28 episodes

Let's get Beyond The Damage Of Words! Katrina Collier healed self-hate and gained self-mastery by overcoming narcissistic child abuse and complex-PTSD. Now, she interviews others who also chose to create a better, happier future by overcoming trauma, neglect, grief, addictions and more. Let their stories of change & healing inspire you. Let's start a #lightrevolution 💛✨

P.S. Katrina shares all in The Damage of Words: A Memoir Of Healing Self-Hate And Gaining Self-Love. Sprinkled among these interviews she will share some of her memoir.

Beyond The Damage Of Words Katrina Collier

    • Education

Let's get Beyond The Damage Of Words! Katrina Collier healed self-hate and gained self-mastery by overcoming narcissistic child abuse and complex-PTSD. Now, she interviews others who also chose to create a better, happier future by overcoming trauma, neglect, grief, addictions and more. Let their stories of change & healing inspire you. Let's start a #lightrevolution 💛✨

P.S. Katrina shares all in The Damage of Words: A Memoir Of Healing Self-Hate And Gaining Self-Love. Sprinkled among these interviews she will share some of her memoir.

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    Ep. 26: Healing To Shine Your Light and Change Lives with Chantelle Larsen

    Ep. 26: Healing To Shine Your Light and Change Lives with Chantelle Larsen

    Healing, the only choice for Chantelle Larsen

    Have you ever considered how healing can shine your light and help you transform lives? Inner work and healing are the sole pathways to shining our light. We cannot give others what we don't have from within or from an empty cup, and healing allows us to regain our power and fill our cup. It's through inner work that we find solace in creating a safe space where we can connect with ourselves, our environment, and others.

    Healing is all about self-awareness and acceptance. It allows us to release the burdens that dim our inner radiance. It uncovers the layers of tension and trauma, paving the way for our authentic essence to emerge and radiate brightly.

    Join the conversation with Chantelle Larsen as she shares her healing journey, body therapy healing, the importance of therapy, and how it can help you shine your light and change lives. It's time to uncover your power to heal, grow, and, ultimately, shine your light into the world.

    Tune in!

    Connect with Chantelle Larsen on LinkedIn  [https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantelleedwards/]

    • 36 min
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    Ep. 25 Embracing Authenticity with Ian Pettigrew

    Ep. 25 Embracing Authenticity with Ian Pettigrew

    Embracing our authentic selves becomes more attainable when we free ourselves from the shackles of other people's opinions. Pretending to be someone we're not—it's draining and unsustainable.

    Authenticity not only benefits us personally but also enhances empathy and understanding toward others. Recognizing the inherent value in every individual allows us to appreciate their unique contributions to our lives. By shifting our focus from judgment to acceptance, we become catalysts for change, enhancing a culture of inclusivity and resilience where everyone can find healing, hope, and acceptance.

    While we may not be able to give hope directly, we can certainly cultivate an environment where hope can flourish, empower us to envision a brighter future, and take actionable steps toward it.

    Join the conversation with Ian Pettigrew as he shares his journey of hope and healing, the transformative power of inner work, the power of the story we tell ourselves, embracing authenticity and vulnerability in who we are, and finding hope in every situation. Learn how to embrace your true self and confront life with courage and resilience.

    Tune in now! 🎧

    Standout Quotes:

    * "Vulnerability is easier when we're not bothered by what people think." – Ian [19:07]
    * "If we pretend to be something else, this comes at a cost, and it can be exhausting."- Ian [19:30]
    * "Being able to be who we are enables us to accept other people and see the power and the value that they bring." –  Ian [20:30]
    * "Hope is about a belief in a better future, being able to see the path and knowing you can do what you need to do to make it." –  Ian [21:54]
    * "If you can get people to start looking at people around them and valuing who they are instead of judging the difference, that's a game changer." – Ian [28:32]
    * "We can't truly give hope, but we can help people find hope." – Ian [31:38]

    Connect with Ian Pettigrew on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianpettigrew/]

    • 36 min
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    Ep. 24: Your Inner Dialogue with Kim Lokenberg

    Ep. 24: Your Inner Dialogue with Kim Lokenberg

    Transforming Your Life from Within. Have you ever wondered how harnessing the power of positive inner dialogue could completely transform your life?

    Cultivating a positive inner dialogue and mindset requires a mindset shift that begins with embracing self-compassion and mindfulness. It involves recognising and challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with affirming and empowering thoughts. A mindset shift is all about reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth, learning how to practice gratitude for the present moment, and nurturing a sense of self-worth independent of external validation.

    By consciously choosing your responses to life's challenges, setting boundaries for your well-being, and nurturing positive self-talk, you create a supportive inner environment that nourishes your mental and emotional well-being. This, in turn, leads to greater resilience, self-confidence, happiness, and fulfilment in life.

    Join the conversation with Kim Lokenberg as she shares her journey to healing, the importance of therapy, strategies to overcome the stigma surrounding therapy, how to find the best fit that works for you, and tips to transform your life. It's time to transform your life and step into a happy future.

    Tune in!

    Standout Quotes:

    * "It's okay to be sad about it, and it's okay to be scared about it; being ok with it is like coming home." – Kim [14:15]
    * "Get better to feel better and choose what you want to do with your life; there is a difference between getting better to work and to feel better."- Kim [23:42]
    * "If a boundary around work is not impacting, you can let it slip, but when they are for your life and what you are going to do, the boundaries should be firm." –  Katrina [24:15]
    * "If you are doubtful about therapy, try different things which you are happy with to find what works for you." –  Kim [25:55]
    * "When you have less stress in your brain, you function better." – Kim [30:41]
    * "Therapy can be done remotely; there is no reason why it cannot fit." –  Katrina [31:13]

    Connect with Kim Lokenberg: Website [https://thelokenbergs.com/]or LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/gordonlokenberg]

    • 35 min
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    Ep. 23: Cultivating Peace, Love & Abundance Through Healing with Isobel Gatherer

    Ep. 23: Cultivating Peace, Love & Abundance Through Healing with Isobel Gatherer

    Cultivating peace, love, and abundance through healing is a transformative journey that begins with embracing our vulnerability, acknowledging our own experiences, and nurturing a deep sense of self-love and acceptance. Working on ourselves allows us to explore the depths of our inner being to uncover layers of past conditioning and traumas.

    By acknowledging our experiences, bravely speaking them out, being vulnerable, and embracing our spirituality, we not only heal ourselves but also create a space for others to do the same. Healing not only allows us to mend the fractures within ourselves but also creates a ripple effect on those around us and beyond. Through forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, and self-discovery, we can break the cycle of pain and create a world where every heart is embraced and every soul is empowered to flourish in the light of love.

    Join the conversation with Isobel Gatherer as she shares her journey to healing and tips to transform your life, cultivate peace and love, and get to the other side through healing. Isobel is a spiritual guide, intuitive reader, clairvoyant, clairaudient, soul mentor, and energy healer. She works very closely with the angelic realms, spirit guides, ascended masters, and goddesses to channel spiritual guidance from them to help people let go of the fears keeping them 'stuck' or getting in the way of their growth and expansion.

    Standout Quotes:

    * "Talk about it even if you are talking to yourself and let it come through so that it doesn't build up; let it move and shift the whole time." - Isobel [08:20]
    * "Vulnerability is a place where you access all that is within."- Isobel [15:31]
    * "There is fear of being vulnerable, but vulnerability is the strength, and everybody loves it when we're vulnerable." -  Katrina [15:52]
    * "We become more vulnerable and more comfortable with vulnerability as we heal." -  Katrina [16:03]
    * "From peace and love, you can still grow and bring wonderful things in your life; it's a wonderful platform to bounce off rather than despair." - Isobel [31:11]

    Connect with Isobel Gatherer

    Website: https://www.isobelgatherer.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/isobelgatherer/

    • 38 min
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    Ep. 22: Breaking The Stigma with Matt Jessop

    Ep. 22: Breaking The Stigma with Matt Jessop

    Matt Jessop talks about breaking the stigma and asking for help.   

    Does seeking help make you feel like you are giving up your power? Does guilt get in the way every time you put your needs first? In a society that often glorifies selflessness and sacrifice, it's crucial to recognise that seeking help and prioritising your well-being are not signs of weakness. Rather, they are powerful acts of self-love and resilience. Breaking the stigma, by acknowledging your own needs and reaching out for support, you are taking a proactive step towards creating a foundation for a happy, healthier and more fulfilling life.  

    We're all very different, and we need different forms of support to navigate the complexities of life. Going inward, understanding what you need to thrive and asking for help requires self-awareness and cultivating habits to enhance your emotional, mental, and physical health. Your well-being and happiness matter. Learn how to create a safe space where you can express your authentic self and seek help without the fear of judgment.  

    Join the conversation with Matt Jessop as he shares his journey through healing and self-care practices to help you move past challenges and transform your life. Matt's story serves as a guiding light and a reminder that the path to healing is not linear; it's a dynamic process that involves seeking help, facing setbacks, and celebrating victories.   It's time for breaking the stigma and cycles, and to experience your transformations.

    Connect with Matt Jessop on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattjessop/] 

    • 35 min
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    Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth

    Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth

    Amanda Ashworth found the inner work key! 

    Do you feel like success is within reach, but something, perhaps even yourself, is holding you back? Are those nagging limiting beliefs and negative self-talk holding you back from reaching your full potential?

    Doing the "inner work" and moving towards your healing can be a game changer. Healing is a journey that involves self-reflection, self-compassion, and addressing limiting beliefs. It demands a commitment to self-discovery and dismantling obstacles hindering self-development. Imagine going deep within, getting to know yourself deeply, and rewriting the stories you tell yourself. Doing the inner work is about going within, breaking free from the shackles of limiting beliefs, and cultivating the best version of yourself. The journey to healing starts from within.

    Join the conversation with Amanda Ashworth as she shares her healing journey, self-care, limiting beliefs, and tools to help you get out of your way and do the inner work to enhance your healing journey. Tune in and learn how intentional healing practices nurture personal growth and create a foundation for becoming the best version of yourself.

    Key Highlights
    * [00:00] Introduction to the show
    * [00:50] What led Amanda into her healing journey
    * [02:36] How Amanda was stopping herself and getting on her own way
    * [04:03] How to evolve while connecting with the right coaches
    * [04:39] Limiting beliefs and how Amanda recognised and acknowledged them
    * [07:27] The stories we tell ourselves and how to move past them
    * [09:51] Selfcare and Amanda's journey to nurturing her feminine self
    * [11:43] Ego Vs. intuition: Learning to listen to self without judgment
    * [14:32] The difference between therapy and coaching and Amanda's experience
    * [18:40] Amanda's shamanic journey and how it fits into her process
    * [23:22] Doing the inner work and practising gratitude in life
    * [27:17] Learning to be vulnerable and honest with your emotions
    * [34:16] Self-talk and releasing negative emotions and energy
    * [36:28] How to reach out and connect with Amanda
    * [36:42] Wrap and end the show

    Standout Quotes:
    * "If you are truly evolving, that coach is not going to suit you further down the line." - Amanda [4:04]
    * "If you don't do the work and don't believe you are worthy, you are not going to get there." - Amanda [23:22]
    * "If you can't appreciate what you have, you can't expect the universe to send you more." - Amanda [24:05]
    * "You can't rely on someone else for your self-esteem; that will take away your self-worth and healing; you have to create your own self-esteem."- Katrina [27:06]
    * "You owe it to yourself to do the inner work because you only have the power to do it."- Amanda [34:18]
    * "Everything in your life happened for a reason, and changing your past would change the person you are now."- Amanda [35:55]
    * "Whichever path you take, the most important thing is to get to that point where you are at peace with it."- Katrina [35:38]

    Resources mentioned
    * The Body Keeps The Score [https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/01431277.48] by Bessel van der Kolk:
    * Tell Yourself A Better Lie [https://a.co/d/1HkT8ih] by Marisa Peer:

    Connect with Amanda Ashworth: Website [https://www.amandaashworth.com/], LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandaashworth/] and  Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/dubaitravelmum/]

    • 37 min

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