Bobs and Pineapples – Mister MacNugget 13

The Mister MacNugget Show

Rituals make up a big part of our lives that we often never think of because we’re so busy doing them on auto-pilot.  MacNugget has a couple rituals he’d like to share with you here on this episode of the show.

The first is his Amusement Parking hat.  Being a gentleman of a certain age, the sun has a way of finding the bald spot on the back of his head, so when he goes to Kings Island, he reaches for his favorite hat.  It’s a Monsters University hat he got on his trip to Walt Disney World.  Interestingly, he is onto his second MU hat due to a run in with the roller coaster Diamondback and the roof of a park eatery called Potato Works.

The second ritual has to do with cleanliness.  Do you use a loofah?  If not, you should.  They’re delightful, like a little cloud of soapy happiness, caressing your parts in the most delicate of ways.  Problem with this ritual is that MacNugget’s family also use their own loofah, causing his to be pushed to the back of the bunch, which causes them all to fall each morning when he showers.  Cause and effect.  The name of the game.

Twitch is a fun place.  People play games, and you watch.  MacNugget had an interesting encounter with a Twitch streamer who said one thing in her “rules” section, but clearly meant something completely opposite of her rules in practice.  He decided to educate her chat on the proper way to cut a fresh pineapple to great results!

Sit back, grab your park hat and loofah.  It’s about to get weird.

The post Bobs and Pineapples – Mister MacNugget 13 first appeared on Movie Guys {dot} org.








