Amanda Florczykowski | Ending Human Trafficking
This week, Amanda Florczykowski joins Clarissa to discuss her work in fighting human trafficking. After a personal experience with the terrors of the trafficking industry, Amanda committed her life to helping parents and young people stay safe and working to end human trafficking for good. Amanda Florczykowski is an intrinsic lover of risk, progress, and people. Her ability to merge all three embodies her personal mission. Her love for women, her desire to see families strengthened, and her unabashed faith in Christ Jesus have led her to found Able Moms International - an organization for busy moms of 0 through 6th grade children to mother capable, unshakeable, and memorable. She also founded Legacy Academy - a University-Model® School. As a degreed communicator, Amanda’s professional career was as both an educator and top marketing professional for an industry leader where she continuously held one of three top sales rankings. She is also an avid researcher of child sex trafficking studying predominately trends that threaten children in America. She blogs at and has authored the #1 bestseller, Unraveled: Mothering Fiercely in a World Full of Fears currently available on Amazon in e-book, audio, or print. Lastly, she is the dreamer and founder behind Vigilant Families online anti-trafficking training for parents & kids. When not involved in family life, reading, or writing, Amanda uses her pioneering ambition and experience to partner with business CEO and Development Pastor husband to consult with organizations who desire to prosper. Lastly, she is a magnetic motivator speaking on the topics of motherhood, leadership, and faith. Amanda’s family of six, along with their German Shepherd, live in the Texas Hill Country outside Austin. And while accomplishments are part of a bio, Amanda wants you to know they don't rival her joys; a nightly sunset, answered prayers, a good night's rest, big breakfasts, board games, finding $10 in her pocket, a good movie, and welcoming friends into her home to eat and laugh. Follow Amanda: 🎉Instagram: @amanda_florczykowski 🎉Website/Book/Blog: & Follow Clarissa: 🎉Instagram: @clarissa_christensen 🎉Website: Subscribe/Rate Never miss out on the craziness of each episode by hitting the subscribe button RIGHT NOW! Help other people find the show and by sharing this episode on your social media. Thanks! Producer/Editor: Taylor Schroll ( Music Adding The Sun by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: