20 episodes

A longform freewheeling monthly recap of site doings, with the original MeFi team.

Best of the Web: the MetaFilter Podcast Unknown

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    • 5.0 • 25 Ratings

A longform freewheeling monthly recap of site doings, with the original MeFi team.

    193: What was previously my discretionary time

    193: What was previously my discretionary time

    cortex has a new job and was hard to track down and we had a few months of missing each other. We found some time on August 14th and tried to play catch-up. Runs about 97 minutes. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download not_on_display did the mixing on this one and I think it hopefully sounds better than last time? Preroll Heat pumps! BestofMeFi on Facebook Jobs Flickr Commons and Jessamyn's new part-timey job Federal Gov't Administrative Support Specialist by kinsey Projects We built a giant eagle pupper for Iceland's national day by Nothing Have You Played? by adrianhon adrianhon on peglin Our Backyard by joannemerriam Banned Book Book Club by bwerdmuller (MeFi Post by Paul Slade) Jessamyn's tips for dealing with haters FLW inspired Bird Feeder by Marky Infinite LP records from the Boston Public Library via archive.org by metatuesday Today in Tabs Meta MeFi Site Update by jessamyn Happy birthday, Metafilter! by Melismata MeFi24 in 2023 by jessamyn MeFi Jeopardy! contestants weigh 2nd shot at glory vs. crossing picket line by Etrigan The Greatest Animated Series in the Surreal Sci-Fi Toilet Horror Genre by AlSweigart Police Log: "Misdemeanors: blahblahblhablahb" by not_on_display "For me, being an artist means being in community with others." by jessamyn To be more specific, he's a surgeon. by Fizz when you get your ass handed to you, just hand it right back by cortex "A counterexample to established techno-utopian histories" by box Design notes on the 2023 Wikipedia redesign by Etrigan Writing to possible or impossible audiences by brainwane WAH WAH WAH! [wah wah wah wah waaaaaaah] by cortex a comment by unearthed a comment by dephlogisticated Redditors, in defense of Reddit, destroy Reddit by Rhaomi a comment by sdrawkcab What Should We Learn from Reddit? by Bottlecap Room Temperature Superconductivity? by ZakDaddy The Unreality of Pro Wrestling by Pachylad "Don't rub it too high or someone will cry, and steal your homerun away" by The Pluto Gangsta Iocaine Powder by clawsoon AskMe Memory Filter: what is the name of this design thinking author/blogger? by mecran01 Rhinos named Clara by johngoren What does " T—S.T.D.—B" mean in a book? by whitewall Best "I quit Twitter and my life is richer for it" story? by Jon44 Recommend me brilliant biographies about brilliant women by underclocked I bought a dremel. Tell me everything! by cortex MeTa 2023 MeFi Fundraising Month by loup FanFare The Afterparty Peacemaker Mrs. Davis Silo TV Shows Not Set in the US or England Forged in Fore More MeTa A Memorial Day shoesfullofdust passed away

    192: The week between last week and this week

    192: The week between last week and this week

    A nerdy debate about the relative term "this week" and "last week" and that mystery week in between them. We got together on March 4th and tried not to talk about the weather too much. Runs about 105 minutes. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download No Jobs Except Cortex's New One Projects Lirdle - Like Wordle, but with one lie per answer by morspin (MeFi Post) Word Searches for Dad (and special meta one) by jasondigitized bondcliff's creation My portrait of COVID Toronto in maps by sindark (MeFi Post) Jessamyn's Zipper Epiphany MeFi Penta, Mariya: Rejected by shino-boy The Genetics of Chernobyl's Dogs by bryon Could you live without a cellphone? by SituationNormal Kill Six Billion Demons by curious nu I've heard it too many times to ignore it by DigDoug Nice social media account, shame if something were to happen to it... by gwint The thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts by gwint The natural destination of poor editorial judgment is the court of law. by curious nu What went wrong at the New York Times? by DarlingBri Playdough surgery by gottabefunky Lightning Crashes by Etrigan All The Malevolence Of A Grade School Music Class In A Box by NoxAeternum Infinite Mac by Fiasco da Gama Into the rest of the 20st century by gwint playing a 2x4 through a tacklebox head into a foamcore cabinet by cortex AskMe Tell me about your adventures with pre-internet physical bulletin boards by wowenthusiast Unsmooth the motion on a hotel tv by quintessence Help me find the blowup doll of my youth by queensissy a comment by Larry David Syndrome a comment by BlueHorse How do I make a cake when my resources are depleted? by toucan Please Tell Me about Pre-internet Personals Ads by wowenthusiast FanFare Kaleidoscope: Kaleidoscope (miniseries, all episodes) by adamrice Physical: 100: Physical: 100 by autopilot MetaTalk Open Gaming Thread: What are you playing right now? by Fizz Best of the Web anniversaries and transcripts by Pronoiac New Moderation Team Member by loup ChatGPT-filter by EndsOfInvention March is Steering Committee election season by Rhaomi Snow sounds from Directory Audio

    191: Thoroughly insinuated into the normalcy of our life

    191: Thoroughly insinuated into the normalcy of our life

    More or less on time! New theme song! We talk about heating up water and heating up ourselves. cortex read a lot of MetaFilter this month, Jessamyn's still reading old FanFare threads. Runs about 82 minutes. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Job Lead Product Designer by jchan Projects Mondrian's Toothpicks by cortex The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® The Real Problem With the New Dungeons and Dragons License is Capitalism by overglow Isle of Beasts by Zarkonnen Dither All the Things - Atkinson Dithering for the Web by AndrewStephens Rock Scissor Paper Machine by Literaryhero MeFi Snail Mail Security by cardioid A new kind of smartwatch with a special living component by tiny frying pan 10 PRINT "YADA YADA YADA" / 20 GOTO 10 / RUN by Atom Eyes AV Club: AI Seinfeld show has been given a Twitch suspension "one of many years of Scrabble that I hold dear" by jessamyn "...mourning the loss of yet more games that will soon be lost to time," by Fizz On this website, everyone knows you're a dog by not_on_display Vacuum Cleaner Defense League Knolling for fun and profit by Bella Donna MLTSHP: Dutch emergency services have a gear knolling meme going The Met: Studley Tool Chest Instagram: HAIRCUT Fresh and Full of Life by May Kasahara The Stink A by Etrigan Some Days, the Viewing Felt Like a Curse by logicpunk The Quizzing Equivalent of Holey Moley by Etrigan Remember Y2K? A similar issue will happen in the year 2038. by buffy12 The Mystery of the Dune Font by cgc373 Making Math into Art by duien AskMe ELI5 "Perpetual fireplace" videos by jackbishop Parents: how do you handle non-negotiable extracurriculars? by malhouse a comment by Alensin IRS How? by Alensin "Ingredients people" citation? by shadygrove Another Thing For the Book Of Conflicts by EmpressCallipygos Looking for a sci fi technobabble parody by cheesegrater What is the musical interval/harmony in this song? by unknowncommand FanFare Special Event: The Return of Blaseball by valrus

    190: New Year, New Me... Fi

    190: New Year, New Me... Fi

    Back on track this year. We resolve to get these out on time. More or less. Maybe. Cortex and I talked on January 3rd about our usual nonsense for a tight 87 minutes. Thanks for listening. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download FanFare Letterkenny: Entire Season by fizzix Leverage Rdemption Projects Face To Face: Portraits of People of Color Before Photography by Horace Rumpole jamstats: data analytics for roller derby games by gurple lowercase t: A Very 8-Bit Christmas by ShawnStruck (MeFi Post) The Library Workers' Field Guide to Designing and Discovering Restorative Environments by 10ch Everybody Wins, the greatest board games ever made by Hogshead Psychedelic Drug Legislative Reform and Legalization in the US by jedicus MeFi "Epic put children and teens at risk" by jessamyn It's a book! It's a great wheel! It's a Book Charkha! by janell "We're all the same piece of little stardust energy..." by Ten Cold Hot Dogs They say of the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is... by Etrigan Ana de Armas Fans' Lawsuit Puts Studios at Risk Over Deceptive Trailers by Etrigan The inspiration and raw material to create something new by biogeo "Let me guess. Somebody stole your sweetroll." by Fizz Ah, yes, the [complex plane coordinates] genders by cortex "You don't want little children questioning their budding little bodies" by box "The common good stands as a menace to the status quo." by box Advent Incremental by juv3nal a funny comment by phooky a funny comment by house-goblin AskMe Favorite Internet Radio Stations? by COD Why is it called a "countersink"? by ignignokt (Fewer) papers please by happyfrog Keep me off the streets this winter by escape from the potato planet Looking for books and media with positive neurodivergent representation! by daikaisho Please recommend a book about writing non-fiction books by nezlamnyy Voracious reader of fanfic seeks help by sequel Please help me figure out which edition of a library book I read by Ceridwen MeTa Appreciate your MeFi Holiday Cards here! by HotToddy 6th Annual Mefi Valentine Mail Exchange by SunPower The Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project by chiefthe Lèse-majesté by y2karl Music is from ccMixter and is Dolorem Ipsum by economix

    189: Snowperson Trauma

    189: Snowperson Trauma

    Cortex and I decided to make up for lost time after the delayed previous episode by knocking out another one quick-like, and here it is! Catching up on what we can of the last couple of months of MeFi, and also ranting and philosophizing a little bit about recent seismic changes in the social media sphere and also about design skeuomorphism and the semiotics of interfaces? That last bit is probably overselling it a little? Anyway, runs about 90 minutes. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Misc - Do some last minute holiday shopping at The MeFi Mall - Jessamyn's hone game memory was Kubrix Jobs - Setting up and moderating a Mastodon instance (but not hosting) by Shepherd - Business Process Automation Specialist by chiefthe - Software development guru by Dansaman Projects - Daily MRRP! by ignignokt - Finishing my grandfather's work: stained glass menorah by cortex (MeFi Post) - Part I of my graphic memoir "Growing In My Gray" by DMelanogaster (MeFi Post) - Get Blogging! by bwerdmuller (MeFi Post) - You've Been Played: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All by adrianhon - More "More Info" for Netflix (desktop web) by staggernation MetaFilter - Dear Twitter Advertisers by autopilot - Subterranean birdsite blues by nthdegx - a comment by mark k - Cohost, a new social media site by brainwane - Mastodon is having its moment in the sun by toastyk - Sick of Musk? by dobbs - PSA: do not use services that hate the internet by mecran01 - We knew this was coming by May Kasahara - Advent Incremental by juv3nal - No, that can't be done.... WHAM!!! by Pendragon - To a Nacreon in Heaven by Rhaomi - Yummy: Spammer on Toast! by rcade - Colonel Mustardle in the Yardle with a Petardle by taz - The Great Purpling by Etrigan - Explore Quasi-Periodic Tiling by gwint - Everything in Conway's Game of Life can be constructed from 15 gliders by automatronic - "we were, in effect, rewriting our own childhoods" by jessamyn - The State of Ketchup in 2022 by Fizz Ask MetaFilter - What's your Check Please hand signal, and what does it signify? by cortex - Help me give myself the gift of freedom by rebent - MeFiGiftGuide2022 - The Metafilter Gift Guide by rebent - Comparing apples and oranges by Just this guy, y'know - What is up with these old french cars? by selenized - Sci-fi Survey Course by darchildre - Carnivorous Lamp by Just this guy, y'know MetaTalk - Mefi Mastodon server? by Pronoiac - MeFi Posts for "Sale" by jessamyn - What The MeFi BIPOC Board Does by brainwane MeFi Music Snippest of tracks this episode, at the beginning and end respectively: - Death Scene Music for an Imaginary, Low-Budget Cyberpunk Movie by thatwhichfalls - 73 Keep It Beautiful by chococat

    188: Big Stride Moonshot

    188: Big Stride Moonshot

    Some difficulties hitting escape velocity with this one. We recorded it in October 5th and, well, here it is now. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Helpful links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Misc Jessamyn's Weird Bathroom Damn Bitch, You Live Like This? Buttplug.io MeFi Lumper or Splitter, Tag Yourself Elon Musk Says Fuck It The Deaf Child in Area is Now an Adult and He's Hot The Chess Drama is Over 20 Years of Languagehat History is Freaking Cool You Guys This Post Brought to You by A SYNC I don't Have 1 Billion in the Bank, I Don't Drive Lexuses Oh Bother If You Find A Strange Puzzle Box No Touchy This Isn't How Grief Goes Evil Across Millenia A lumpy toaster a goat exoskeleton and a harmless car walk into a bar Do You Remember I Pray the Tomb Is Shut Forever I Pray the Rock Is Never Rolled Away The Captain and Tenebrous Spiels AskMe What is your favorite song covered by another band Best Video About X Is Y Slowly the west reaches for clothes of new colors Autumn Wedding Poems Please How to Ensure A Happy Old Age Field Specific Terms for We Don't Know MeTa We are Healthy and Vibrant and Remarkably Long Running Have You Read TFA Steering Committee Check In October 2022 Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site Thats Been Around for Long Music Twitter Blues by lipsum

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
25 Ratings

25 Ratings

Lego Damashii ,


I love this podcast. MetaFilter is the best of the web, and this podcast is the best of MetaFilter. Or at least it’s what the awesome Jessamyn and Cortex think is the best/most interesting/weird.
They are two of my favorite parasocial friends, and the show is casual and interesting every time!

Toekneesan ,

Always fun, always informative.

The hosts have a great rapport, and if you're a regular visitor to the site, they helpfully point out posts you may have missed, but which are definitely worth a look.

Johnny Wallflower ,

Lots of fun

If you read MetaFilter, you'll enjoy hearing the hosts banter about their favorite items from the previous month. If you don't read MF, you owe it to yourself to check out one of the most interesting and intelligent sites on the Internet.

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