Behind the Scenes of Fortitude: A Discussion with Torsten Hoffmann

Celestial Citizen

On today's sponsored episode courtesy of Multiverse Media, we’ll be discussing the upcoming film, FORTITUDE that was created by award-winning documentary filmmaker, Torsten Hoffmann.  We’ve got the privilege of having Torsten on the show today – sharing not only inspiration behind the film, a preview into what viewers can expect, but also how you can support its creation as well.

Today, we are joined by Torsten Hoffmann, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who is covering emerging technologies.  His previous feature documentary CRYPTOPIA is on Netflix Europe, Amazon Prime (120 countries) and major broadcast TV channels worldwide.  Torsten and his team have filmed 80 interviews on 4 continents to cover the most interesting projects, people and promises behind the new space economy.  FORTITUDE can be supported on Kickstarter starting April 24th.

We also want to extend a big thank you to our sponsors this year for supporting our show!

Learn more about our Gold Sponsor Multiverse Media, an integrated media company focusing on space exploration, science, and technology, and check out the Cislunar Market Opportunities report produced by NewSpace Global, a Multiverse Media property, for a snapshot and user guide to the players and opportunities ahead for the cislunar economy.  To get your own copy please go to and use coupon code citizen10 for 10% off a single user license.

Learn more about our Silver Sponsor the Colorado School of Mines Space Resources Program, a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary program that offers Certificate, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees for professionals around the world interested in the emerging field of extraterrestrial resources here.

Learn more about our Silver Sponsor Explore Mars, Inc., an organization seeking to advance the goal of establishing a human presence on Mars starting no later than the 2030s.  Explore Mars hosts the annual Humans to Mars Summit (H2M), which features senior leadership and experts from NASA, industry, academia, other STEM fields, international space agencies, the entertainment industry, and the innovation sector.

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