If you love nature then you have to listen to our whale sounds for sleep episode with blue whale sounds! We found the perfect whale song for sleep so you can take the relaxing sound of whale sleep music with you wherever you go.
Get away from it all with our whale music to help you sleep. With calming whale sounds you can be lulled to sleep with our high quality whale sounds to sleep.
If you love natures sounds for sleep then you have to listen to our whale noises to sleep with blue whale call! With whale noises for sleeping, this episode will quickly become one of your favorite sound machine for sleep with the perfect blue whale song!
Variety is important when it come to sleep sounds which is why we took the slow sound of calming whale noises; similar to the sound of a ticking clock for a restful experience. If you love natural water sounds for sleeping then this is the episode for you. If you love calm, slow, steady then you have to hear our whale music to sleep episode.
Our whale call sound machine will make a great addition to your white noise machine routine. If you love the white noise, then why not listen to our whale sounds for sleeping episode featuring blue whale noise?
- Émission
- FréquenceTous les mois
- Publiée12 juillet 2023 à 04:00 UTC
- Durée5 h
- ClassificationTous publics