Michael Graham-Court explores how singing can enrich communities and learns about the Welsh tradition of Male Voice Choirs that has inspired WNO’s new production Blaze of Glory!
In this episode, Michael is joined by the director and conductor of Blaze of Glory!, Caroline Clegg and Stephen Higgins.
Mae Michael Graham-Court yn archwilio sut all canu gyfoethogi cymunedau wrth iddo ddysgu am draddodiad Corau Meibion Cymru a ysbrydolodd gynhyrchiad newydd WNO, Blaze of Glory!
Mae Michael yn cael cwmni cyfarwyddwr ac arweinydd Blaze of Glory!, Caroline Clegg a Stephen Higgins.
- 节目
- 发布时间2023年3月28日 UTC 05:00
- 长度27 分钟
- 季3
- 单集2
- 分级儿童适宜