BeyondAutism podcast series

Podcast BeyondAutism podcast series

Our podcast series provides discussion around a range of topics, all underpinned by the principles of Behaviour Analysis. Hear our staff and guest speakers discuss research in the field of Behaviour Analysis, the practice it inspired at BeyondAutism, and the positive impact seen on the lives of the individuals involved. Much of our content is CEU-accredited, with each applicable podcast providing at least one Learning Credit for just £5 per CEU. Visit our website for more details:

  1. 19/12/2019

    Preparing for less intensive settings

    Andrew Swartfigure BCBA, Director of Services, with BeyondAutism, talks with Liz Burns, Behaviour Analyst at BeyondAutism and Michelle Frangos, Head of Pastoral at BeyondAutism. In this podcast we explore the impact of effective person centred and multi-disciplinary working and how working effectively can mean that children can move to less intensive provisions. This podcast is ACE accredited, providing one Learning credit. To apply for this CEU, click here. Or why not get 3 CEUs for the price of 2 here? If you have a spare moment, we'd greatly appreciate any feedback you can share to help us improve our content. References discussed Fox, L., Dunlap, G. & Crushing, L. (2002) Early intervention, positive behavior support and transition to school. J Emot Behav Disord; 10(3): 149–157. Koegel, R.L., & Koegel, L.K. (1990) Extended reductions in stereotypic behavior of students with autism through a self-management treatment package. J Appl Behav Anal; 23: 119–127. Freeman, J.L. (2016) Transitioning Children with Autism from One-On-One Discrete-Trial Settings to Special Education Classrooms (online). ProQuest LLC. Dissertation. Kuypers, L. (2013) The Zones of Regulation: A Framework to Foster Self-Regulation. Sensory Integration; 36(4): 1–3. Sundberg, M.L. (2008) VB-MAPP Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program. A Language and Social Skills Assessment Program for Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities. Concord, CA: AVB Press. Click here if you'd like to read the full case study.

    1 giờ 8 phút
  2. 16/09/2020

    The introduction of a desensitisation programme to teach teeth brushing toleration

    Andrew Swartfigure BCBA, Director of Services, talks with Rebecca Lowes, Behaviour Analyst at BeyondAutism, Taylor Christensen, OT at BeyondAutism and Tom Bailey, Head of Therapies at BeyondAutism. When necessary health care needs are more important than preferences. How do you begin to approach oral care when the individual finds it aversive? We explore how this was achieved and how beginning to teach autonomy through escape mands can support desensitisation. This podcast is ACE accredited, providing one Learning credit. To apply for this CEU, click here. Or why not get 3 CEUs for the price of 2 here? If you have a spare moment, we'd greatly appreciate any feedback you can share to help us improve our content. References discussed Bishop, M.R., Kenzer, A.L., Coffman, C.M., Tarbox, C.M., Tarbox, J. and Lanagan, T.M. (2013) Using stimulus fading without escape extinction to increase compliance with toothbrushing in children with autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord; 7(6): 680–686. Carter, L., Harper, J.M., & Luiselli, J.K. (2019). Dental Desensitization for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Graduated Exposure, Reinforcement, and Reinforcement-Fading. J Dev Phys Disabil; 31(2): 161–170. Diab, H.M., Motlaq, S.S., Alsharare, A., Alshammery, A., Alshammery, N., Khawja, S.G., & Shah, A.H. (2016). Comparison of gingival health and salivary parameters among autistic and non-autistic school children in Riyadh. J Clin Diagn Res; 10(10): ZC110. Lewis, C., Vigo, L., Novak, L., & Klein, E.J. (2015). Listening to parents: a qualitative look at the dental and oral care experiences of children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatr Dent; 37(7): 98E–104E. Loo, C.Y., Graham, R.M., & Hughes, C.V. (2008). The caries experience and behavior of dental patients with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Dent Assoc; 139(11): 1518–1524. Shabani, D.B., & Fisher, W.W. (2006). Stimulus fading and differential reinforcement for the treatment of needle phobia in a youth with autism. J Appl Behav Anal; 39(4): 449–452. Stein, L. I., Polido, J. C., Mailloux, Z., Coleman, G.G., & Cermak, S.A. (2011). Oral care and sensory sensitivities in children with autism spectrum disorders. Spec Care Dentist; 31(3): 102–110. Click here if you'd like to read the full case study.

    1 giờ 3 phút

Giới Thiệu

Our podcast series provides discussion around a range of topics, all underpinned by the principles of Behaviour Analysis. Hear our staff and guest speakers discuss research in the field of Behaviour Analysis, the practice it inspired at BeyondAutism, and the positive impact seen on the lives of the individuals involved. Much of our content is CEU-accredited, with each applicable podcast providing at least one Learning Credit for just £5 per CEU. Visit our website for more details:

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