Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast | Reviews | Analysis | Discussion

Jeff Roney and Colleen Roney, Once Upon a Time Reviewers, Hosts.
Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast | Reviews | Analysis | Discussion

A married couple from SoCal discuss and review ABC TV's Once Upon a Time. Listen and send in your feedback as we enjoy Once Upon a Time together. This is a different type of podcast. We explore the magic of the episodes with an eye on relatable themes, connections within the show and to other classic stories and films.

  1. 07/10/2018

    More than 60 Podcasting Lessons Learned – 311

    Episode Number: 311 Show notes can be found at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/311 Podcasting Lessons Learned are the most important part of the process. We all start podcasting somewhere, but I decided to share my podcasting lessons learned along my podcasting journey. A bit of a disclaimer first, this is not a Podcasting 101 course, so some items I will mention, but not go into complete depth. I will leave that to the Podcasting Gurus; Daniel J. Lewis (The Audacity to Podcast), Dave Jackson (School of Podcasting) Ray Ortega (Podcasting Roundtable) and others to discuss those subjects in more depth. Oh, one more disclaimer, as time marches forward, Social Media platforms will come and go, so I will try to talk more general in themes (that hopefully) will be applicable on any new platforms that we haven’t even seen at the time of this Blog post. Last time a podcast was posted was 3/6/16 Before we begin, I want to say something important. If you are a current podcaster, I want these points to encourage you. If you have never been a podcaster, I want to share something with you right now. So, to all you non-podcasters – look at your thumb. Go ahead, look at it. Your thumb-print is unique and so are you. Your life path, experiences and your point of view is different than anyone else’s, and we need to hear from you. If you need a reason to podcast it’s this – you are unique and special. As we go through this list and you’ve never thought about podcasting, I hope you will get some more intermediate and advanced tips and ideas to help you along the way. And now, here are my Podcasting Lessons Learned; 1. Count the Podcast Cost A podcast takes a lot of work. Read that again. Read it one more time. Lots of popular podcasters make it look easy, but it’s not. Now, I’m not trying to squash your podcasting dreams. I’m trying to give you the truths I learned (much later) – up front, so you know what to expect ahead of time. You’ll thank me later. Podcasting is a tough gig. It takes more time, energy, money, emotional investment than anything you can think of. We’ll leave that here for now, but if you stop reading (or listening to this podcast episode) before the end, at least you’ll know this fact. 2. Solo Host or Co-Host(s) There are lots of factors that lead to someone that listens to it consider it to be something they’d like to continue to listen to; – Quality of the audio of the finished product, – Quality of the speaker(s) voice, – Editing (limiting of extraneous information, filler words, etc), – Brevity (staying on point and limiting “rabbit trails“), – Likability of the speaker(s)’s speech pattern, – Speaker(s) knowledge of the subject, and much more. When I thought it might be fun to launch the OUAT Fan podcast, I asked my wife to join me as a co-host. There were many reasons; 1. Was that I was the sort of funny banter guy and she was the well-read, well-studied Disney, Fairy Tale, etc fan, 2. I figured the listeners would appreciate 2 different voices discussing the show, 3. She would save me when I (often) forgot a name of an actor that came up in an off-the-cuff comment (Note: Always prep well before recording.

    2 h 31 min
  2. 06/12/2015

    Broken Heart Analysis – Main Show – 308

    Broken Heart Analysis Main Show Episode Number: 308 Show notes can be found at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/308 Thank you for everyone supporting our podcast by going to http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/support. We really appreciate it! News: Views: Email points: From Katie Telera Hi Jeff and Colleen, (I would include the title of the episode in the subject but I can’t think of the name of it as Zelena saids “oops” anyways it’s the night of Sunday November 29th) I’ve been listening for a while but I’m finially able to email my thoughts on the episode so I thought I would just email in a few things it’s late so my typeinf miht be bad but as soon as I wake up tomorrow I’m packed so I thought after the episode ended to send this right after because I’ve tried in the past but every time I want to but I’m so busy I can’t so here it is… 1. So this broke my heart… When Hook told Emma that she will always be an orphan. I had went back to Neverland when she told Snow that she was an orphan and that was how the map worked so it crushed me so much 2. I GET it. Emma not trusting Hook/Killian with the sword who wouldn’t but really not give it to him also if Hook was seeing Rumple then is it possible for Emma to see another Past Dark One??? Or can only one dark one see a past dark one??? 3. I was so sad Merlin died. It was so fast, and then he was gone 🙁 I still don’t get how Nimue is supposed to help though. 4. Oh Henry 🙁 He was so angry at Emma. I am glad that he was able to forgive her though. #OperationCobraPart2 5. Oooh. Is Rumbelle really over? I was actually really proud of Belle. Yes, it is easy for them to back together, but Belle needs to think about herself for once, and I was glad that she had the strength to do it. If they are meant to be with each other, they will be. Plus did she really walk all the way out to the well when she could just not have shown up then it would have hurt him slightly more because she didn’t show 6. I was also proud of Regina. It took a lot of strength for her to put faith in Zelena once again and I admit, I was smiling a little when Zelena got to coo over her baby. Still need a name to call the child though… 7.i really like Reginas sass

    1 h 5 min
  3. 29/11/2015

    Birth and The Bear King Analysis – Main Show – 306

    Birth and The Bear King Analysis Main Show Episode Number: 306 Show notes can be found at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/306 Thank you for everyone supporting our podcast by going to http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/support. We really appreciate it! We will announce our Official Travel Agent for the OUAT Fan PC a little later. Listen up for it. News: Broken Heart – tomorrow 11/29 Swan Song – 12/6 Winter hiatus Souls of the Departed – 3/6 Views: Email points: From Gabe Well, I’m sad!! :’-(. As the rock trolls say “people make bad choices when they’re mad or scared or stressed.” I’m truly amazed at these writers and their ability to surprise this somewhat jaded viewer (watching 11 seasons of Supernatural can do that!). My first thoughts on this episode are basically DUDE, OMG, WHAT?!?!?! and AWESOME!!! I can’t believe you guys got the podcast up so quickly, I hope they didn’t kill off Merlin, we just got him!! I want him to continue on the show. Anyways, look forward to listening to your first thoughts and later analysis. It was interesting how the dark one and Merlin (I’ll call him the light one) can accomplish so much together. It makes me think of how often times in life we have to work for and listen to people we either really don’t see eye to eye with, or we just don’t like. This episode is also a testament to letting go of those you love and learning to live with loss, especially when the other only wants the best for you. It’s a little bit similar to what I imagine parenting to be: as a parent you want only the best for your children, the worst thing a child can do is sacrifice his or her own life for their parents, that’s not how it’s supposed to happen. Any parent would give their lives for their children’s happiness (Charming’s mother for example in one of the most beautiful moments in the series). Sorry this went on so long and I hope it’s not too hard to read. Ciao y’all Gabealcious Nashville, TN —————– From Nicola Hi Jeff and Colleen, Firstly, I just want to thank you both for your twice weekly podcasts. I only started really listening to them recently and really enjoy them; they help make the working day go a lot faster! This is also the first time I have emailed you guys (though I have tweeted/re-tweeted you a few times under the handle @alomostanangel) so please forgive me if I ramble on a bit. Well, what can I say about this episode?! I really enjoyed watching it – even if it was before I left for work so had to ensure my emotions remained in check to avoid any awkwardness when walking into the office! I think we all knew that everything Emma was doing was for Killian/Hook but the way in which it was confirmed was amazing. I also had a feeling that the dreamcatcher that Emma was seen clutching and crying over a couple of weeks ago was actually Killian’s and that by having Regina and Killian finding Henry’s was a red herring. Collen was right in first thoughts – Emma stabbing Excalibur in the ground froze Snow, Charming, Regina et al so they couldn’t go into the house to stop her killing Zelena. I’m not going to go too much into the episode, just really wanted to focus on the twist/big reveal of Emma turning Killian into a dark one. I completely understand Emma’s decision to save Killian’s life no matter what and some of what she said reminded me of the following scene from ‘Rocky Road’ (S4E3): Killian: “Swan; don’t make a man drink alone” Emma: “Not in the mood for a drink. Or a man” Killian: “Sorry I didn’t listen to yo...

    1 h 24 min
  4. 14/11/2015

    Nimue Analysis – Main Show – 304

    Nimue Analysis Main Show Episode Number: 304 Show notes can be found at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/304 Thank you for everyone supporting our podcast by going to http://onceuponatimepodcast.com/support. We really appreciate it! News: Per Adam, the title card should have read 500 years, not 200 years. Ex-Dark Ones look like tall Jawas Email points: From Trace Hi Colleen and Jeff, First…let’s start this email out right! COLLEEN was right! Way to go girl. Let’s give credit where credit is due. Wow, what a jammed packed episode full of Once Upon a time goodness…so much history came together. I just love when past moments and important items and scenes from the past come back and mean something now. We’ve been waiting so long for the Dark One History and it did not disappoint. I did almost have a brain hemorrhage about the timeline with that 200 years ago craziness, but thank goodness everyone-Adam and Eddy did come out and say it was mistake and should have been 500 yrs ago. Whew…makes waay more sense now. I pretty much have decided to give up on the time line and just enjoy the show. This was a great episode. Here are my thoughts on Nimue. I loved Hook being so brooding and angry about Emma and Merlin really is the only person that truly understands how he feels. I really think they did great job of making us feel the love story for Merlin and Nimue in a short period of time. I am truly invested in their relationship and really felt so sad for how it resolved. I think Emma saying that she felt that Nimue still loved Merlin though twisted, is going to mean something later. I know the big question is how did Nimue get to drink from the Holy Grail? I wonder if it’s kinda like the Excalibur? Once Arthur pulled the sword anyone could touch it and not poof into dust-so maybe once Merlin got the cup, anyone else could drink if they got it? Just an idea. Emma and Merlin on a quest was great. That whole story was perfect. I loved Emma fighting against the darkness and her realization that she is not nothing and beat the darkness-so epic! Jennfifer Morrison was on point this episode!! Arthur has lost his ever loving mind for sure. He is a new level of crazy. I think he has surpassed Jackhole Colleen…he’s really gone whackadoo. And how did he get so magical? WTF Scooby gang, and Regina in particular. You trusted Zelena???? Really? And if that wasn’t bad enough, you let Snow White guard her? Ugh…the bad ass Snow of the past would NEVER been taken in by this and she would have fought back for sure. Thank goodness all of you came to Camelot to help…what? Have they helped her at all? Seems they have only made things worse since they got there. And I feel there is more to come since now she has to save them all from cray cray Arthur and a mind controlled Merlin…get ready CaptainSwan shippers, I really think Hook is in trouble! Things that made me go hmmm…why didn’t that smoldering goo burn through the table when he melted the helmet? And…how were they supposed to use it….they left the ladle in the room…hehe. When did Arthur and Zelena plot their plan? She should NEVER be left alone-and if she’s mute-how did they plot at all? Zelena is awesome though…her scenes and lines are hilarious. Where’s the dwarfs??? Why aren’t they helping? Where is granny? And why has Robin been reduced to a side dish? Big Love to you and all the Oncers! 2 hours everyone-I can’t even stand it-I’m having friends over and we’re having meat pie, onion rings, kale salad, rum runners and chocolate iced donuts! Talk you all next week, Trace —————– From Brad Hello Jeff and Colleen, even though the Darkness is very tempting,

    26 min
sur 5
210 notes

À propos

A married couple from SoCal discuss and review ABC TV's Once Upon a Time. Listen and send in your feedback as we enjoy Once Upon a Time together. This is a different type of podcast. We explore the magic of the episodes with an eye on relatable themes, connections within the show and to other classic stories and films.

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