Bridging the Gaps: A Portal for Curious Minds

Dr Waseem Akhtar
Bridging the Gaps: A Portal for Curious Minds

In-depth conversations with researchers, explorers and thought leaders from around the world, on cutting edge research and original ideas.

  1. “From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain” with Professor Todd Feinberg

    FEB 9

    “From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain” with Professor Todd Feinberg

    Sentience is the feeling aspect of consciousness, encompassing the capacity to experience sensations such as pain, pleasure, and emotions. It is the foundation of subjective experience, distinguishing beings that can feel from those that merely process information or react reflexively. Sentience is a crucial component of consciousness. A key question in studying sentience is how it emerges—whether it arises from complex neural processes, a particular form of computation, or something more fundamental. In his book “From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain”, Professor Todd Feinberg introduces “Neurobiological Emergentism (NBE)”, a theory explaining how sentience naturally arises as an emergent property of brain functions. Emergent properties are features of a system that do not exist in its individual parts but arise through their interactions. Integrating biological, neurobiological, evolutionary, and philosophical perspectives, Feinberg argues that sentience emerges as a “system-level property” of complex neural interactions. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor Todd Feinbergy. Dr. Todd Feinberg is a board certified neurologist and psychiatrist and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. We begin by exploring the basic sensory abilities of single-celled organisms, examining how they react to their environment and survive. We then trace the evolution of multicellular organisms, discussing that when they developed into more complex systems, there is a broader substrate for sensing. A key focus is how sensory abilities laid the foundation for the evolution of advanced neurobiological systems, ultimately leading to sentience. We discuss in detail how simple sensory functions in early life forms gradually evolved into the rich experiences of animals with complex nervous systems. A central idea in the book is that “sentience emerges” as a property of complex neural systems. This perspective helps bridge the gap between neuroscience and philosophy, providing a natural explanation for how subjective experiences arise from the brain. We explore this argument in depth. Overall, this discussion provides valuable insights into the origins of sentience and its role in the evolution of consciousness. Complement this discussion with ““Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness” with Professor Nicholas Humphrey” with Professor Payal Arora” available at: And then listen to “”The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution” with Professor David Mindell” available at:

    49 min
  2. “Welcome to the Universe in 3D: A Visual Tour” with Neil deGrasse Tyson


    “Welcome to the Universe in 3D: A Visual Tour” with Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Astronomy tells the story of humanity's journey from viewing the sky as a flat, two-dimensional dome to understanding it as a vast, dynamic, and ever-expanding three-dimensional universe. This enduring story has been told through countless books, brought to life in words, and crafted into both prose and poetry. But imagine a book that goes beyond simply telling the tale—a book that invites you to actively engage with it, exploring the depths of the universe as unveiled by the most advanced astronomical research and discoveries of our time. The book “Welcome to the Universe in 3D: A Visual Tour” invites you on a captivating journey through the observable universe, showcasing some of the most awe-inspiring sights in the cosmos—in stunning 3D. Featuring a dazzling collection of stereoscopic color images and with a special stereo viewer conveniently folded into the book's cover, you can experience your cosmic surroundings in a breathtaking new dimension. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson, one of the authors of this fascinating and truly one-of-a-kind book. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a renowned science communicator and the first Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where he is also a research associate in astrophysics. Tyson has received 27 honorary doctorates and the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. His legacy is further honored with asteroid “13123 Tyson” and a leaping frog species, "Indirani tysoni", named after him. We begin by discussing the inspiration behind a book with a built-in stereoscopic viewer and the science behind creating 3D images that come alive through the brain’s intricate processing. This leads to reflections on humanity’s discovery of the universe’s three-dimensional nature, aided by concepts like parallax. We explore some of the book’s stunning images, showcasing the cosmos in breathtaking depth, and address challenges in science communication amidst misinformation. The role of policymakers in promoting science as a societal benefit and the future of space exploration are also key topics. This has been a captivating and enlightening conversation, filled with moments of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s signature laughter. We conclude with his inspiring words: “Very happy to help you and others bridge whatever gaps need bridged.” Complement this discussion with ““The Joy of Science” with Professor Jim Al-Khalili” available at: And then listen to ““A Traveller’s Guide to the Stars” with Physicist, Author and Nasa Technologist Les Johnson” available at:

    40 min
  3. “The Evolution of Biological Information” with Professor Christoph Adami


    “The Evolution of Biological Information” with Professor Christoph Adami

    Consider this thought-provoking statement: “Life is information that maintains itself.” This argument, proposed by Professor Christoph Adami in his book “The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains” places information at the heart of biological systems. Adami's innovative perspective offers fresh insights into phenomena such as the evolution of drug resistance in viruses, the development of cellular communication, and the emergence of intelligence. By framing information as the unifying principle of biology, this approach provides a systematic way to explore the origin of life—both on Earth and beyond. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps I speak with Professor Christoph Adami. Christoph Adami is professor of microbiology and molecular genetics & physics as well as astronomy at Michigan State University. A pioneer in the application of methods from information theory to the study of evolution, he designed the Avida system that launched the use of digital life as a tool for investigating basic questions in evolutionary biology. He has received several awards, including the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Artificial Life. We begin with an in-depth exploration of Shannon’s information theory, focusing particularly on the concept of entropy. This foundation sets the stage for a discussion on how biological systems store and preserve information. We delve into the information content of genes and proteins, highlighting a key idea from the book: “Living organisms know some very important facts about the world they inhabit and thrive in.” Next, we examine the concept of genetic information and its storage within DNA molecules and genomes. This includes a detailed look at the nature of this information and the latest understanding of the data encoded within the genome. We then turn to the core mechanisms—or laws—of evolution: inheritance, variation, and selection, framing these processes as the measurement, processing, and transmission of information. To describe evolution through the lens of information theory, Adami incorporates the concept of Maxwell’s demon, a thought experiment that challenges the second law of thermodynamics. We discuss this thought experiment in detail and its application to understanding the evolution of biological information. Finally, we explore the profound question of the origin of life, accompanied by an engaging discussion on viruses. Before finishing this discussion, we also touch upon the nature and challenges of multidisciplinary research. Overall, this has been an enlightening and highly informative journey into the intersection of biology and information theory. Complement this discussion with ““The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution” with Professor David Mindell” available at: And then listen to ““Zero to Birth: How the Human Brain Is Built” with Professor William Harris” available at:

    1h 23m
  4. “The Painful Truth about Hunger in America” with Professor Mariana Chilton


    “The Painful Truth about Hunger in America” with Professor Mariana Chilton

    ​​Hunger is far more than the immediate and tangible experience of not being able to find or buy food. While it is true that hunger is often depicted as the physical sensation of an empty stomach—a condition that can be temporarily alleviated by food—the issue runs much deeper. Hunger is more than the absence of food; it is a manifestation of deeper, societal and structural failings leading to individual and collective trauma. To genuinely combat hunger, we must engage with its underlying causes—economic inequality, systemic discrimination, and societal neglect—and strive to create a compassionate and just society where all people have the resources, respect, and opportunities they need to thrive. In her book "The Painful Truth about Hunger in America: Why We Must Unlearn Everything We Think We Know—and Start Again" professor Mariana Chilton presents a bold, transformative perspective on addressing hunger and poverty in the United States. The book emphasises that hunger in the United States is underpinned by profound societal and structural failures that perpetuate poverty and ensure that millions remain trapped in cycles of scarcity. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps I speak with professor Mariana Chilton. Although the book focuses on the issues of hunger and poverty in the United States, the human experiences and the underlying structural and social root causes it explores are often universal. The insights and key points raised in the book resonate with similar challenges faced in other societies and regions, making its research and findings valuable for broader learning and application. Mariana Chilton is a Professor of Health Management and Policy at Drexel University's Dornsife School of Public Health. She is the founder of the Center for Hunger-Free Communities, where she initiated impactful programs such as “Witnesses to Hunger”, aimed at amplifying women's voices in the national conversation on hunger and poverty, and the “Building Wealth and Health Network”, which focuses on fostering economic security and healing. Chilton has provided expert testimony on hunger solutions before both the US Senate and the House of Representatives. Our discussion delves into the intricate connections between hunger and trauma, revealing the emotional and psychological toll on individuals and communities. We examine the persistent nature of poverty and its link to generational trauma and explore the complex relationship between poverty, violence, and systemic inequalities. Professor Chilton provides thoughtful explanations supported by real-world examples and personal stories, many of which are detailed in her book. We touch upon the historical contexts as well. We also discuss challenges involved in conducting research on such sensitive topics, particularly when working with vulnerable populations. The discussion covers both ethical considerations and the logistical obstacles researchers face when collecting data and sharing findings in a manner that respects and empowers participants. Professor Chilton’s insights shed light on the importance of compassionate, inclusive approaches to research and advocacy that prioritise the voices of those most affected by these issues. Complement this discussion with ““From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech” with Professor Payal Arora” available at: And then listen to “”A Passion for Ignorance” and for Denials and Negations with Professor Renata Salecl” available at:

    59 min
  5. “The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution” with Professor David Mindell


    “The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution” with Professor David Mindell

    For a long time, the prevailing perspective on evolution has been that it follows a vertical pathway, where genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next in a linear fashion, resembling a "tree of life." This classical view suggests that species evolve through a process of divergence from common ancestors, resulting in a branching tree structure that traces the lineage of life over time. In his new book “The Network of Life” Professor David Mindell emphasises the need to update this understanding, and explains that evolution functions more like a distributed, decentralised network. In this framework, there are possibilities for horizontal evolution, where genetic material is shared across species in a more fluid and interconnected manner. The book looks at the forces behind horizontal evolution, such as interbreeding, genetic recombination, merging of species, horizontal gene transfer, and coevolution. The network view of evolution leads to a new symbiotic theory of health. It suggests that the future well-being of humans, other species, and our environment relies on how life evolves and adapts within this interconnected web. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps I speak with Professor David Mindell. Professor David Mindel is a senior researcher of Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a former professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan, director of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, and Dean of Science at the California Academy of Sciences. We begin our discussion by revisiting the traditional concept of vertical evolution, where life is represented as a branching tree. We explore how this classical framework explains the development of species over time and then shift to discussing two core ideas in evolutionary theory: natural selection and genetic mutation. For much of history, evolution has been viewed primarily through the lens of vertical inheritance. One reason for this focus on vertical evolution is that early evolutionary studies, including Darwin's, were centred around natural selection, with limited knowledge about genetic mutations. Today, we know they are essential drivers of evolution. We examine how this early gap in understanding may have shaped the preference for the vertical model of evolution. Next, we delve into the concept of horizontal evolution, and discuss the point made in the book that “horizontal evolution has been happening since life began on Earth”. To set the stage, I ask him to outline what we currently know about the origins of life. We also discuss the intriguing role of viruses. We then dive into the key discoveries and discuss processes such as hybridization, species merging, and horizontal gene transfer that provide strong evidence for this interconnected view of life. We discuss various contributions of prominent scientists and pivotal studies that have reshaped our understanding of evolution. Finally, we explore the exciting possibilities that arise from this new understanding. By embracing the network view of evolution, we can enhance research on synthetic life, support assisted evolution to help species adapt to climate change, and revolutionise our approaches to biotechnology, medicine, and environmental sustainability. This has been an insightful and enriching conversation, shedding light on the profound impact of horizontal evolution on our world. Complement this discussion with ““Zero to Birth: How the Human Brain Is Built” with Professor William Harris” available at: And then listen to ““The Exquisite Machine: The New Science of the Heart” with Professor Sian Harding” available at:

    1h 2m
  6. “Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough” with Professor Paula Bialski


    “Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough” with Professor Paula Bialski

    Contrary to the widespread belief that all technology is sleek, flawless, and cutting-edge, much of it isn’t designed to meet such high standards or be revolutionary. In many environments, the goal isn’t always to create perfect, futuristic products. Instead, the focus is often on functionality—producing tech that is good enough to meet immediate needs without striving for perfection. This mindset contrasts with the image of the tech world as a space of constant innovation, where every new development is expected to disrupt industries and change lives. Instead, in many cases, the aim is to simply keep things running smoothly, making sure the technology works well enough to get by, while knowing that it will likely be improved or replaced in the next version. In her book “Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough” Professor Paula Bialski explores this idea through an ethnographic study of software developers working at a corporate tech company. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor Paula Bialski. Paula Bialski is associate professor of digital sociology at the University of St. Gallen in St. Gallen, Switzerland. We begin our discussion by exploring why Paula chose to conduct her study at a mid-sized software development company, rather than focusing on the world’s top tech firms with their sleek offices and cutting-edge facilities. This choice allowed her to investigate a more grounded and realistic aspect of the tech industry. From there, we dive into how she conducted her research—how she embedded herself with the developers and built rapport to understand their day-to-day work and culture. A major focus of our conversation is the concept of "good enoughness" in corporate software development. Paula explains how this mindset shapes the way tech workers approach their tasks, balancing functionality and time constraints over perfection. I ask her if "good enough" can sometimes become a way to avoid striving for excellence, or even an excuse for sloppiness, which leads us to a broader conversation about how developers navigate this balance. We also discuss the challenges software engineers face at work, such as dealing with outdated systems, tight deadlines, and corporate expectations, and how these challenges compare to those in other professions. We also touch upon the challenges they face in their personal space. Paula gives insight into how the fast-paced culture of the tech world, where professionals often move quickly from one job to the next, influences the work environment. Finally, we briefly touch on Paula’s upcoming project, which will examine the impact of AI on software development—a topic that promises to provide new insights into how technology will continue to shape this field. It has been a fascinating conversation that sheds light on a side of the tech industry not often discussed. Complement this discussion with ““The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment” with Eric Siegel” available at: And then listen to ““Augmented Thinking: The New Convergence of Art, Technology, and Science with Professor Julio Ottino” available at:

    47 min
  7. “Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech” with Professor Payal Arora


    “Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech” with Professor Payal Arora

    The news about emerging technologies often sounds alarming as well as discouraging. Headlines talk about how algorithms control and oppress people. There are fears that AI could harm democracy, damage our social connections, or even cause human extinction. While these fears come from real concerns, it’s also important to recognize the good that technology offers. For young people, tech can provide a unique space for self-growth. In her book “From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech”, award-winning author professor Payal Arora shares a different perspective, especially outside the Western world, where most young people live. In these places, there’s a wave of optimism about technology, especially among marginalized groups. These users see hope in the possibilities that new tech brings. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with professor Payal Arora. Payal Arora is a digital anthropologist, consultant, TEDx speaker, and the award-winning author. She is a Professor of Inclusive AI Cultures at Utrecht University and is the cofounder of FemLab, a feminist initiative focused on the future of work. We begin by exploring how emerging technologies are transforming education in the Global South in positive ways. These changes are not just reshaping traditional systems but also offering new opportunities that bring hope to more people and foster greater inclusivity. Next, we emphasize the importance of context when evaluating and discussing these new technologies. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work; instead, the impact of technology can vary greatly depending on cultural, social, and economic circumstances. Take the example of privacy—what privacy means and how it is valued can shift dramatically when considered in different contexts. In some communities, privacy concerns might revolve around data security, while in others, it may be more about social visibility or personal safety. This makes it essential to examine technologies through a local lens. We also delve into the concept of the Global South, both as a geographical term and as a mindset. While the Global South refers to countries typically in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and parts of the Middle East, it is also much more than just a place on the map. It represents a way of thinking and living, shaped by shared histories of colonialism, economic challenges, and rapid adaptation to global forces. It is a concept rich with multiple contexts, where resilience and innovation are key themes. Finally, we explore the sense of hope and optimism that emerging technologies bring to the Global South. In these regions, technology is often seen not as a threat but as a tool for empowerment. People are embracing digital advancements with excitement, seeing them as opportunities to overcome obstacles and build a better future. This contagious optimism is fueled by the ability to leapfrog over outdated systems, creating new paths for social progress, economic growth, and personal empowerment. Complement this discussion with ““Kendall Square and the Making of a Global Innovation Hub” with Robert Buderi” available at: And then listen to ““The Good-Enough Life” with Dr Avram Alpert” available at:

    49 min
  8. “The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience” with Professor Adam Frank


    “The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience” with Professor Adam Frank

    Since the Enlightenment, humanity has turned to science to answer profound questions about who we are, where we come from, and where we’re headed. However, we've become stuck in the belief that we can fully understand the universe by viewing it from a detached, external perspective. In focusing solely on external physical realities, imagined from this objective standpoint, we overlook the vital role of our own lived experience. This is the "Blind Spot" that astrophysicist Adam Frank, theoretical physicist Marcelo Gleiser, and philosopher Evan Thompson discuss in their book “The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience”. They identify this “Blind Spot” as the root of many modern scientific challenges —whether it's in understanding time and the origin of the universe, quantum physics, the nature of life, artificial intelligence, consciousness, or Earth's function as a planetary system. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with astrophysicist Adam Frank. Adam Frank is a renowned astrophysicist and professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Rochester. He is a leading expert on the final stages of stellar evolution, particularly for stars like the sun. At the University of Rochester, his computational research group has developed cutting-edge supercomputer tools to study the formation and death of stars. A passionate advocate for science, Frank describes himself as an “evangelist of science,” dedicated not only to uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos but also to sharing the beauty and power of science with the public. He is equally committed to exploring science's broader role within culture, emphasising its relevance and context in our understanding of the world. His contributions to the field have earned him prestigious recognition, including the Carl Sagan Medal. In this discussion we delve into why it is crucial to recognize this “Blind Spot” and the profound implications it has for how we approach science and knowledge. By focusing solely on external, objective facts, we miss a deeper understanding of reality—one that includes our subjective experience as an integral part of the equation. This Blind Spot has led to significant challenges in fields like quantum physics, cosmology, and the study of consciousness, where the limitations of purely objective observation become evident. We also explore an alternative vision for science: that scientific knowledge should not be viewed as a fixed, immutable set of facts, but rather as a dynamic, evolving narrative. This narrative emerges from the constant interplay between the external world and our lived experience of it. In this view, science becomes a process of continuous self-correction, where both the observer and the observed are part of an evolving relationship. Frank stresses that recognizing this interplay allows us to break free from the illusion of absolute knowledge and opens up a more holistic, adaptive, and integrated way of understanding the universe. This shift in perspective has the potential to reshape how we approach not only scientific inquiry but also our relationship with reality itself. This has been an incredibly enlightening and deeply informative discussion, offering valuable insights and fresh perspective. Complement this discussion with ““The Joy of Science” with Professor Jim Al-Khalili” available at: And then listen to ““Sharing Our Science: How to Write and Speak STEM” with Professor Brandon Brown” available at:

    43 min

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