Breaking Barriers: Advancing Literacy Through Equity and Action


Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation with DeJunne’ Clark Jackson, president of The Center for Literacy & Learning and a renowned literacy advocate. Clark Jackson will share strategies to break down barriers in delivering accessible instruction and interventions to students. She will delve into the complexities of dyslexia and other challenges that can impact a student’s journey in learning to read.

Clark Jackson will inspire listeners to recognize and address biases within and beyond the classroom, fostering better outcomes for both educators and students. In this session, she connects the science of reading to dyslexia, explains the foundations of equitable instruction, and offers evidence-based strategies that can be implemented immediately to help every child overcome reading challenges and thrive.

This conversation is a must for administrators and classroom teachers looking to make a difference. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from Clark Jackson as she shares:

  • Cooperative strategies and accessible instruction for all
  • The importance of the science of reading as the bedrock for dyslexia support
  • Evidence-based practices that engage students and families

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