The Power of Partnership

Cherri Jacobs Pruitt with Riane Eisler

What if there is a way to transform society and create a world that values caring, nature, and shared prosperity?  The POP podcast brings you the voices of people who are doing just that - people who are applying the Partnership ethos, the ground-breaking alternative to Domination Systems that are the root of our most pressing challenges. The Partnership movement was pioneered by Riane Eisler, internationally acclaimed author of The Chalice and the Blade, Nurturing Our Humanity, Sacred Pleasures, Tomorrow's Children, The Real Wealth of Nations and many more! Each episode includes information about essential tools from the Center for Partnership Systems, and beyond, to move away from the domination paradigm and create a Partnership world!   

    평가 및 리뷰

    최고 5점
    11개의 평가


    What if there is a way to transform society and create a world that values caring, nature, and shared prosperity?  The POP podcast brings you the voices of people who are doing just that - people who are applying the Partnership ethos, the ground-breaking alternative to Domination Systems that are the root of our most pressing challenges. The Partnership movement was pioneered by Riane Eisler, internationally acclaimed author of The Chalice and the Blade, Nurturing Our Humanity, Sacred Pleasures, Tomorrow's Children, The Real Wealth of Nations and many more! Each episode includes information about essential tools from the Center for Partnership Systems, and beyond, to move away from the domination paradigm and create a Partnership world!   

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