Behind the Scenes: A Look into the Census Bureau's Annual Integrated Economic Survey

POP: Public Opinion Podcast

One of the newest AAPOR Affinity Groups is dedicated to establishment surveys, those surveys where the unit of collection is not a household or individual, but rather an institution, like a hospital, school, or business, or some other non-human entity. An important example of this survey is the U.S. Census Bureau’s  Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES). In this episode, two of the driving forces behind the AIES discuss the challenges and preparations involved in implementing the survey, as well as its potential impact on economic data collection.

Host: Melissa A. Cidade, PhD, Survey Methodologist, Economy-Wide Statistics Division, Office of the Division Chief, U.S. Census Bureau

Guests: Lisa Endy Donaldson,  Division Chief, Economy-Wide Statistics Division; Acting Chief, Economic Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Heidi St.Onge, Annual Content Determination Lead for Economic Programs, Office of the Associate Director for Economic Programs, U.S. Census Bureau

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