Biopsychosocial Model & Body Shaming - S1 E3 Understanding Body Shaming

Body Shame | Understanding Body Shaming by Dhiraj

In this episode 3 of "Understanding Body Shaming", we delve into the biopsychosocial model and its connection to mental health and body shaming. We aim to shed light on how this model helps us to evaluate the prevalence of body shaming and to suggest effective coping mechanisms. Furthermore, we explore how each dimension of this model plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing. Our goal is to increase understanding and promote positive change towards body acceptance and self-love. To watch the video of this episode please visit . For more such podcasts, vidoes and articles on Body shaming and Mental Health please visit Psyogy is a research platfrom by Dhiraj, a Ph.D Scholar in Psychology currently researching the implications of body shaming using biopsychosocial model.

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