Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - podcast by Davidhorn

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - podcast by Davidhorn

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is a podcast for interviewers: investigators, law enforcement officers, policymakers, scholars, journalists and business or HR executives . ​ It provides listeners with knowledge, historical background and tools to master Investigative Interviewing, a key component in reducing doubt, gathering strong evidence, safeguarding people from miscarriages of justice, and nurturing trust within communities.​ It also sheds light on a collective path towards a better world, guided by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #16. This goal is a blueprint for fostering peaceful, inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice for all, and developing effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at every level.​



Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is a podcast for interviewers: investigators, law enforcement officers, policymakers, scholars, journalists and business or HR executives . ​ It provides listeners with knowledge, historical background and tools to master Investigative Interviewing, a key component in reducing doubt, gathering strong evidence, safeguarding people from miscarriages of justice, and nurturing trust within communities.​ It also sheds light on a collective path towards a better world, guided by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #16. This goal is a blueprint for fostering peaceful, inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice for all, and developing effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at every level.​

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