Bloomberg Surveillance

The economy and the markets are "under surveillance" as we cover the latest in finance, economics and investment. Listen to Jonathan Ferro, Lisa Abramowicz and Annmarie Hordern for the top interviews from Bloomberg Surveillance Television. And join Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney for the best conversations from Bloomberg Surveillance Radio. Watch Surveillance TV LIVE each mornings: Watch Surveillance Radio LIVE weekday mornings:
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Surveillance 10/18
Too many times, should be zero, brieng politics in to podcast.
New episodes aren’t available on Podcasts app
19 févr.
but are posted on BB website.
7 févr.
Wonderful podcast. Very informative and entertaining.
Best markets anchors!
26 janv.
I’ve been in the industry for over 20yrs and can’t start my morning without listening to Bloomberg Surveillance. Smartest, down to earth anchors interviewing smart people for 3 hours.. it can’t get any better. I miss Tom Keene on TV but Ann Marie is sharp. No other program gets close to the level of interesting guests and interviews that appear on this show!
Subscriber edition
I use the subscriber edition. Over the last few weeks the episode lengths of Surveillance are also getting shorter. Just like the Bloomberg Intelligence podcast. Great content and coverage with insightful commentary but feeling shafted by the shorter episodes. Inflation in full effect
Audio is difficult to listen to
The audio mix is very bad. The dialogue is quite low, so you to turn your volume up, and then the commercial break comes on VERY LOUD. Their producer/engineer needs to normalize the volume between segments.
Interesting Democrat Propaganda
No attempt at being even handed, but it’s still interesting and often has good discussions. Sometimes the analysis is so outrageously biased that they barely even talk about the actual news. They just mention it, and then start ranting about the perceived politics of the individuals involved
Extremely biased on political discussion
The political bias and attacks on certain leaders in this podcast is extreme. No wonder the American public has little faith in their media. Get back to the basics of reporting on finance and economics without the your personal opinions and those of your general partner Michael Bloomberg. I just want unbiased reporting, how hard can that be? Will unsubscribe until after the elections.
Poor Audio
Bloomberg Surveillance TV has very poor audio. It is difficult to hear. This can be fixed.
Great team, great podcast, great interviews!
A man who can fill the air among the best of them is now making money from it. Marked deterioration, switch to Macro & Foreign affairs, and monetization of podcast. I guess they believe they can answer those big issues that experts disagree on. Maybe they switched to high-brow talk radio format Update 2023 I switched to listening to The Tape, Surveillance, this podcast show has gotten too macro. More for policy matters, the State Department (interviews with Admirals), and other issues above my interest. I look forward to this podcast, and I feel it is the best free American podcast that I listen to on my IPhone. I do not find it as partisan as some have criticized; nothing like Fox or NPR bias. In my opinion, the voices are fine, no vocal fry, like some WSJ commentators. However, opinions must differ in life. Thanks, to all of the staff and guests for the interesting interviews. Getting more stratospheric. Seems airy. Lost this listener. Update—It appears that the highly paid & highly educated staff has become too inebriated with success that they grounded the ship.
À propos
- Chaîne
- CréationBloomberg
- Années d’activité2008 - 2025
- Épisodes2 k
- ClassificationTous publics
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Site web de l’émission
- FournisseurBloomberg L.P.
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