The Psychology Podcast

In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
A must listen
2024. 12. 14.
Finding a podcast that dissects psychological theories and studies in a needy way while remaining engaging and witty is incredibly difficult but Dr. Scott, you have nailed it! There hasn’t been one episode that I’ve listened to where I wasn’t completely fascinated. You highlight the work of brilliant people who may not otherwise be on my radar to learn from. I find this show to be thoroughly enriching to my life and it helps me not only understand myself better but those in my everyday world. Thank you Scott and all of the guests for the amazing work you do. Please keep it up! -Christine McCuen
Patronizing Host
3월 5일
I found the topic and the guest to be engaging; however, I perceived the host's tone as condescending.
2월 13일
Good guest but the host is a terrible interviewer.
Guests good but…
1월 25일
Love most guests however I bristle at the host’s repeated trauma dismissive comments when the subject is touched on :(
Life changing podcast
2024. 11. 19.
As an aspiring psychologist, this podcast has changed my life. Thank you SBK!!!!
Great listen!
2024. 11. 15.
Scott breaks down psychological topics in a way that is fun, interesting, and informative. I really enjoy listening to this podcast!
Scott is brillant
2024. 11. 02.
I have been listening to continuously for seven years and continue to learn so much. Thank you, Scott and your team.!
Host over-talks and makes a lot of weird, self-flattering comments
2024. 08. 25.
Just listened to my first episode. Topic was interesting and guest was knowledgeable. Host is cringey. Constantly interjecting to talk about how he’s an encyclopedia and how he makes connections others don’t. Not sure I’ll be back for another episode and only made it about 80% through this one. In most social circles this guy would get a reputation for being really full of himself fast. Just say the connection you don’t have to constantly follow it with “and this is why I’m so cool and smart”. Yarg.
Ad load is awful
2024. 10. 12.
What was once a pleasant, enlightening series of discussions has become a money grab. The plug in ads at 2x volume and constant plugs for the host’s products have eclipsed the content. Might check back in a year after the ad money runs out or we have a paid model more like Sam Harris.
What a garbage show
2024. 09. 27.
I have a PhD in psychology and they are wrong.
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