Big Tech: Renewable Energy Champion or Climate Pariah

Back On The Grid

Data center growth, REC accounting concerns, and behind-the-meter nuclear contracts. What the heck is going on with big tech companies and carbon emissions these days?

Works Referenced – check em’ out!

Rhodium Group, Taking Stock 2024: US Energy and Emissions Outlook, July 2024,

Princeton REPEAT Lab, Climate Progress 2024: REPEAT Project's Annual U.S. Emissions Pathways Update, August 2024,

Goldman Sachs, AI is poised to drive 160% increase in data center power demand, May 2024,

Bloomberg, AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systems, June 2024,

Financial Times, Big Tech’s bid to rewrite the rules on net zero (August 2024),

Utility Dive, Talen Energy defends interconnection agreement for Amazon data center at nuclear plant (June 2024),

Katie Tarasov, CNBC, Generative AI requires massive amounts of power and water, and the aging U.S. grid can’t handle the load (July 2024),


  • 00:00–Data Center Growth
  • 01:55–Data Center Installs Fossil Fuel Plant
  • 2:50–Talen AWS Nuclear Deal in Pennsylvania
  • 3:30–Positive News! Ok No.
  • 3:40–Greenwashing with RECs
  • 4:58–Power Offtake Agreements
  • 6:20–Do Companies Even Care About Emissions?
  • 6:48–In Defense of RECs
  • 7:50–Thought Experiment: Marginal Benefit of 1 MWh renewable energy
  • 8:50–Solar vs Solar: Individual Project Lifecycle Emissions
  • 9:30–RECs seem wrong! But probably still useful
  • 10:00–Google’s Solution
  • 10:21–Verdict
  • 11:15–Long-term power contracts

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