fresh? Share your insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. What steps are you taking to embrace new opportunities and experiences in the year ahead? SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Beginning Again this New Year By Lynette Kittle “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness”—Lamentations 3:22-23 How many of us have waited, planned, and began a new year with our hearts and minds set on a new attitude, outlook, and goal, only to lose steam a few weeks or even days or hours into the new calendar year? Still, New Year’s  Day offers individuals hopes of a fresh start, a new beginning, with the incentive of moving away from past disappointments and failures, a day that seems more than any other day of the year to encourage us to start anew and begin again with a clean slate. Sadly, though, many of us, if not most, give up if we falter or slip up on this new lease on life, thinking we’ll just have to wait until the next calendar year to start over again. Everyday With God Is A New Beginning But a new beginning doesn’t have to wait for another year to begin because God understands our weaknesses and frailties and doesn’t set us up to only have one opportunity a year to start over. As 2 Corinthians 5:17 explains, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” God is all for leaving the past behind us and starting anew, urging us in Isaiah 43:18 to “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. He is all about making things new again, as stated in Isaiah 43:19, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Beginning Again Starts In Our Hearts But how does this happen in our lives? Exodus 36:26 describes what God wants to do for each and everyone of us, when we seek to start anew with Him. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” It’s a new life process God begins within us that is fulfilled by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. As the Apostle Paul explains, “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).  King David Knew How to Begin Anew Starting anew involves being open to God’s instruction. As Psalm 25:5 reveals, King David knew how to ask God for His instruction. “Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.” For many, looking at David’s life is a mixed bag. Although it seemed he relied heavily on God to teach him to do His will, having a tender, teachable heart, as expressed through his passionate psalms. He seemed to be constantly asking God for guidance, understanding that he couldn’t do it on his own, relying on God to lead him. Likewise, in Psalm 119:12, David understood the importance of praise in preparing him to receive God’s instruction. “Praise be to you, Lord; teach me Your decrees.”  Yet we also read of David’s weaknesses: of being led into temptation by worldly passions, committing adultery, stealing another man’s wife, and committing murder, giving in and following the lusts of his heart.  In no way did God condone David’s sin, and as Christians, it can be hard for us to understand how an individual who God placed in power could so easily fall into sin and yet still be . called by God a man after His own heart. Acts 13:22 describes God’s thoughts on him. “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’” David’s life reveals how God truly gives us a way to begin anew each and every day, no matter the depth of our sins and weaknesses. Intersecting Faith & Life:  If you’re struggling today to begin anew after falling short, feeling like you don’t deserve or have a right to ask for God’s help, be like David and reach out to God, asking Him to teach you His ways and start beginning again today. And if you fall tomorrow, don’t hesitate to ask God to help you start over again because His compassions never fail and are new every morning. Further Reading: Starting Over New Each Day Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    7 min
  8. 28/12/2024

    What Will Truly Transform Your Life In 2025

    In this episode, we explore the theme of "What Will Truly Transform Your Life In 2025" by examining the various ways God communicates His transformative power, particularly through the Nativity story. Learn how God uses angels, the Holy Spirit, dreams, and confirmation to guide us. We'll unpack what these forms of divine communication mean for our lives today and how embracing God’s promises can lead to profound change in the upcoming year. Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear your thoughts on what you believe will truly transform your life in 2025. What aspects of faith and spirituality are you focusing on for growth? Share your insights with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. How do you plan to seek God’s guidance and embrace transformation in the new year? SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: New Year, Old You? What will Truly Transform Your Life in 2025Written By: Emma Danzey Hebrews 4:12-13 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” It is a new year again and you feel a little pessimistic about the new year’s resolutions, or doing that discounted gym trial, or breaking that bad habit once and for all. To be honest, the concept of a fresh start and a new year can be a wonderful motivator to evaluate the areas of our lives, but what is the heart behind our desire to change? Do we want to be more beautiful to the world’s eyes, do we desire to make more money this year, or do we have our hearts set on achieving a goal we’ve never quite met?  If you feel like it is a new year, but you are still the old you, then you are not alone. If resolutions and January challenges haven’t stuck yet in your life, maybe there is something deeper to “missing the mark” for your goals.  1. Ask yourself what does God want my goal to be this new year?  2. Think of the New Year as a time of confession and repentance from areas that are either struggles, due to living in this fallen world or sinful decisions. Ask the Holy Spirit to transform your heart to be in line with His own. 3. Keep your main goal as seeking God with your heart by daily reading the Bible. Did you know that your relationship with God has everything to do with whether you find true success? He reminds us that our goals should be eternal, not temporary. Anything temporary that we accomplish through Him is ultimately nothing in comparison to the treasures and eternally impactful decisions that we make on this earth. If you want a transformed life in 2025, seek Jesus and He will bless the eternal work and empower you by His Spirit to achieve the temporary goals too.  “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The Bible, God’s Word, is alive and active. Its jobs is to divide what is true from what is false. It teaches us about our need for reconciliation to our Maker and the gospel of Jesus coming for the sins of the world for any who believe in Him. It reveals the sins and the attitudes of our hearts.  I can set a physical goal all day long, but without the help of the Lord, I cannot accomplish this goal from an eternal mindset. My motivations will be from my flesh and not from the Spirit. Sure, someone could meet their goals and stick with them who is not seeking Christ, but think about the heart transformation that a believer in Jesus will experience if the new years goals come out of a heart of humility, seeking the Lord at His Word. His Word changes us, we cannot help but be transformed into His likeness when we read it with a pure heart.  What if before we set our earthly goals, we make heavenly goals of the kind of son or daughter of God we hope to be this year, the ways we hope to grow in Spiritual maturity, or the daily choices we want His help to put into routine to mature in our faith through the Bible and prayer.  Anything that we are trying to accomplish will be tested by Him. What are our motives? Are we in line with His will in them? If so, how can we rely on Him and the help of other believers to use these goals as platforms for the gospel?  “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Nothing is hidden from the Lord. We are accountable to Him ultimately for how we live our lives and how we honor Him with them. May we be bold enough to ask Him to search our hearts and reveal sinful ways and boldly ask Him to transform us and lead us into true repentance that brings glory to Him. Intersecting Faith and Life: How will seeking Christ in the Bible regularly transform you this year? How does putting Christ first in your goal setting effect your personal goals? Why do you believe that it is only truly the work of the Spirit who can change your life and have eternal impact? Further Reading: Psalm 139:1-2 Romans 8:6 Galatians 5:17 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

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Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study the Bible together and through the experiences of other believers, learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives. Here’s just some of what we cover in The Crosswalk Daily Devotional Podcast: ☕️ Why the Tongue Can't Be Tamed (And What to Do about It) ☕️ The Quickest Way to an Attitude Adjustment ☕️ Your Birthday: The Most and Least Important Day of Your Life ☕️ Noticing God's Blessings in the Hardest Moments of Life ☕️ One of the Sneakiest Lies Satan Is Telling the Church ☕️ How to Push Through the Weariness of Prayer ☕️ 3 Steps to Take When Facing Temptation ☕️ What to Remember during a Stressful Election Year If you love what you're listening to on the podcast, be sure to check out our companion devotional at

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