Bad Faith

Briahna Joy Gray
Bad Faith

America's only podcast. // with Briahna Joy Gray, former National Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign // Subscribe for exclusive premium episodes at / @badfaithpod / badfaithpodcast at gmail dot com

  1. 시즌1 에피소드445 예고편

    Episode 445 Promo - From "Merit" to Eugenics: Elon Musk's Plan for America (w/ Anita Say Chan)

    Subscribe to Bad Faith on Patreon to instantly unlock this episode and our entire premium episode library: Sometimes there's an interview that brings radical clarity about the current moment. Professor Anita Say Chan's book Predatory Data: Eugenics in Big Tech & Our Fight for an Independent Future ties Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and the tech billionaires empowered under Trump to eugenics movement of the 19th and 20th centuries with chilling specificity. She offers two key insights: first, that the focus on "merit" is an effort to convince Americans to give up democracy (in which everyone gets a vote/say/rights on the basis of their humanity) in favor of a system where various characteristics (such as IQ/race) "qualify" one for human rights. Second, she argues that by claiming only they (and their individual genius) can save the world, tech giants are persuading Americans that government should shrink to a "benevolent autocracy" where the rich rule. As Peter Thiel has said, "I no longer believe that freedom and Democracy are compatible." Seen through the lens of the eugenics movement, the end goals become shockingly clear, as does the role the left must play. Subscribe to Bad Faith on YouTube for video of this episode. Find Bad Faith on Twitter (@badfaithpod) and Instagram (@badfaithpod). Produced by Armand Aviram. Theme by Nick Thorburn (@nickfromislands).



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America's only podcast. // with Briahna Joy Gray, former National Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign // Subscribe for exclusive premium episodes at / @badfaithpod / badfaithpodcast at gmail dot com

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