Dear Gabby
Dear Gabby is a weekly show where #1 New York Times bestselling author and international speaker, Gabby Bernstein, offers up real-time coaching, straight talk and BIG LOVE. Episodes include unscripted Q&A sessions where she coaches listeners through life-changing transformations, plus free-flowing conversations about personal growth and spirituality with unique and inspiring guests.
المضيفون والضيوف
٢٤ فبراير
5 plus stars
٨ فبراير
Thank you Gabby for your extraordinary ability to speak to the soul of those of us who recognize and accept it’s time to heal ourselves. This podcast is a MUST for those who are ready to do the hard work to become the best version of you!
Sales much?
٢٢ فبراير
I couldn’t even make it through an entire episode. There are SO many ads and pitches and pushes to buy her products or sponsored products. There’s really no content. Just sales pitches. You overdid it, Gabby.
Big Ego
١٦ فبراير
OMG the ego and narcissism on this woman is ridiculous considering this is a spiritual podcast. You would think she would be further along the path for all the years she’s been “teaching” other peoples work. It’s all about marketing and money. She mentioned she could do more in one hour than people could do in months. Bragging as if you’re better than others is NOT being an example to your followers. As well as pushing books and apps on people. She says it’s not pushing, it’s sharing. Why is she still writing books. Self Help doesn’t have her picture on the cover because it’s all about us. She’s writing for us. Lol. She stares at herself in her stories like a teenager. Her books are surface level filled with inconsistencies and lies to relate to the everyday person. But if it gets her money and a good life style, so be it. For someone who claims to have only an eighth grade English and can’t string a sentence together, makes no sense since she has a college education. If she helps anyone in anyway then great. Adios
Thank you Gabby
I came across this pod cast this year and fell in love with her true authentic talks, it was comforting to me because she talks about her path as well and that feels relatable. She always feels like a good friend talking to me. I recently just got her Gabby App and it is helping me stay on track with caring for myself.
٢٧ يناير
It’s really hard to respect what she and her guest are saying about perimenopause when she uses such non-inclusive language. Non-binary and trans men also experience a wide range of these issues and “women” are not just married and partnered with “men”. It’s 2025, come on.
Long time listener/follower
I have been with Gabby for a very long time. In the last year I feel like she has become more sales than a coach. I get it. Sales are important. Every episode now is just a commercial for a book, the app, etc. Again, I get it. Just a turn off, for me, that I have to sift through all her sales to get a little bit of coaching. Brilliant because most would join the app, buy the book, and sometimes I do: I would rather buy from a coach than a sales person.
Episode 232 11:11
Gabby and Josh! Omg, I can’t make this up. I was listening to this episode in my car. Towards the end of the episode, Gabby mentions writing a review and says something like who knows you may see you write it at 4:44. Right after I heard her say that, I liked at the car in front of me and saw the license plate ended in 2444. I knew it was a sign that my Angels were with me. Thank you Universe!!! Love you Gabby and Josh 💗
Thank you!
I stumbled across Gabby from a friends IG story and am so glad the universe led me here. She’s helped me make sense of my world and become more in tune with signs and situations. After reading “Super Attractor” I realized everything good in my life had come when I was living in alignment and wasn’t pushing for things to happen. Just finished the latest episode on 11:11 and have to say - on 11/1 I checked into a hotel and my room was 1111. I was speechless. I had been travelling for work to this hotel for months and this was my final weekend. I knew I was supposed to be there for a reason and I also knew this particular job may not be why I was there, but that something else was meant for me. The next night at work, I looked at a clock that had the seconds shown and it was 11:11:11 - I just smiled and thanked the universe for showing me that my thoughts are aligned with my situation. Days later, I received a call from my boss saying I was going to be put on another project, different from the one I had been doing. Nothing is a coincidence. Thank you Gabby for helping me recognize these moments from my spirit guides.
What happened to Gabby
This used to feel authentic, but feels like a like a long advertisement now. Been listening to Gabby since 2020.
- قناة
- صناع العملDear Media
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- الصحة واللياقةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
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- الصحة واللياقةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
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- الرياضةمسلسل أسبوعي
- الصحة واللياقةمرتان في الأسبوع
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- علاقات٠١/٠٨/٢٠٢٤
- الصحة واللياقةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- فنون١٤/١٢/٢٠٢٠
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
قد يعجبك أيضًا
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- الصحة النفسيةمرتان في الأسبوع
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث يوميًا
- تعليممرتان في الأسبوع
- روحانياتمرتان في الأسبوع
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الصحة واللياقةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- روحانيات٢٣ فبراير
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةمرتان في الأسبوع
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث يوميًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا