Built To Grow Fitness Business

Tim Lyons and Randy Angsten, Tim Lyons, Randy Angsten
Built To Grow Fitness Business

We help gym owners win! This podcast is a deep dive into marketing and excellence for Fitness Professionals. The fitness business industry can be a maze of misinformation and the hosts, Tim Lyons and Randy Angsten, will guide you down the proper path by sharing insights and learnings on marketing, mindset, business, and sales that have helped them grow a multiple 7-figure fitness business. This podcast will build a foundation you can GROW your fitness business on.

  1. -2 ДН.

    The Three-Legged Stool

    Bringing more clients into a gym without a solid foundation is like piling passengers onto a sinking ship – it’s a recipe for true disaster, and every new client only adds to the chaos. Even if you achieve some growth, the existing cracks will only widen without proper systems, automation, and lead generation. These three elements form the essential pillars of a successful gym. In this episode, Tim and Randy explain the "three-legged stool" approach. Just like a three-legged stool stands firm on any surface, systems, automation, and lead generation work together to stabilize your business: Systems prevent daily operations from falling apartAutomation ensures a seamless client journey from start to finishLead generation keeps your growth engine runningSkip any of these, and you’re left scrambling, relying on quick fixes and marketing gimmicks to patch up the holes. Ready to transform your gym from a wobbly mess into a rock-solid operation? Join Tim and Randy to learn how to balance these three crucial components and stop your business from teetering on the edge. Tune in now! Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)The three-legged stool concept (00:54)Systems, automation, and lead generation as gym business pillars (02:24)The risks of pushing leads into a broken system (05:21)Impact of staff turnover on client retention (08:32)Acquiring new clients vs. retaining existing ones (10:34)The importance of documented processes (14:59)Business Accelerator program overview (15:47)Recap (17:45)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    19 мин.
  2. -4 ДН.

    Soft Skills Have Hard Cost w/ Lindsay Vastola (Part 2)

    The critical role of emotional intelligence (EQ) in the fitness industry remains this week’s topic as Tim and Randy continue their conversation with Lindsay Vastola, a leadership coach specializing in emotional intelligence and team development for fitness professionals. In the previous episode, they discussed why many gym owners hire based on hard skills and technical expertise, only to face high turnover because staff members lack the emotional intelligence necessary for a positive gym culture. Now, they dive deeper into how EQ affects every aspect of the business. In this episode, Lindsay explains: How to craft job descriptions that attract candidates with high EQWays to assess resourcefulness and problem-solving during interviewsThe high costs of keeping a cultural misfit and its impact on team moraleTune in to learn why soft skills should be a priority for fitness business owners and how investing in EQ can transform your gym’s environment and boost profitability. Let's dive in!  P.S. If you missed the first part of the interview, be sure to check it out here! Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)Marketing job openings like services to attract the right candidates (00:28)Evaluate resourcefulness in interview scenarios (07:05)Slow hiring and quick firing leads to better staff quality (10:42)Controllables vs. uncontrollables in hiring challenges (15:37)Tap into local community groups to find potential coaches (19:13)Investing in EQ training boosts revenue and reduces churn (23:42)Balancing hard skills (certifications) with EQ training (25:47)Lindsay’s leadership coaching programs (28:02)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    30 мин.
  3. 17 ОКТ.

    Soft Skills Have Hard Cost w/ Lindsay Vastola (Part 1)

    We usually hire for IQ but end up firing because of a lack of EQ. This is something we rarely think about, but it's true.  Many gym owners focus only on the technical skills of their staff when hiring and often overlook the emotional intelligence needed to ensure the day-to-day activities in the gym run smoothly.  But what happens when your coaches can't connect with clients? Or if they struggle with tough conversations? Or leave you frustrated because they don't know how to communicate with each other or resolve conflict?  It's easy to assume these soft skills are common sense. But the truth is, you can't expect your 23-year-old coach to know how to handle every (or any) situation – it's on you to guide them.  In this episode, Tim and Randy sit down with Lindsay Vastola, an expert in emotional intelligence and a member of the Iron Circle. Lindsay explains why neglecting soft skills can come at a high cost, impacting everything from staff performance to client retention.  Tune in and learn how to turn EQ from a silent killer in your business into your biggest asset. Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)Importance of emotional intelligence (02:05)The five key components of emotional intelligence (05:28)Assume nothing, train everything (08:06)A real-world example of soft skills undermining a coaching team (14:54)Hire for emotional intelligence over technical skills (23:03)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    25 мин.
  4. 15 ОКТ.

    My Business Is Different

    "But my business is different." How many times have you told yourself that? It’s a common refrain among gym owners who believe their challenges are unique and that the solutions that work for others won’t apply to them. In this episode, Tim and Randy break down the "my business is different" mindset that holds so many back from achieving real growth.  They explain how the systems and processes that lead to success – whether in marketing, staffing, or automation – are universal and can be applied to any business, in any industry. They share real-life examples of owners who initially resisted change, only to find that adopting proven methods resulted in significant growth in their businesses. The truth is that your business isn’t that different. This belief is just an excuse to avoid making necessary changes that feel too emotionally difficult to face. If you’re ready to stop making excuses and start making changes, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn how to overcome this limiting mindset and start making the necessary changes to transform your business today! Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)The “my business is different” mindset (01:10)Systems are key to lasting success (05:46)Are you the biggest obstacle in your business? (09:11)Act now or watch your business collapse (11:01)Why immediate action is crucial for growth (15:06)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    19 мин.
  5. 10 ОКТ.

    The Truth Behind Your HighLevel Automation

    As more and more gym owners jump into white-labeled automation solutions, they often find themselves trapped in systems that don't serve the full client journey. You might have experienced this frustration with different agencies offering you "custom solutions." However, you soon realize that all these systems are just rebranded versions of the same software, leaving you juggling multiple accounts and incomplete solutions. In this episode, Tim and Randy break down the chaos surrounding HighLevel automation tools. They reveal how gym owners are being locked into multiple platforms that barely scratch the surface of what a gym actually needs for real growth. These tools often stop at lead generation, leaving the crucial aspects of client retention, communication, and long-term relationship-building entirely out of the picture. If you can’t control the client's journey from start to finish, you’ll always be at the mercy of various agencies and their solutions. Their main focus is usually getting you locked into monthly subscriptions rather than helping your business grow. That’s why owning your automation system is key. Curious to find out how to finally take control of your business? Tune in to this episode to learn how you can build a system that works for your gym and your clients, not just for an agency’s bottom line. Let’s dive in! Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)Overview of Iron Circle and upcoming events (00:56)HighLevel automation software explained (03:22)Why HighLevel automations fail (07:45)Importance of owning your automation system (21:32)Warning about reliance on agency-built solutions (26:54)Conclusion (27:48)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    31 мин.
  6. 8 ОКТ.

    4x5 Performance Model

    Do you have a clear system to evaluate the performance of your gym coaches? Or are you just hoping they’ll do their best and grow on their own? Many gym owners don’t have a structured plan to develop their coaches' skills or reward them for hitting performance benchmarks. But without a solid evaluation system, these gyms risk high turnover and stagnation (not to mention missed opportunities for growth). In this episode, Tim and his fitness director, Zach, break down the "4x5 Performance Evaluation" tool that gyms worldwide are now adopting. This system allows coaches to be graded in four critical areas – teamwork, standards, client experience, and expertise – on a scale of 1 to 5, and it gives your coaches the possibility for continuous improvement. Tim and Zach talk about the impact of this tool, how it helps coaches understand exactly what's expected of them, and how it can elevate both individual and team performance. They also explain why this approach makes all the difference in creating a sustainable, thriving business. So, if you’re serious about helping your coaches grow, keeping them engaged, and ensuring your gym operations run smoothly, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn in just 10 minutes how the 4x5 system can transform your gym’s coaching culture. Let's dive in!  Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)4x5 performance evaluation tool for coaches (00:57)Four categories breakdown (02:24)Scoring system and potential for bonuses (04:23)Review process and development (08:25)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    11 мин.
  7. 3 ОКТ.

    The Most Important Position In The Gym

    When was the last time you focused on your gym's delta? Last week? Last month? You can't remember? Most gym owners don't have enough time to focus on actual growth because they're too busy putting out everyday fires. Yes, all that grind and constant involvement may feel productive, but it's actually an obstacle that sabotages business scaling. It's ironic, but many gym owners spend most of their time handling tasks that could easily be delegated. So, the turning point for a gym can be handing over the reins to a qualified director.  A strong director can oversee operations, manage staff, and drive growth – allowing you to focus on bigger-picture strategies. Without this role in place, you're stuck in the grind of everyday responsibilities, making it impossible to step away. In this episode, Tim and his fitness director, Zach, pull back the curtain on how their owner-director relationship works. They share why giving a fitness director full autonomy allows a gym to run smoothly while also freeing the owner to focus on higher-level strategies. Zach explains what it's like to manage operations, train staff, and drive sales – all responsibilities that once fell on Tim's shoulders. Tune in as Tim and Zach share how they achieved both operational success and room for business growth. Let's dive in!  Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)Why gym owners hold too much control (01:30)Director’s duties: management, sales, operations (04:49)Empowering directors boosts business growth (09:09)Fitness directors must master communication with gym owners (11:27)Remove yourself from daily operations (13:41)Best DISC personality types – gym owners vs. fitness directors (15:24)Creating the right environment for a great fitness director (18:29)The key role of a competent director in selling your gym (24:11)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    26 мин.
  8. 1 ОКТ.

    Fireside Chat With Tim Grover

    Sooner or later, every high achiever reaches a point where they confront the cost of their success. Gym owners are no different. Time away from family, mental fatigue, or emotional strain... The question isn't if sacrifices will be made – it's how much they'll cost you. In this conversation, Tim Lyons and his special guest are breaking down this very topic. This isn't a regular podcast episode – it's an exclusive fireside chat from the Growth Summit, featuring Tim Grover, the legendary performance coach to icons like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Grover opens up about the guilt he faced as a father while building his career and shares the powerful lessons he's learned about obsession, sacrifice, and the mental toughness it takes to push through those dark moments. Grover talks about his struggles with balancing family and career and the lessons he learned about what it really takes to succeed. He also discusses the emotional weight that comes with striving for greatness and challenges listeners to ask themselves if they’re truly ready to make those sacrifices. If you feel the pressure of balancing success with personal life, Grover’s advice will make you think differently about how to handle it all, even when things seem overwhelming. Tune in as Tim and Tim explore what it means to win, how to navigate the sacrifices along the way, and give you a peek into the great conversations at the Growth Summit. Let’s dive into lessons you can use in both your business and your life.  Key Takeaways: Intro (00:00)Grover shares a personal story about family sacrifices (01:55)The concept of obsession and winning (05:37)Can winning be taught or is it in your DNA? (07:50)The importance of embracing dark moments (09:00)Making your circle smaller as you grow more successful (19:34)Teaching children resilience and confidence (26:15)Celebrating wins (29:05)Setting goals and achieving unrealistic expectations (32:20)Closing remarks (36:29)Additional Resources: - Get your early bird ticket for the 2025 Growth Summit in Nashville  - Get access to the 2024 Growth Summit recordings - Tim's new book - Built to Win by Tim Lyons  - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group - A tool for deciding on new gym services – 5-Question Matrix  - SOP in a Day Workshop  - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro  - Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course  - Business Accelerator Program   - Learn more about The Iron Circle  --- If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

    39 мин.
из 5
Оценок: 86

Об этом подкасте

We help gym owners win! This podcast is a deep dive into marketing and excellence for Fitness Professionals. The fitness business industry can be a maze of misinformation and the hosts, Tim Lyons and Randy Angsten, will guide you down the proper path by sharing insights and learnings on marketing, mindset, business, and sales that have helped them grow a multiple 7-figure fitness business. This podcast will build a foundation you can GROW your fitness business on.

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