Born Free Method: The Podcast

Nathan Riley
Born Free Method: The Podcast

The institutions and individuals who run the world would like you to believe that you are powerless. That there's nothing you can do to improve the wellbeing of your family. That you aren't smart enough to understand shmancy science stuff. That eating and living well is too hard for why try? That exercising your rights to informed consent and refusal is irresponsible. That having a birth on you terms, in your own home would be incorrigible. That pregnancy is a disease and childbirth is a medical procedure. That your symptoms are "all in your head". That cervical cancer is an inevitable consequence of HPV infection. They're wrong. Welcome to your revolution.

  1. Gestational Diabetes

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    Gestational Diabetes

    I paired this episode with the 2021 Pinot Noir from Imagery. Five Pearls * Prevention is key. Work on modifying lifestyle well before conception for best outcomes * Sugar is toxic as hell to our vital organs, and our growing baby/placenta are no exception.  * Insulin appears to be associated with the best outcomes compared to oral agents. * C-section for suspected fetal macrosomia is for the birds. * Inducing a woman with well-controlled GDM probably isn’t always in her best interest.  Epidemiology * 7% of pregnancies are impacted by any type of diabetes * 86% of those impacted are the result of GDM * Compared to all other ethnicities, white women are impacted the least * Older age at time of conception, sedentary lifestyle, and pre-pregnancy obesity are risk factors (same risk factors for type 2 DM outside of pregnancy) Maternal complications * 9.8% chance of developing preeclampsia when fasting blood sugar is * 18% change of developing preeclampsia when fasting blood sugar is >/= 115 mg/dL * 17% chance of undergoing c-section with diet-controlled GDM versus 25% if medication is required (9.5% without GDM) * 70% of women who develop GDM will develop type 2 DM within 22-28 years after pregnancy, but this varies by ethnicity (60% of hispanic women who develop GDM will develop type 2 DM within 5 years of pregnancy) Fetal/neonatal complications * Increased risk macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, shoulder dystocia, and birth trauma * Several agencies have cautioned around the risk of stillbirth, as well, but the data for this is poor at best. Rachel Reed recently wrote a nice blog (rant) about the topic in her newsletter * Linear relationship between any abnormal value on the 2-hr 75-g OGTT and c-section, birth weight >90th percentile, neonatal hypoglycemia, and fetal hyperinsulinemia * Higher risk of your child developing type 2 DM in their lifetime When did GDM screening arise? 1963 This study was undertaken to: “evaluate various methods of screening for the ‘prediabetic state’ which often becomes recognizable during pregnancy.” - Wilkerson et al, 1963 Screening strategies: * 1st trimester: reasonable if there are risk factors or if you live in a city/region with high prevalence * 50-g oral glucose challenge (non-fasted) (two-step) * If negative, repeat at 24-28 weeks * If positive (>130-140 mg/dL), move to 3-hr oral glucose tolerance test (see below) * Straight to a 75-g oral 2-hr glucose tolerance test) (one-step) * Check fasting sugar → drink the drink —> check blood sugar at 1 hr and 2 hr * If either value is elevated, then you have your diagnosis * HgA1C: potentially insightful in 1st trimester but not as sensitive as oral glucose challenge/tolerance test * 24-28 weeks: reasonable to defer in 1st trimester if low prevalence community or minimal risk (and no need to repeat if diagnosed in 1st trimester) * Same options as above * If 1-hr OGC was elevated in 1st trimester, but 3-hr OGTT was negative, you can simply repeat the 3-hr OGTT (100 g bolus) without repeating the 1-hr OGC * 3-hr OGTT (100 g) * Checking fasting blood sugar → drink the drink → check blood sugar after 1, 2, and 3 hrs * 2 of 4 values elevated is consistent with diagnosis (although some have argued that 1 value is sufficient):  * “Although a higher level of scrutiny may be focused on this subset of women, further research is needed to clarify the risk of adverse outcomes in patients with one abnormal value on the 100-g, 3-hour OGTT and whether they would benefit from treatment.” * Glucola has a bunch of junk in it. Fingersticks and CGM are very reasonable alternatives to the sugary drink. Orange flavor from Fischer-Scientific contains artificial food dyes that don’t belong in the human body, especially when growing a baby. If an oral glucose test is preferred, consider Fresh Test instead of Glucola. There is no data to support gummy bears, fruit juice, or any other alternatives. What are some of the risk

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  2. John Petrocelli, PhD

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    John Petrocelli, PhD

    I found John through his Ted Talk: “Why BS is more dangerous than a lie”, and I immediately grabbed a copy of his book, read it once, read it twice, cross-referenced everything, and then asked him on the podcast. We recorded the conversation with a live audience of members from both the Clear & Free and Born Free Method communities. John’s research is important. As an experimental social psychologist at Wake Forest University, he helps to clarify why we all have the tendency to opine on every issue under the sun, regardless of whether or not our opinion is informed or utter b******t. Thanksgiving is approaching, along with a presidential election. If your family is like me, there will inevitably be chatter around the election results, for better or for worse. Heaven forbid somebody challenges Aunt Sally on her very passionate argument for why Donal Trump was the better candidate. And nobody would ever dare to criticize Uncle Charlie’s passionate advocacy for Kamala Harris’ plan to ease conflict in the Middle East. And nowadays I pray for the loner who would have loved to see Jill Stein or RFK Jr. as the next president. As the old adage goes…"Don’t talk politics around the dinner table.” But is anything that they are saying true? Or is it b******t? Or is a flat out lie? We are confronted by the same dilemma seemingly everywhere: from medicine, to politics, to environmentalism, to the supplement industry. It’s frankly hard to discern the signal in a sea of noise. In my conversation with John, we go deep on: * the Asche conformity experiments * threats of social ostracism for being a non-conformist * Dunning-Kruger Effect  * B******t in the wine industry * Honing your bullshitter detector * How to reveal b******t when speaking to a bullshitter * Pseudo- profound language espoused by New Agers like Deepak Chopra (with a live demonstration!) * …and much more Most importantly: What is the value in evaluating all of the evidence before forming an opinion? Do you necessarily have to opine every time you are given the opportunity? And how can you gently approach someone who seems to be espousing b******t without calling it for what it is? Other references from the conversation: * Harry Frankfurt, “On B******t” * New Age Pseudo-Language Generator * Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, by Jon Ioanniddis Find John’s website HERE and go read his book, “The Life-Changing Science of Detecting B******t” (also great on Audible) Full notes from the episode are available on Substack Work with Nathan: Beloved Holistics | Born Free Method | Clear & Free | Twins-Breech Medical Disclaimer: Born Free Method: The Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only. Music provided by AudioKraken / Pond5 Get full access to Born Free Method: The Podcast at

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  3. Maryn Azoff

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    Maryn Azoff

    Maryn was my wife’s teacher on a retreat earlier this year to Costa Rica. The theme of the retreat? Voice activation. Stephanie came to me one day and asked “Would you be cool if I went to Costa Rica for a week?” Without hesitation, I agreed and off she went. She developed laryngitis upon arrival in Costa Rica. Ohh….this was going to be good for her. And not just because of the music and ceremonies: moving energy through her chakras was greatly needed now that we have completed our family. When she returned, she was lit up, and she insisted that we work through Maryn’s 9-month program together, whereby we would be chanting 108 times every day, for 40 days per each of the 7 primary chakras. We are currently on the fourth chakra (heart), and some resistance is coming up for me. But the first three chakras weren’t a walk in the park either. What is going on here? Why the resistance? And why dedicate 30 min per day for 280 days? The chakras are wheels or reservoirs of energy that became popular when the Vedic and Buddhist teachings from the East infiltrated the West. From a Western medical perspective, each chakra also corresponds to nervus plexi located in a chain from the perineum (root) to the cosmos (crown). This chain figuratively grounds us into Mother Earth and constitutes an antennae that connects us to the universal “one” of the cosmos. This is powerful medicine, but I wouldn’t have believed it had I not practiced it myself. As I learned about the chakras and felt through my resistance, particularly in the first through fourth chakras, I began to unpack my relationships to my mother, my father, my self, and my connection to others. And this piqued my interest further… In the Born Free Method community, we host calls with our community every other week, and often we have guest speakers, like Stu Fischbein, Lindsey Cantu, Lily Nichols, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack…you get the point. Big hitters. Well, I asked Maryn to come speak to a separate group within Born Free Method: the dads. How can you show up as a supportive partner if you don’t have a grounded sense of safety and security in your self (1st chakra)? How can you show up as a compassionate, emotionally available father if you have been conditioned to suppress your feelings (2nd chakra)? How can you even hope to maintain a semblance of intimacy prior to conception but certainly after the birth of your child (also 2nd chakra)? This is why Maryn’s work is so critical…And the tools to “fix” these “issues” are free and very accessible. The tools are your breath and your voice. This interview is thus a live call in which the Born Free Dads, some of whom are veterans fathers some of whom are future fathers, got a private audience with Maryn. Given the myriad of applications for Vocal Transformation and chakra balancing for future and present fathers and mothers alike, Maryn and I are also organizing a cohort of couples and parents who want to go deep into this work. The program consists of 9 months of chanting accompanied by a beautiful online program and regular meetings with Maryn, along with direct access to me. There are 15 spots, and I recommend that you and your partner commit together, as it will have a long lasting impact on your relationship(s) (speaking from personal experience). Please email me if interested in learning more: Notes from this episode can be found on Substack Listen to Maryn and her partner Patrick perform “Dead Man” (incredible vocals) width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"> Work with Nathan: Beloved Holistics | Born Free Method | Clear & Free | Twins-Breech Medical Disclaimer: Born Free Method: The Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the

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  4. 5 THG 10

    Thomas Verny, MD

    Dr. Verny was recently a guest speaker in my beloved Born Free Method community call, and there were so many hot takes that I am compelled to release this one as a podcast episode. Typically, these calls are reserved for Born Free Method community members, who also get to ask questions live (which you'll hear in the recording), and they get access to the full video recording. If you're interested in learning more enroll HERE. Thomas (he asked that I call him by his first name) is one of my heroes, and he rubs shoulders with other heroes of mine, like Gabor Mate. He is the author of several books, but I recommend starting with The Embodied Mind (also on audible) or The Unborn Child. He is regarded as “the father of pre- and perinatal psychology”, a field which begs the question of how we treat ourselves, others, and even our unborn children might impact our long-term health and the health of our children (present, future). His wisdom is unbelievable. You're going to love this one. * What is perinatal psychology? * What is life? * What is consciousness and the psyche and where do they come from? * The mind versus the brain * Darwinian versus Lamarckian theories of evolution * Transgenerational trauma * Epigenetics * And much much more... Please share with your friends if you found any value, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. I take your input seriously! Dr. Verny’s website The Embodied Mind | The Secret Life of the Unborn Child | Nurturing the Unborn Child Notes for this episode can be found on Substack. Work with Nathan: Beloved Holistics | Born Free Method | Clear & Free | Twins-Breech Medical Disclaimer: Born Free Method: The Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only. Music provided by AudioKraken / Pond5 Get full access to Born Free Method: The Podcast at

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  5. 5 THG 10

    Anemia in Pregnancy

    This one pairs nicely with the 2020 Bonterra Cabernet Sauvignon (Organic) Five Pearls 1. Normal physiologic changes in pregnancy that are relevant in anemia: blood volume expands by 50% (increased iron requirement), red blood cell mass increases by 25% in a singleton pregnancy, and increased iron stores in the female body during pregnancy help to sustain the increased demand. 2. Low serum ferritin is the most sensitive and specific single lab finding in iron deficiency anemia. And yet, it’s specificity isn’t great. 3. The CDC recommends universal screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy along with universal supplementation. 4. B12 deficiency and folate deficiency are common causes of macrocytic anemia; folate deficiency much more likely than B12. 5. Blood transfusions are almost never indicated in pregnancy, apart from the rare case of a large, concealed placental abruption (Hgb non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns, reduced amniotic fluid volume, fetal cerebral vasodilation, and fetal death) Definition of anemia in pregnancy Hgb = hemoglobin; HCT = hematocrit - Hgb - - everybody should be screened in the 1st trimester and at 24-28 weeks - If hematocrit level is less than 33% in the first and third trimesters or less than 32% in the second trimester, you need to investigate the cause. If iron deficiency is ruled out, other etiologies should be investigated - Living at a high altitude and tobacco use cause a generalized increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, and consideration of these factors may be appropriate when interpreting test results Classification of anemia Physiologic changes in pregnancy that may lead to anemia - blood volume expands by 40-50% (increased iron requirement) - red blood cell mass increases by 15-25% in a singleton pregnancy - increased iron stores in the female body during pregnancy help to sustain the increased demand **UK guidelines on iron deficiency anemia: “An SF level of Structure of hemoglobin - four polypeptide chains + heme - the six chain types: alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), delta (δ), epsilon (ε), and zeta (ζ) - adult hemoglobin consists of two alpha chains + either two β-chains (hemoglobin A), two γ-drains (hemoglobin F), or two δ-chains (hemoglobin A₂) - hemoglobin F predominates in the developing fetus from 12 -24 wga, after which hemoglobin A begins to increase Iron deficiency anemia - 2% prevalence in general female population (2x higher for black women compared to white) - “An assessment of iron status in pregnant individuals in the United States using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (known as NHANES) from 1999 to 2006 found that iron deficiency prevalence increased significantly with each trimester (mean ± standard error, 7%, 14%, and 30%, in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively) and was higher in Mexican American pregnant women, non-Hispanic Black pregnant women, and women with parity greater than 2” - in pregnancy, higher prevalence by far in 3rd trimester - associated with low birth weight, preterm delivery, and perinatal mortality - there may also be an association with postpartum depression and worse mental and psychomotor performance testing in offspring - diagnosed by lab analysis OR if there's an increase in Hgb by 1g/dL after iron treatment OR by the absence of bone marrow iron stores on bone marrow biopsies - iron storage may be low (iron depletion), or stored + transport iron are low (decreased erythropoiesis), or stored + transport + functional iron are all low (full blown iron deficiency anemia, yeehaw!) - on iron studies, iron deficiency anemia presents as: microcytic, hypochromic, iron store depletion, low plasma iron, increased total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), low serum ferritin, and increased free erythrocyte protoporphyrin - serum ferritin levels are most specific and sensitive for the

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  6. What is Born Free Method: The Podcast?

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    What is Born Free Method: The Podcast?

    Maternity care in the United States needs a re-boot. Our induction rates are rising, our c-section rates are rising, pregnancy complication rates are rising, fertility rates are declining, postpartum depression rates are rising...the list goes on. What are we going to do about it? Most people see the answer as simple: more pharmaceuticals, more technology, more "science". But what is science? The scientific method is quite simple: ask questions, make guesses at the answers, test our guesses, and then draw conclusions. Repeat ad infinitum. Most physicians and healthcare professionals aren't using their brains to their full capacity because they are too occupied documenting, billing, and following rules. This will get us nowhere...We need to be curious and start asking hard questions. Furthermore, do physicians hold the answer to our maternity woes? Unlikely. In fact, I would argue that a multi- or transdisciplinary approach to maternity care, with midwifery-led care becoming the default in any country is a major part of the solution. Born Free Method: The Podcast is hosted by Nathan Riley, MD, a dual board-certified OBGYN, and the conversations here extend beyond the hospitals, beyond the clinics, beyond the profession of "medicine". It implores you to get back to what matters most: birthing families. On this podcast, you'll enjoy conversations with those inside and outside the medical industrial complex. You'll enjoy clinical summaries of ACOG's practice bulletins (formerly heard at the Obgyno Wino Podcast). You'll enjoy personal essays from Nathan himself on the nature of birth(work). And you'll enjoy occasional recordings of guest appearances to the Born Free Method's twice monthly community calls. Be loved! Work with Nathan: Beloved Holistics | Born Free Method | Clear & Free | Twins-Breech Medical Disclaimer: Born Free Method: The Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only. Music provided by AudioKraken / Pond5 Get full access to Born Free Method: The Podcast at

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  7. Forget About J. Marion Sims, “Say Anarcha”, with J.C. Hallman

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    Forget About J. Marion Sims, “Say Anarcha”, with J.C. Hallman

    The Episode was made possible by Immune Intel AHCC® & WeNatal In the 19th century, a young surgeon named J. Marion Sims headed to Montgomery, Alabama, seeking a route to fame and power. He saw an opportunity in a highly morbid condition known as vesicovaginal fistula, whereby a false passage between the bladder and vagina forms as a consequence of difficult childbirth, and began experimenting with techniques to find a cure. The issue was that nobody in their right mind was willing to volunteer for this type of surgery, so he coerced Black enslaved women. The first of his patients to have been presumably “cured” was Anarcha. If this is the first time that you have heard her name, you are likely not alone. This conversation gives a voice to the Mothers of Gynecology, an appropriate moniker for the women who suffered at the hands of surgeons like J. Marion Sims and whose sacrifices led to the advent of the profession of gynecology.  Visit the show notes for more. Connect with J.C. Hallman: WebsiteInstagram Reference from the show: Say Anarcha, by J.C. HallmanThe Anarcha ArchivA short history of anaesthesia: from unspeakable agony to unlocking consciousnessMore information on vesicovaginal fistulaArguments of Sims’ apologizesMedical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. WashingtonNathan Bozeman wiki pageSpeak! Move! Change! Mbongi eventJ. Marion Sims was a b*tch t-shirts Connect with Nathan: Instagram | YoutubeMidwife in need of collaboration?Want to consult with Nathan? My Online Courses: Get full access to Born Free Method: The Podcast at

    1 giờ 4 phút
  8. You say you want to heal. You say you want to get pregnant. Your subconscious might suggest otherwise, with Teshna Beaulieu, DC

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    You say you want to heal. You say you want to get pregnant. Your subconscious might suggest otherwise, with Teshna Beaulieu, DC

    The Episode was made possible by Immune Intel AHCC® & WeNatal I met Teshna while attending a birth in Albany, NY. My friend for whom I had traveled to Albany to assist with the birth of his fourth child had recommended I check out her practice. It was a very modest chiropractic studio, but the experience with Teshna was anything but ordinary. She introduced me to a unique blend of classical chiropractic care and other techniques meant to help me clear my limiting beliefs. She had me say out loud various phrases about my life and how I perceive love in my life, and then she used muscle testing to determine if I “really believed” what I was saying. As it turns out, I’ve been lying to myself about much that I held in my world. And then the magic trick…She corrected these incongruencies using simple touch, red light, and a few other techniques. It was like magic, and I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself. Meet Teshna Beaulieu, who is likely the most unusual healer I’ve ever met.  Visit the show notes for more. Connect with Teshna: WebsiteInstagram Reference from the show: Dr. Teshna’s book “Fit for Love”Neuroemotional Technique (Dr. Scott Walker, Teshna’s mentor)A 3 DAY Training called "Meridian Therapy and Tapping (MTT)”. One-hour Forgiveness Process webinar to introduce people to my work and MTT.Free 1-DAY MTT Immersion to introduce people to more aspects of MTT where they learn how to muscle test themselves, powerful stress reduction protocol, and test and clear their blocks about different subjects like love and many more. 1 Year All Access Membership where people can attend all events and also get the recorded modules of the 3 DAY MTT Training as well as a weekly coaching/ session group call. Connect with Nathan: Instagram | YoutubeMidwife in need of collaboration?Want to consult with Nathan? My Online Courses: Born Free Method: Pregnancy and Postpartum SupportClear + Get full access to Born Free Method: The Podcast at

    1 giờ 17 phút
320 Xếp hạng

Giới Thiệu

The institutions and individuals who run the world would like you to believe that you are powerless. That there's nothing you can do to improve the wellbeing of your family. That you aren't smart enough to understand shmancy science stuff. That eating and living well is too hard for why try? That exercising your rights to informed consent and refusal is irresponsible. That having a birth on you terms, in your own home would be incorrigible. That pregnancy is a disease and childbirth is a medical procedure. That your symptoms are "all in your head". That cervical cancer is an inevitable consequence of HPV infection. They're wrong. Welcome to your revolution.

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