Pardon the Mess with Courtney DeFeo

Pardon the Mess with Courtney DeFeo

As parents, we know raising kids is the opposite of neat and tidy. Each day brings wins, losses and valuable lessons. Pardon the Mess is a place where we discuss parenting and faith in a biblical, approachable and relatable way. We may cry and laugh while we learn and grow together in our beautiful mess. Pardon the Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

  1. Creative storytelling in parenting with Dallas Jenkins

    -19 Ч

    Creative storytelling in parenting with Dallas Jenkins

    I couldn’t wait to have a chat with the founder, producer and director of The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins. Although that’s super cool - I also wanted it to be practical for us as parents. He was fantastic! My kids are very visual learners and I am sure many of your children are as well, so I wanted to hear his thoughts on creative storytelling. Some kids cannot read the Bible and get what they need right away. They don’t understand the context around the stories. Dallas is a master at providing context to scriptural truth through his TV series and films.  This conversation challenged me to keep thinking creatively about how we infuse virtues, values and faith in the lives of my kids. It encouraged me to keep living faith more than I lecture about it. We know that much of life’s most valuable lessons are “caught not taught.” It reminded me to relax if my kids are more into movies, books, music vs reading. My favorite part is the amazing God story behind his newest movie for kids, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It is truly extraordinary how it came about. I can't wait to take my kids to see it (with all of their friends) and kick off the season that is all about the birth of our Savior. In this episode, we chat about: How The Chosen series changed my neighbor’s lifeHow to use creative storytelling in your parenting How Dallas’ latest movie came about and how it can benefit your family Enjoy! Courtney (00:00) The Power of Friendship and Faith (02:53) Transformative Impact of 'The Chosen' (06:05) Family Dynamics and Sacrifices (09:01) Creative Storytelling in Parenting (12:00) The New Movie: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (14:55) Behind the Scenes of the Movie Production (17:51) The Journey of Faith and Persistence (21:00) Encouragement for Families and Communities Connect with Pardon The Mess: Christian Parenting Pardon The Mess  Courtney DeFeo Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith Resources from today’s show: The Chosen The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Christian Parenting Christmas Gift Guide Carpool Conversations  Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    32 мин.
  2. BONUS: How to Discern His Truth

    -4 ДН.

    BONUS: How to Discern His Truth

    “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9–11) Biblical discernment is understanding something through the power of the Holy Spirit. It means being able to see what is good vs. evil, false teaching vs. truth, wise vs. unwise. Being discerning does not mean being judgemental, though it is easy to fall into that. Being discerning means being able to distinguish the voice and will of God from the noise of the world. It is so easy to accept what we see on social media, the news, or the internet as truth. But so often, it is far from the truth. Even our favorite Christian writers, podcasters, or pastors could share false teachings. Our kids are growing up in a world that is completely different from the world we grew up in. The access to information alone is overwhelming, which is why we need to be praying that our kids know how to discern God’s truth in the world around them.  Our kids will face peer pressure to do things that they know aren’t right, they will be taught to follow their emotions and desires over the Lord, and they will be told that there are ways that are better than God’s. The ability to recognize those things as harmful and untrue is a gift that we all desire for our kids.  For our kids to truly live in God’s will, they need to have a discerning spirit, so let’s pray for their ability to discern truth this week. Father God, I pray that ____________ will learn to test what they read, hear, and see with scripture. Help them to seek your truth above all else. I pray that your word will guide their paths. May they base their life on your truth instead of the lies of the enemy and of this world. Will you daily renew their minds and make their hearts wholeheartedly devoted to you? Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    7 мин.
  3. Overcoming abuse & finding identity in Christ

    17 ОКТ.

    Overcoming abuse & finding identity in Christ

    In this week’s episode, I have the honor of chatting with Reese - a college-aged friend that I adore. She bravely shares her testimony - one that involves abuse by a coach, a “not guilty” jury decision and God’s faithfulness through it all. Reese wanted to come on and share her story so that parents see that an authentic faith is often born from life’s toughest struggles.  When I asked Reese’s mom about this journey, this was her text to me. “My daughter’s journey reminds us that God can use even our worst fears and redeem them. We can’t protect our kids from their testimony. God always takes what the enemy intends for evil for good. Maybe even their very purpose. Trusting him with their growth and process and pain. We were the parents with such tight controls. No sleepovers. No phones until HS. No ipads. Locked down YouTube. My control can’t protect her from everything.” My favorite part is when she shares a story of how God spoke directly to her during some of the hardest parts of her story. It gave me chills and also great comfort. It reminded me that no matter what our kids face - they will never be alone. I can either get swallowed up with fear and the “what if’s” of parenting or I can make the choice to lean into faith and trust God has them. He has them in the best of times and the worst.  I am so excited for you to hear from an 18-year-old with a solid and authentic faith that wasn’t born out of a perfect life. Her faith is hers, it’s tested and it’s remarkable.  In this episode, we discuss: Reese’s story of abuse Authentic faith birthed through hardest timesHow she experienced God so personally Rees’s encouragement for parents  Enjoy, Courtney 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:01 Impacting Children's Faith 04:18 Overcoming Abuse and Finding Identity in Christ 08:47 Timeline and Legal Proceedings 17:06 Experiencing God through Visions and Dreams 19:28 The Table of the Lord 27:50 Encouragement for Parents Connect with Pardon The Mess: Christian Parenting Pardon The Mess  Courtney DeFeo Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith Resources from today’s show: Reese’s ministry - Abundant Grace God Made All Of Me - recommended book for littles Birds and Bees Birds and Bees Episode Untold - her favorite ministry in Africa Ella’s purple dress from Amazon Identity Simplified Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    34 мин.
  4. BONUS: God’s Word

    14 ОКТ.

    BONUS: God’s Word

    “But Jesus told him, 'No! The Scriptures say, "People do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God"’” (Matthew 4:4 NLT) Reading the Bible and memorizing scripture matters because it is one way we can fight the battles in our own lives—both big and small. Scripture can help our kids (and us!) feel confident in our God-given identity, face a life crisis, and everything in between. Knowing God’s word also develops our faith and brings us closer to God. Every bit of scripture is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12), God-breathed, and teaches us to live righteously (2 Timothy 3:16).  The more we know God’s word and keep it in our hearts, the more we understand God’s heart and his ways, aligning our wills to his. The word of God protects us from the desire to do it all by ourselves and replaces that desire with the desire to let God direct our paths. God loves us too much to leave us to our own devices. He reveals truth to us through his word so that the desires of our hearts become more like his! So this week, let’s pray that our kids will know the word of God and lean on it to guide them in every area of their lives.  Father God, I pray that  ____________ grows to learn your word, love your word, and see it as holy and infallible.  May they love the Bible and read it daily with the goal of knowing your heart more and more. May they rely on your word to direct their paths. Remind them to hide your word in their hearts so they can use it to fight any battle they face—now and in the future. Amen. Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    12 мин.
  5. Broken trust & healing tough relationships with Lysa TerKeurst

    10 ОКТ.

    Broken trust & healing tough relationships with Lysa TerKeurst

    It’s an absolute delight to have my dear friend Lysa TerKeurst on the podcast today. Lysa has been sharing her deepest struggles through writing books, devotionals and bible studies for decades. She has a beautiful way combining biblical truth and heartfelt empathy that makes us all feel less alone.  In today’s episode, we discuss TRUST and DISTRUST. She shares that when you starve a relationship from trust - it’s like not giving a human air to breathe. I can imagine that many of you are working through some trust issues - we all are. Whether it’s a broken friendship or marriage or a strained relationship with a family member or dear friend. It can be really hard to manage the healing and repairing process for yourself and even more difficult when it involves your children.  One of my favorite parts is when she talks about the importance of healing in a community. She shares how natural it can be to isolate when you’re hurt - but trust rebuilds in community. I am praying this episode touches a tender topic with such encouragement and practical help. In this episode we discuss: Why trust is crucial to all human relationshipsHow to manage broken hearts and relationships while raising kidsHow to move towards healing with resilience  Enjoy! Courtney 00:00 Practical Wisdom and Biblical Truth: A Conversation on Trust and Distrust 03:16 The Impact of Broken Trust: Emotional Abuse and Betrayal Trauma 15:24 Triggers and Discernment: Patterns of Behavior and Self-Exploration 32:55 Resilience and Healing: Overcoming Broken Trust Connect with Pardon The Mess: Christian Parenting Pardon The Mess  Courtney DeFeo Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith Resources from today’s show: I Want To Trust You, But I Can’t - Lysa’s newest book Dr Amen and Lysa - her brain scan EMDR Therapy WOW - root cover up Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    41 мин.
  6. BONUS: The Power of Prayer

    7 ОКТ.

    BONUS: The Power of Prayer

    “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (1 John 5:14) One amazing way our kids can know more about God is through prayer. The practice of prayer involves talking to God and listening to God. We tend to be better at the talking part because, with the busyness of our lives, it can be a real challenge to slow ourselves down and listen to God! But we can’t hear a whisper when we’re running. As parents, our role is to help guide our kids into a mature faith where they can quiet themselves enough to hear God’s voice.  Prayer should not be an afterthought in our minds. Going to God and conversing with him should be our first thought when we start a new day, face a dilemma, or experience something great! We know prayer changes things. Prayer transforms hearts, renews minds, and gives us peace that passes all understanding. We need to remember that promise because God, who wants to talk with us, will answer every prayer. It might just look different than we expect – sometimes “no” is an answer and other times we won’t understand how he answered a prayer until much later, or even heaven.  So this week let’s pray that our kids stand in confidence, knowing that God always hears them and wants to talk with them. Lord, may ______________ make prayer a priority in their schedule. When something happens, may their first instinct be to talk to you about it, not anybody else. I pray they learn to hear your voice, submit to your will, and deepen their relationship with you through prayer. Give them an eternal perspective, knowing that all their prayers may not be answered in the way they envision, but they will be answered in your perfect way. May they grow to be a mighty prayer warrior, confident in the transforming power of prayer. Amen. Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    10 мин.
  7. I feel far from God with Jeannie Cunnion

    3 ОКТ.

    I feel far from God with Jeannie Cunnion

    Do you ever feel far from God? This week, we get to dive into a crucial conversation with Jeannie Cunnion. She helps us unpack this very common feeling amongst believers. She has so much encouragement around why God desires us to get closer and closer. And then, she also gives us practical ways we can grow closer to God.  There isn’t a finish line for growing closer to God. We are all on our own journey with God. It’s personal and it takes time and it’s never-ending. However, we so often compare ourselves to other Christians in our lives. We believe others have arrived spiritually and we are behind. I am praying this chat gives you assurance and comfort in your own journey - no matter where you are in this season. My favorite part is when we talk about “effort” vs “earn.” Sometimes, we confuse our effort to grow with the desire to earn something. The truth is that we can take steps to get to know God more without getting stuck in the lie that we must earn God’s love. Let this conversation with Jeannie give you peace and a new desire to grow closer to God through His presence. In this episode, we discuss: What to do when you feel far from GodHow do we learn to put effort into our faith - without feeling we must earn itHow to be on your own faith journey - while parenting kids on their own journeyWhy do we do what we don’t want to do   Enjoy! Courtney Connect with Pardon The Mess: Christian Parenting Pardon The Mess  Courtney DeFeo Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith Resources from today’s show: Closer To God - Jeannie’s new devotional Mom Set Free Christy Nockels  Carpool Conversations White Bird Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    37 мин.
  8. BONUS: Their Identity in Christ

    30 СЕНТ.

    BONUS: Their Identity in Christ

    “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12) The world will tell our kids many things about who they are, and some of those things will be true and encouraging. Other messages from the world will be lies, and difficult to hear. No matter who is mean to our kids, what school they go to, or what position they play on the field, our kids belong to God. Your child is God’s child, holy and dearly loved. He or she is called upon, adopted, redeemed, and sanctified. Your child was created with intention for a purpose and God calls them precious.  So let’s pray that our kids will always stand firm in their identity in Christ so that their confidence will not shake when the world feels unsteady. Let’s ask God to help them base their identity and security in him alone. Father God, thank you for calling __________ your child. Help them to remember that you love them and call them by name, that you have adopted them into your family, and lavish your love upon them. May they know deep in their hearts that their identity does not rest in what the world says about them, but in what you say. You say they are yours! Amen. Interested in reading more? Here are 90 Biblical truths about your identity in Christ. Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out:

    10 мин.

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As parents, we know raising kids is the opposite of neat and tidy. Each day brings wins, losses and valuable lessons. Pardon the Mess is a place where we discuss parenting and faith in a biblical, approachable and relatable way. We may cry and laugh while we learn and grow together in our beautiful mess. Pardon the Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

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