Business & Bytes Podcast

Business & Bytes
Business & Bytes Podcast Podcast

Join us as we discuss business topics of all types, focusing on growing our businesses and cyber security. We’re all learning as we go. Lets learn from each other.

  1. MAY 13

    EP16 - Safeguarding Your Business: Cybersecurity Tips and Tools for Maximum Protection

    Welcome back to the Business and Bytes Podcast, where we dive deep into the strategies and technologies essential for protecting your business in our digital world. I'm your host, Emelio Mejia, joined by my co-host, John Hansman.   In today's episode, Part II of our series on cybersecurity, we continue to explore the critical measures to safeguard your business against cyberthreats. We'll discuss the importance of encryption, from your emails to hard drives, and why backing up your data is not just a good practice but a necessity for business continuity.   John will share his personal insights on being prepared for emergencies, emphasizing the significance of a rehearsed plan for cyber incidents. We'll also touch on the pivotal role of employee training in strengthening your company’s cyber defenses, and why even small businesses should consider specialized security support.   Stay tuned as we lay down the fundamentals of web gateway security, mobile device management, and firewalls to secure your digital assets. By the end of this episode, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to prevent, identify, and react to cybersecurity threats in our continuously evolving digital landscape. So, let's get into it!   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account: I.T. & CyberSecurity : :   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Solopreneurs need to focus on these 15 ways. 05:51 Warning about using same passwords across platforms. 08:30 Data logs critical for investigation, time-sensitive retrieval. 12:58 Quick response to security issue, customer appreciation. 14:35 Extend Microsoft logs retention with real-time ingestion. 19:30 Tech bubble restricts access, adds security layers. 20:38 Employers offering secure phone options to employees. 25:37 Encrypt sensitive data, especially when traveling. 29:33 Backups are crucial for business data protection. 33:31 Plan ahead to avoid panicked decision-making. 35:33 Agree on the need for cybersecurity insurance. 38:10 Contact us for nationwide compliance support.

    42 min
  2. APR 26

    EP15 - Combating Cyber Crimes: Why Understanding Basics Matters

    "It doesn't matter how many security tools you have in place if the person is just going to open the front door and let them in."   Welcome to Episode 15 of the Business and Bytes Podcast, where we delve into the critical world of cybersecurity basics under the shadow of a concerning trend: ransomware gangs joining forces.   I'm your host Emelio Mejia, accompanied by co-host John Hansman. Today, we're inspired by a recent high-profile cyberattack on the MGM Grand, which experienced a staggering $100 million loss due to the nefarious activities of a newly formed American ransomware group collaborating with seasoned cybercriminals from Russia. In this episode, we'll explore the pivotal role of social engineering in this attack and the broader challenges businesses face in securing their digital frontiers. We'll discuss why cybersecurity isn't just about technology but also about understanding human behavior, the critical importance of regular and robust security training, and why relying on free antivirus tools might be a risky move for businesses. Furthermore, we'll break down why multifactor authentication is a must-have in today's digital age, and highlight the real-world consequences of cyber incidents—from financial losses to power outages. Join us as we unpack these topics and equip you with a 15-point checklist to safeguard your business from such dire cybersecurity threats. Stay tuned!   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Attacks on IT infrastructure, password reset breach.07:16 Big companies need new vetting processes for calls.10:27 Cybersecurity is crucial due to real consequences.14:50 US hacker providing tips to foreign hackers.15:34 Cybercriminals wait, learn about your behavior. Importance of cybersecurity for small businesses.19:04 Security assessment is just the starting point.24:58 Ransomware often comes through socially engineered email.27:11 Security awareness training essential for business protection.30:09 Free antivirus and technology come with costs.33:09 Importance of multifactor authentication in cloud security.35:43 Discussion about the importance of computer updating.39:27 Issues with cybersecurity policy and ongoing management.

    42 min
  3. APR 13

    EP14 - Alyssa Bryson on Building Engaged Audiences in Today's Media Landscape

    "I have not bought any ads in the four years that company has existed. I have not purchased one ad. I have not. Not on Google, not on Facebook, nowhere. I've just focused on making really great content and making sure that the search on the back end pulls up."   Welcome back to the Business and Bytes Podcast! I'm your host, John Hansman, joined by my co-host, Emelio Mejia. Today, in Episode 14, we have a fantastic guest joining us – Alyssa Bryson, the vice president of community development at Work P2P and former director at King Five.   Alyssa has a wealth of experience in traditional media and business development, and we're diving deep into how businesses can create an audience and loyal fans in today's shifting media landscape. In this episode, Alyssa shares her journey from managing a large team at King Five to steering event logistics at Work P2P. We'll talk about the intricacies of handling logistics for massive events, transitioning from traditional media to leveraging AI tools like cast magic for podcast production, and the strategies to enhance podcast visibility. Moreover, we'll explore the delicate balance between utilizing technology and maintaining a human touch in content creation. Alyssa emphasizes the importance of having a clear message and brand story, which she learned from her experience in publishing and television. We'll also tackle the ever-present threat of AI voice scams and the precautionary measures one can take to safeguard against them. Tune in as we delve into the practicality of podcasting for different business models and discuss the potential of YouTube as a powerful platform for reaching audiences. Alyssa's insights on SEO, niche targeting, and the shift towards self-serving marketing tools will equip you with the knowledge to grow your audience effectively. Don't miss this engaging conversation with Alyssa Bryson on the Business and Bytes Podcast, where we discuss the intersection of business know-how and the latest in digital technology. Let's get started!   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Experienced individual with roots in small town.07:24 Son’s Crohn's diagnosis prompted magazine career break.13:13 Rebranded business serving large corporate clients globally.19:27 Creating pop culture magazine, seeking contributors.23:26 Google Analytics favored, WordPress user for analytics.29:16 Personal website uses AI to improve content.36:24 Transcribe video with caution, typos matter.40:16 Podcast aims to support business owners' growth.45:52 Media landscape constantly changes, good stories remain.50:26 Use web programs to create fake audio.56:03 Need parents conversation about email security importance.01:01:36 Personal website:, Google for more.

    1h 3m
  4. EP13 - Focusing on Marketing Goals: Strategy and Budget Allocation Insights with Ceci Robinson

    MAR 26

    EP13 - Focusing on Marketing Goals: Strategy and Budget Allocation Insights with Ceci Robinson

    "because while marketing is a lot of creativity, and that's one of my favorite pieces, it's a lot of analytics as well, and you have to be able to read those results and read those reports to understand how to do better in the future. Otherwise, you're kind of just guessing."   In this enlightening Episode 13 of the Business and Bytes Podcast, hosts Ceci Robinson, Emelio Mejia, and John Hansman delve into the multifaceted realm of marketing strategies. The discussion begins with Ceci Robinson highlighting the necessity of dedicated planning time for marketing strategies, followed by Emelio Mejia's revelation on his initial confusion between marketing and sales, and the vital role of relationship building.   The trio then navigates the use and benefits of CRM systems for maintaining sales communication and leads management, cautioning against the use of consumer email services for business communication due to security and access risks. They reflect on personal experiences of using free email accounts versus domain emails, the implications for trust and professionalism, and the appearance of credibility. The conversation covers the significance of brand awareness and lead generation, particularly at trade shows, and the indirect impact marketing has on sales.   Emelio and John encourage frequent and strategic engagement with leads, using trade shows as timely opportunities to expand one's network. Technical difficulties briefly interrupt the audio, but the hosts press on to discuss marketing's role in business growth, the ideal budget allocations for marketing, and the necessity of understanding social media platforms based on customer behaviors. As the chat progresses, hosts debate the cost-effectiveness of various marketing tools, the importance of consistent branding, and strategic allocation of a marketing budget considering business age and type. The episode concludes with insights on aligning IT with business goals, understanding analytics for marketing improvement, and the strategic use of social media platforms for engaging content. It’s an episode brimming with insider knowledge tailored to refine marketing approaches and cultivate business success.   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Establish marketing budget based on revenue percentage.05:39 Business owner reluctant to use Instagram, unsure.07:58 Choose platforms based on customer behavior and intent.14:04 Utilize customer data for personalized experiences efficiently.16:46 CRM coaching for effective platform utilization options.20:02 Allocate funds wisely for effective marketing partnerships.23:59 Used various strategies for marketing, seeking advice.25:01 Diverse marketing strategies cater to different businesses.29:53 Engage differently based on time span. Email introduction.34:31 Build relationships, not push products. Nurture leads.38:09 Importance of brand foundations and marketing plan.39:34 Plan marketing strategy to ensure successful campaigns.42:37 Ensure targeting right leads and nurture relationships.46:09 Businesses should avoid using consumer email services.49:38 CRM platforms do not support Gmail linkage.52:50 Noise, open windows, Gmail account for professionalism.56:03 Expresses gratitude and acknowledges everyone present.   Book a Consultation with Ceci at

    56 min
  5. MAR 26

    EP12 - Cheree Sauer's Guide to Avoiding Burnout and Building a Sustainable Business

    "So rest is just like the sports season. There's a season for every part of your life in business. And the rest season, this is your slow season, right? And so it's time to rebuild, recharge, refocus. What worked well, what didn't. And this is you can apply this to your team, you can apply this to your own life, to your family, but also in that rest season, you're asking yourself, what is allowed to go in this season and what is not allowed to go in this season? Because that's where we get stuck, right? Is we try to do all the things all the time, but in order."   Welcome back to Business and Bytes Podcast. In this eye-opening episode, "EP12 - Cheree Sauer's Guide to Avoiding Burnout and Building a Sustainable Business," hosts Emelio Mejia and John Hansman sit down with Cheree Sauer, CEO of Success Without Sacrifice, to tackle the critical issue of entrepreneurial burnout.   Cheree brings valuable insights on maintaining balance, preventing burnout, and the "ramp method" – a framework that helps entrepreneurs navigate their own rest, align, master, and peak seasons. Additionally, the episode delves into the significance of recognizing and addressing the various symptoms of burnout, from chronic fatigue to a loss of motivation, all through the lens of personal experiences shared by our hosts and guest.   On the tech front, we're covering the heightened need for cybersecurity in today's digital era, discussing recent incidents like the supply chain attack on three CX and a concerning data breach at Microsoft. Our discussion underscores the importance of implementing layered security measures to protect your business.   Join us for an episode brimming with invaluable advice that's sure to resonate with entrepreneurs, small business owners, and C-level executives alike.   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Being a stay-at-home mom taught self-care importance.07:01 Embrace present, stop chasing, prioritize self-care.12:07 Athletes need rest for peak performance.16:33 Building a sustainable business takes time.22:47 Questioning worthiness, people pleasing, and uncovering beliefs.28:21 Entrepreneur shares experience, expands business with help.35:50 Assess your energy, offload what's draining you.38:11 Understanding motivation and leadership for business owners.43:30 Listen to your body's signs and signals.53:46 Microsoft has many security tools available.55:39 Microsoft under threat after Russian retaliation, small businesses vulnerable.01:00:20 Grateful for Cherie, stay tuned for more.

    1h 2m
  6. MAR 18

    EP11 - Cyber Security Essentials: Safeguarding Your Business Through Tools and Mindset

    "One of the staff that, that was there actually ran his mouse over that. It was a docusign thing, or was a docusign on Microsoft. He ran his mouse over the, the sign in or whatever it was, and he looked at the address and went, yeah, you know, it just didn't look right to me, so I didn't click it and I called and that's how he figured out what was going on."   Welcome back to the Business and Bytes Podcast, where we delve deep into crucial business technology and cybersecurity topics. In this 11th episode, titled "Employee Mistakes: Proper Cyber Security Tools and the Right Mindset to Keep Your Business Safe," hosts John Hansman and Emelio Mejia unravel the complexities of safeguarding a business against cyber threats, emphasizing the human element in cybersecurity.   They discuss the importance of educating employees on vigilance against tactics like phishing and the evolving AI-driven ransomware, as well as the significance of implementing effective security tools and strategies to protect critical business assets like finances, intellectual data, and consumer information. Listeners will learn about the dire consequences of undetected cyberattacks on businesses and the success stories of those who have managed quick and efficient responses to threats.   The discussion extends to the key roles of disaster recovery planning, including having robust backups and rehearsed procedures, to minimize downtime during cyber incidents. Moreover, the episode touches on sensitive processes like handling employee terminations to prevent potential security breaches.   Stay tuned, as John and Emelio also foreshadow their next exploration of Russian cybercrime groups, and don't forget to follow the podcast on social media for updates and send in your questions or topics for future discussions.   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Cybersecurity discussion, employee mistakes, tools, mindset.06:36 Include IT department in employee termination process.08:01 Open communication helps avoid surprise staff changes.12:57 Be smart, keep business safe, manage passwords.15:18 Many ways to educate, including gamification.17:20 Three things to protect in business: financials, education.21:42 Importance of cybersecurity and personal protection awareness.24:49 Dark web monitoring essential for protecting credentials.29:22 Monitoring is crucial for preventing security breaches.33:07 Efficient phishing scam thwarted by vigilant staff.34:58 Criminal organization targets two-factor authentication. Ransomware evolves using AI, backup plan crucial.37:41 Data recovery and backup are crucial for businesses.40:42 Cyber attacks impact business and employee morale.46:04 Regularly update all equipment for security.48:22 Previewing next week's cybersecurity segment on Russians.

    50 min
  7. MAR 18

    EP10 - Strengthening Local Economies with George Sharp: Lessons Amidst a Life-Altering Health Crisis

    "Our goal is to keep jobs that are there, and that helps in the communities I'm working with, because we're bringing outside money that comes into the community. They buy things like food and lodging and those things, and, and leave their money there to go to shops and buy things, et cetera, and then they leave. But they help those jobs and businesses stay in business."   Welcome to EP10 of the Business and Bytes Podcast, where today's episode features an enriching discussion with George Sharp from the Thurston EDC.   We're set to explore the dual narrative of George's life as a community builder and economic driver for small towns, as well as his personal tale of resilience and positivity in the face of a challenging kidney health journey. George Sharp utilizes his extensive experience in entrepreneurship and economic development to revitalize communities, orchestrating events and initiatives that not only showcase the charm of small towns but also stimulate local business growth.   Despite his own health obstacles, including navigating the intricacies of dialysis and the kidney transplant list, George maintains a powerful positive mental attitude that inspires all those around him. In addition to George's story, we will also discuss key learnings from our recent conference attendance, including the "profit first" approach and cybersecurity tips vital for today's businesses.   Join hosts John Hansman and Emelio Mejia for a moving and motivational episode that merges profound personal insight with actionable business wisdom.   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Entrepreneurial high schooler switches to college briefly.04:35 Prank calls caused loss of $45,000.09:06 Monthly meetings to discuss community development efforts.12:48 Tonano arts market helped artisans during COVID.14:20 32 artisans create huge success in downtown.18:09 Online training and coaching program for businesses.22:27 Get local economic development counseling to grow.25:44 Advocate for businesses, engage with local chamber.29:11 Praising positive mindset and resilience in adversity.31:54 Adopted plant-based diet, delayed dialysis for 2.5 years.34:50 Patient gets transplant call for donor kidney.39:04 Gratitude, positive attitude despite challenges, love for life.42:32 Belief in purpose, inspiring others through journey.43:24 Friend's daughter credits George for medical decision.48:55 Reenergized by talk, excited to see speaker.50:04 Garrett Gunderson's talk expanded my wealth perspective.54:02 Planning changes in strategy and personal growth.57:04 "Be cautious and check before clicking links.   You can reach George at

    59 min
  8. FEB 14

    EP09: From Corporate Life to Auto Detailing Empire – Jesus De Lardilles Shares His Soloprenuer Story

    "The smart way, it really doesn't require you to, you know, start with so much money. So I started. I bought a 97 astro van, right? I didn't know if that thing was going to turn on the next day. I bought all my equipment new, you know, but I was like, you know what? I need to start this way and work my way up. You know, a lot of guys, they think that they have to, like, show or portray this image of, like, they're, like, super successful, you know, and clients, they're not really looking at that, at least. What, from what I've experienced, you know, as long as you're a person that says, hey, I'm gonna be there at this time, and you show up at that time, you actually say what you're gonna do. Clients are gonna be there whether you drive a 97 astro van or, you know, 2023, you know, all decked out, you know, Van."   Welcome to the Business and Bytes Podcast, where we delve into the heart of entrepreneurship and digital innovation. In this episode, Emelio Mejia reconnects with an old friend and guest, Jesus De Lardilles, to discuss the highs and lows of being a solopreneur.   Jesus shares his transformative journey from the banking industry to establishing Miami Premium Enterprise, offering insights into the shift from corporate to the autonomy of running one's own business. We'll cover critical topics like cybersecurity, the digital footprint of businesses, and the crucial aspects of fostering a robust company culture.   Our conversation will touch upon the significance of perseverance, highlighted by a nod to Calvin Coolidge's thoughts on persistence, and the balance between financial prudence and business expansion. As Jesus recounts his experiences with burnout, client interactions, and strategic shifts in his business model, listeners will gain valuable lessons on resilience, the importance of a well-defined business purpose, and the strategies that can drive a business's success.   Tune in to EP09: Jesus De Lardilles | The Solopreneur Story for a dose of inspiration and practical advice for any business journey.   Support the show by subscribing to our Facebook Account:   Timestamps for your reference: 00:00 Podcast host thanks guest and discusses interview.04:11 Banking experience impacted service transition to entrepreneurship.08:44 Start small, clients care about reliability.13:00 Rebooted business with new mindset and guidance.14:48 Coaches help gain competitive edge in business.19:49 Prioritized clients, growth through quality over quantity.21:00 Social media crucial for business growth and trust.25:19 People losing trust over petty theft experiences.27:30 Company success: pay employees well, create good culture.31:58 Entrepreneurship offers confidence to pivot industries.35:52 Building trust with clients through personal engagement.39:04 Entrepreneur shares importance of having a big "why".42:28 Surround yourself with the right people, succeed.44:32 Miami Premium Enterprise provides comprehensive vehicle detailing.48:59 Thoroughly monitoring email system is crucial.51:17 Book about hacking, client gave info away.54:09 Security breach detected, but minimal data compromised.57:49 Exciting digital marketing plans for Facebook content.

    59 min


Join us as we discuss business topics of all types, focusing on growing our businesses and cyber security. We’re all learning as we go. Lets learn from each other.

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