AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0

Matt Battaglia
AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0

AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: Please Subscribe. Thanks for Listening. - More Info:

  1. FEB 25

    Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025

    Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA   - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025                 What We Learned This Week ACTRA Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance Cyber threats affect everyone from Gov’t to business to private and growing Companies need to be responsive with speed to be effective + share information of attacks ACTRA has members from both government and private sector ACTRA helped create a state cybersecurity response model that other states can use     Guest: Frank Grimmelmann President & CEO/Intelligence Liaison Officer   Mr. Grimmelmann also serves as Co-Chair (together with Arizona's Chief Information Security Officer) for the Arizona Cybersecurity Team (‘ACT’), created through the Governor’s Executive Order signed in March 2018. He also serves as a Founding Member of the National Leadership Group for the Information Sharing & Analysis Organization Standards Organization (‘ISAO SO’) at the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA), created under the President’s Executive Order 13691 in February 2015. As ACTRA’s leader, Mr. Grimmelmann was invited as the first private sector representative in the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) and served as its first private sector Executive Board representative from 2014-2019. He presently acts as ACTRA’s designated private sector liaison to ACTRA’s Key Agency and other non-Member Stakeholders.    Mr. Grimmelmann served four terms as AZ InfraGard’s President from 2009-2012, serves today on numerous academic advisory boards, co-Chairs the Greater Phoenix Chamber's Cybersecurity Workforce Collaborative initiative, and is an engaged Member of the Arizona Technology Council’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board.  In 2019, Mr. Grimmelmann was honored by the FBI, and the Board of Directors of both ACTRA and Arizona InfraGard as the first recipient of Arizona InfraGard’s ‘Visionary Award’ for creating the ACTRA framework  over his last 2 terms as Arizona InfraGard’s President, and ACTRA's resulting collaboration between law enforcement/ intelligence agencies/USCYBERCOM, and its public, private and academic organizations over the past 7 years.   He was simultaneously recognized by the FBI’s then Deputy Director for his contribution over the years. He remains an active Member of InfraGard since 2003 and an active Lifetime Member of the FBI Citizens Academy since 2006.   Since 2002 he has devoted his full-time attention to protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure and national security interests, through eliminating unnecessary silos that hinder communication, allowing  us to respond to today's increasing threat from our cyber adversaries, and in turn permitting ACTRA's Member Organizations to protect their critical infrastructure and our national security interests, while protecting their organization's assets .   Educationally, he holds a dual MBA in International Business and Finance from the University of California at Berkeley and brings decades of experience as a senior executive in finance, healthcare and government, prior to focusing on Cybersecurity in response to 9/11.          Notes:   Seg 2   Cyber threats affect everybody, business, personal, and government. Cyber crime is a fact of life that we need to live with it, but stay ahead.   Criminals are on the offense and only have to be correct 1% of the time. Everybody else is playing defense and has to be right 100% of the time.   AI is an advanced tool that is turned out to be a two edge sword, can help and hurt. AI can only catch so much but can give a few of what is going on.   This is a matter of national security, dealing with homeland security and many other departments of the government.   You have threat intelligence to determine roles on how you’re going to handle hackers and ransom ware. Hackers can be local or foreign.   All companies need a cyber policy and some sort of rapid tactical response.   Cyber attacks are an ever growing threat to people and businesses, and continue to surge in 2024. There was 107% surge in malware attacks.   These are on corporate computers, computers at work or home computers or even Home devices like Ring. You get a text through devices, phishing attacks.   Company business email can be compromised in an attack, people’s passwords come out and it leads to millions of dollars in losses. Elderly people are very vulnerable, 353,000 attacks.   You have supply chain threats by terrorist and nation state actors. There was a recent attack on United Healthcare for 100 million. People‘s information was exposed. This led to a $22 million ransom payment.   Cyber attacks cause $2.9 billion in damages. Companies are paying ransom to faceless criminals. Very tough for the FBI to be tracking down on these criminals and try to fend off the extortion of stolen data.   Payments for ransom could be made through Bitcoin, which is difficult to trace, though it leaves somewhat of a forensic trail. Constant need for regulation and oversight from the government.   Famous incident last year was not even an attack, but the Crowdstrike software update. ACTRA had a quick response that day. One that helps clients and partners recover fast. In a similar instant, Delta was down for weeks with computer problems.   When you think about what goes on with banks back to 2008 - what loans they have on balance sheet and then off balance sheet securitized - not regulated like normal loans.   Issues with underwriting standards on loans. Not even sure what can be affected in a Cyber attack. Off balance sheet loans and debt is similar to crypto or Bitcoin where it is not being regulated.   PPD-41 was a directive to show responsibilities of government agencies and dealing in cyber. You had homeland security as a defensive arm to protect the nation’s assets.   Enforcement is done in the US by the FBI. Overseas it’s done by US Cyber Command.     Seg 3   Frank background in the 1990s in private business, worked in healthcare. Then was the chief info officer and the only 2000s at clinical in Stanford. Healthcare is very vulnerable.   Post 9/11 he worked with FBI outreach program called InfraGuard on how to share intelligence with cyber threats. Needs to be treated like terrorism or criminal acts, though they’re taking stolen IP. Need to move to a more stable world.   2011 study was done by government organizations to review the process and make recommendations on how to deal with counterterrorism and cyber.   90% of the critical infrastructure in the US is in the private sector. They do need Fed level help, but have also have a local response. Cyber threat actors move quickly and act like a terrorist organization.   General Stanley McChrystal had a great quote, ‘It takes a network to defeat a network.’ Cybersecurity is everyone’s problem. You need education and organization. This is a 5th generation problem and you have to be adaptive.   ACTRA is a nonprofit dealing with cyber security. They’ve got pillars of empowerment, trust technology and intelligence. Need for the private companies to develop to train and recruit to handle this threat.   They created a model which allows to bring the fight on offense - and all work together sharing information. Virtual response team, small and big with the private sector as a partner.   ACTRA is a hub for info, and keeps its member information private. Some members are public like Arizona State. Actual model can be used for the rest of the nation. Government and private cannot do it alone. Not all states have this type of organization, but probably need it.     Seg 4   ACTRA started in January 2013. Give U.S. states a model for cyber security. Collective defense and share information with public and private organizations. The goal is to breakdown silos between government and the corporate world.   Not just a thing tank, has an active model. Review of ACTRA model is best in the country and a good hub for response and info.   In 2015, they helped Wisconsin create their own state organization for cyber threats. Soon after, Maryland created one using ACTRA as a model. Needs to be an effort of collaboration, merge the construct of entrepreneur spirit to take action.   So the government cyber threats are handled nationally at a Fort Meade, where the NSA is.   Frank’s background in business in finance and healthcare fields.   Info is useless if not used for action. You need actionable intelligence that is current to take down a threat. You need more than continuing education and certificates for people, must go beyond this.   Virtual response team like a local militia who can help protect assets. Going after cyber criminals can be a little bit like a whack a mole.   Overtime, hopefully there will be a national strategy for info sharing. A type of decentralized and local organization that work with government.   The private sector owns the vast amount of data so they have to determine who they’re going to share it with and how.   Defend vs Cyber fast while still working within the spirit of the law.       Seg. 1 Clips from Related Shows: Cybersecurity, Disruption, Blockchain & Terrorism w Ari Redbord of TRM Labs - BRT S02 EP31 (78) 8-1-2021     What We Learned This Week Cybersecurity is extremely important industry for national security TRM Labs startup in cyber-security, monitors blockchain OFAC - Gov’t administers economic and trade sanctions Ransomeware – specific breach, takeover of a computer system, holds

    49 min
  2. FEB 17

    Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025

    Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab   - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025              What We Learned This Week Oilstain Lab creates high end retro futuristic designer sports car - in EV models EV Car Designers for Gearheads who hate EVs All the capabilities of a sports car, on a liteweight carbon fiber frame, + sound & an electric motor Inspired by the race cars of Italy & classic 1960s sports cars     Guest: Nikita Bridan, Co-Founder, CEO Nikita Bridan is co-founder & chief executive officer of Oilstainlab. A car design strategist with 15 years of OEM and startup experience, Nikita has worked with world-renowned brands including Lyft, Cruise, GM, Toyota, Genesis, ONE, and more on electrification, platforms, and strategy. In 2019, Nikita co-founded Oilstainlab with his twin brother, Iliya, as an automotive design consultancy service and playground, and developed it into a boundary-pushing, custom vehicle manufacturer. Nikita lives his life as fast as the cars he builds, once being pulled over at 140mph in Arizona and getting off with a warning. Nikita earned bachelor’s degrees in Transportation Design from the Istitudo Europeo di Design in Italy and the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California, where he now serves as an instructor to the next generation of designers.   Leading a New Generation of Automotive with Oilstainlab Co-Founder Nikita Bridan The future of automotive design is in the hands of twin brothers, Nikita and Iliya Bridan.  The founders of Oilstainlab have turned heads worldwide with their automotive creations, most notably the Half-11, its half Porsche-half Formula 1 race car that pays homage to the golden age of motor racing.  The Bridan  brothers are motor maniacs who credit to Gran Turismo for fueling their passion for car design from a young age. The brothers dropped out of high school at age 14 to pursue a design education and would eventually earn degrees in Transportation Design from the Istitudo Europeo di Design in Italy and the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena.  During their career they have worked for world-renowned car brands including Toyota, Scion, Lexus, General Motors, Honda, Acura and more, bringing 6.5M cars to the road, securing 13 patents, and winning multiple awards including Motor Trend “SUV of the Year.”  In 2019, the brothers went into business for themselves. They opened Oilstainlab as a design consultancy and playground with clients ranging from EV start-ups, space vehicles, movie vehicles, hydrogen start-ups, and more.   In 2024 the brothers unveiled their first car, the HF-11. The HF-11 is the perfect mix of speed, comfort and intelligence. It offers 650 horsepower 12000RPMs and a top speed over 200 mph. The all-carbon fiber bodywork forges a radical shape obsessively honed for extreme velocities, while the interior offers all the comforts of modern-day vehicles. The company will keep turning heads with maniac design, world class advisory council going into 2025…and changing automotive landscape.         Notes:     Seg 2   Oil stain lab is a boutique, sports car designer, using an EV format. They start their design with the driver in mind, then sketch it out and think with an inside out strategy. They wanted to build a high-end retro futuristic 1960s motorsports inspired type car. These cars are expensive with future tech.   1960s sports cars were dangerous and cool. The last era of sports cars before car regulations were changed in the early 1970s.   The second step is a computer design. The car body uses a light carbon fiber frame. They also enhance their car with the idea and sound of combustion in an electric EV car.   It has a flat skateboard type platform designed very different than an actual sports car. Normally EV battery is at the bottom, but Oilstainlab put the EV battery where the engine would be. Lightweight car of 2000 pounds.   Compact and efficient, using a 911 Porsche as a model.Power train is in the back of the car, which is challenging.   Comfortable EV sports car, two seater with a manual transmission.   Has an audio signature, which is very important, creates real sound of 110 decimals. Oilstainlab is building cars for gear heads, not a traditional EV nerd type. Building EV cars for people who hate EVS.   Goes up to speeds of 200 mph, 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. Plus the driver can enjoy switching gears.     Seg 3   Twin brothers Nikita and Iliana created the company. Originally from Ukraine, then moved to Italy when they were teenagers. Eventually settled in California and created Oilstainlab.   Prior, they were auto designers for 10 years. Started Oilstainlab in 2019 with the design idea. In 2020 they started to actually manufacture cars. Fall of 2024 they came out with their HF 11 model.   Brothers were inspired by the 1960s motorsport cars and your famous Italian sports cars like Ferrari and Lamborghini.   They wanted to bring in the Hollywood flair of storytelling and branding. Think of Steve McQueen movies with the height of the sports car from 1967 through 1972.   1972 was the end of an era, with new emission standards that killed good designs. The 1960 sports cars were a wild west of innovation. Collectors still want these cars with their combustion engines.   Oilstainlab is bringing back that spirit within the next generation of car design. Building an EV car with power. Building an EV car for the EV hater.   There are challenges in this, with how heavy the car is and where to put the battery.   Aspark Owl, a $3 million car, claims to be the fastest EV in the world. It weighs 5700 pounds. Also has no noise or vibration, so it does not catch the nostalgia of a sports car.   Oilstainlab has a light car, manual transmission, plus that classic combustion sound. They replicate the experience, creating a bridge to the past with a future style sports car.   Car cost $1 million and their typical clients age from 40 to 60 years old. Using the 1960s car design, purity of a driving experience.   When they built the prototype, they were thinking about the driver first. They hired sports car drivers like JR Hildebrand, and Rick Noob to test. These guys were racecar drivers.   The 1960s cars were planned to be obsolete, the design will age out.   Post 1972 with the economic and fuel crisis, cars were mass produced. No more exotic designs, no real soul, they all look the same. Cars companies simply did not spend as much on research and development.     Seg 4   Thunderbolt has that combustion field type engine with their EV launch in April 2025   We will have a carbon fiber tub and re-create the excitement of the experience.   Oilstainlab is backed by an investor who has experience in Green tech and is an entrepreneur.   Oilstainlab is loved by the car maniacs, and they see themselves as maniacs too.   Cool EVS can help the entire EV market and change an image Oil stain lab is making a halo product for the entire industry.   They have advisors who review and drive the car – who are surprised when the EV sounds like combustion for the gearheads, creating a shock when people drive it, not even realizing it’s an EV car.   Collectors want the sound of an original car, but also lightweight and manual driving for the unique experience.   Oilstainlab with their design is reconditioning the mind of what is possible with an EV car.   Their new Thunderbolt design will have swap ability, for the maniac ethos, with new engineering.   All goes back to how they were inspired with the famous sports cars of Italy, like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Pagani. Italy is the Mecca of auto passion, culture, and approach to how a sports car should be done.       Seg 1   Past Clips (2) from related shows on EVs:   Best of Clean Energy, EVs & Battery Power AZ TRT S05 EP15 (230) 4-14-2024    What We Learned This Week Steve Zylstra of AZ Tech Council on Clean Energy Daniel Tonkopiy of Delfast Bikes on EV bikes Praveen of Monarch Tractor on AI, EVs & Farming Mark Hanchett of Atliss Motors on EV Trucks & Batteries Clean Energy - many Tech Co's working on zero emission plan Delfast E Bikes – smart bike, connects to E Bike, range of 220 miles on 1 charge, & speed of 50 mph, can drive on all different terrain  Monarch Tractor is AgTech working towards a future with Clean Farming Atlis Motors is an Energy Company - Apple of energy – vehicle is their ‘I-Pod’ Revolutionizing the Electric Battery - Lithium, cobalt, copper w/ a Lifespan – 1 million miles or 10 years + Full Show: HERE         EV Charging at Home w/ Broc TenHouten of Intrinsic Power AZ TRT S05 EP05 (220) 2-4-2024  What We Learned This Week Intrinsic Power - Next Gen EV Charger EV Charging in your home will be standard Electrical Panel upgrade to handle new tech Electric Grid not prepared for consumer demand & EV charging needs EV Infrastructure for charging stations as EV Cars w/ longer range are the Future   Full Show: HERE         Biotech Shows:     AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023   Tech Topic:    Best of Tech:     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podca

    44 min
  3. JAN 24

    Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025

    Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future   - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025                 What We Learned This Week Obvious Future is building Machine Learning (AI) programs to be used onsite for a business Corporate Data is too sensitive to be in the cloud / internet Business cannot use cloud AI programs like ChatGPT, Google Cloud, etc because of IP and privacy concerns Large Language Models are not necessary, have more data than needed, can have smaller AI programs tailored for business     Guest:  Eddi Weinwurm AI is top of mind for most enterprises…but most don’t know the risks especially in the cloud.    Eddi Weinwurm is a co-founder and CEO of Obvious Future an AI company with a new approach to keeping AI local and secure.   Eddi Weinwurm has many years of experience in both the development of media management software and AI.  As a visionary he formed the company to address critical enterprises in the growing AI market.     ObviousFuture Resident AI: Faster, Safer, and Transforming Enterprise AI   Eddi Weinwurm co-founder and CEO of ObviousFuture is on a mission to make AI safer and faster for enterprises.   ObviousFuture, a trailblazer in secure and private AI solutions, will be unveiling a disruptive AI solution for the enterprise on December 18—Resident AI.    This solution empowers enterprises to harness the full potential of AI while safeguarding their data locally, marking a critical evolution in the AI landscape.   ObviousFuture's Resident AI operates entirely on-premise, solving a $500 billion market problem by addressing vulnerabilities like data privacy risks, compliance challenges, and vendor lock-ins. The company is focused on key sectors such as government, defense, surveillance, medical, and media.   Early adopters, have achieved ROI within just two months of deployment of the Resident AI platform.           Key benefits for Enterprises  Local- Resident AI is an artificial system that resides directly on the enterprises infrastructure reducing risk and latency often associated with edge computing.  ObviousFuture’s approach is fully private and operates with very low latency.    Offline Access- Resident AI allows for complete work productivity without a single point of failure and no third-party API reliance.     Not Edge AI-Resident AI delivers full AI capabilities similar to big cloud models and doesn’t require a data center.   Reduces Cost-  Substantial lower deployment and operational costs means a higher ROI for businesses.     Learn more about the company at ObviousFuture and sign up for a demo today.         Seg 1    Obvious Future AI CEO, Eddi Weinwurm   Resident AI for companies, storage of sensitive data, not for use with 3rd parties   Predictive editing from media, has Search and use features   No open AI, search documents internally – onsite at your company   Use local servers and data center on site, nothing goes to the Internet or cloud   For business to use AI with sensitive data, it cannot be in the cloud, it must be on site Business needs verticals with AI integration   Examples of companies with sensitive data that cannot be on the Internet, are media, banking, healthcare, companies doing research and development RND   Also dealing in Research, or math, like at universities   Eddie does not want to call this AI, prefers the term machine learning, using a lot of that now and it will grow   Standard cloud AI used in conjunction online with companies like Google or Microsoft,   You can connect to an API, example is chat GPT The AI work is done in the cloud and over the Internet This involves data centers and huge computer networks Parameters of lots of neurons or brain power in computing   Obvious Future is a technology company, looking to engineer a smaller API with the same machine learning intelligence   History of technology, initially things are large and cost a lot of money Over time, it should be smaller and cheaper and faster   How do you perform the same tasks and have great efficiency?   Lots of uses for artificial intelligence, just one example is checking email for spam   Currently, most AI is a large language model, tons of info or put into the machine learning. But a lot of it is not needed, lots of waste   Compounds and routing models can be the future     Seg 2   Chat GPT, is a supermodel, knows everything, but has wasted data To Eddie, this does not make sense   For most AI tasks, you need a specialist, a form of expert knowledge Need to be routed to the right model, compound the route and info   Network of smaller models – then Which expert model to ask a question This will reduce resources and energy use, plus better use, and faster   Alan Tuning said, difficult work requires lots of engineering   Obvious Future has created a machine learning product called Cara One, used for media production and film   Runs on the premises of a business, local, not in the cloud   Not connected to the Internet, in-house, so you can protect your Intellectual Property (IP)   Air gapped setup with hardware, provide AI resources in house   Problem, how to keep data in house Run in a server room on the premises Cap X model for a business where they can own their own AI   Current AI Cloud set up as a subscription model, this a company would own     Seg 3   Set up a server or multiple servers in a closet in a business office on site, but not a super computer   AI hardware equals expensive cost   Math plus technology and you can shrink the tech   Companies cannot even use lots of AI services or ChatGPT right now, because it is open cloud, too much business risk, can’t have your IP or information in the cloud   Cloud options for business are limited, and typically a no go, plus regulations with data protection   Obvious Future has their Resident AI product, called Cara One   Even if the Internet is down, you can still use their resident AI product, and it cost less   Huge paradox in technology right now, we have the best AI products and software and yet many companies cannot use it   Resident AI resides on premises. This opens up the business environment for different verticals and markets that need resident AI   Engine for AI, small sized so companies can use   Rate of return will continue to go up as companies invest in this   Hardware, software, chips are all improving and incorporating AI. Like all things in technology. There is constant improvement, and enhancing AI.   Obvious Future dealing in financing rounds for a business opportunity   Verticals of financing include industries like: banks, medical, legal, research data, customer data   All can be potential customers   Obvious Future working on developing the next level of Cara One, Resident AI for all of these potential businesses   US Patent Office would be another example, they can only partially use cloud AI, need resident AI to sift through all the data         Biotech Shows:     AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023   Tech Topic:  Best of Tech:     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.       AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:     Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    35 min
  4. JAN 10

    EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024

    EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024          What We Learned This Week Voltu Motor provides EV battery and drive train for commercial trucks Creating new EV tech that is lighter, extended charge for longer range, and Inverter to charge on site Deals in Class 3 trucks for business – utility, fleet, delivery, repair   Further the cause of EV adoption to help the environment and be more efficient     Guest: George Gebhart, CEO and founder of Voltu Motor   A trailblazer in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, leveraging nearly two decades of expertise in engineering, innovation, and leadership to redefine sustainable transportation. A bioengineer by training, George began his career conducting research in robotics and brain-computer interfaces (BCI), focusing on semi-autonomous systems for handicapped individuals. This groundbreaking work laid the foundation for his passion for electrification and technology-driven solutions​.   With over 15 years of experience in electric drives and EVs, George founded Voltu to revolutionize the EV market with an integrated, proprietary powertrain solution. Voltu’s innovations—such as the patented immersive cooling battery technology and the bidirectional inverter that enables the industry-first onboard fast charging—are a testament to his technical ingenuity and determination to eliminate barriers to EV adoption​.   George’s journey as a leader is marked by a rare combination of intellectual curiosity, mathematical acumen, and unwavering resilience. These traits not only underpin his own achievements but also inspire his team. “I haven’t personally seen or heard about a group more tough or resilient, with an unmatched work ethic,” George says of Voltu’s team, who have worked closely with him over the past years to prepare for scaling the company. This collaboration and shared vision fuel his conviction that Voltu can make a lasting impact in the EV industry​   A seasoned speaker, including as a TEDx presenter, George emphasizes perseverance, teamwork, and the transformative power of innovation in addressing global challenges. Today, as Voltu secures multi-million-dollar contracts and advances its vision of energy freedom, George continues to lead the charge toward a cleaner, smarter, and more connected world.       Leading a Greener Future in Class 3 Trucking—Meet Voltu Motors   Voltu Motor Redefines Sustainability with the Future of Class 3 Electric Trucks  As the electric vehicle (EV) market hurtles toward a projected $255 billion valuation by 2030, Voltu Motor Inc. is emerging as a transformative force Class 3 trucking. Founded in Argentina and now headquartered in Riverside, California, Voltu Motors is setting a new industry standard with its innovative technologies and groundbreaking approach to electrification.   The company’s flagship Voltu 3 Pickup Work Truck addresses the critical needs of businesses in the commercial sector. With a 350-mile range, patented Immerse Cooling Technology, and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) capabilities, it’s more than a truck—it’s a mobile energy solution poised to revolutionize urban freight and fleet operations.       Notes:   Seg 1   Truck chassis with an embed electric battery Voltu deals with Class 3 commercial trucks   They plan to launch a midsize pick up truck in 2025   The benefits are: extended charge, lightweight, charging inverter, cloud based monitoring in the future   In the future they could have a setup for car conversion, from fuel to EV based.   They are a technology company, and already delivering vehicles   EV industry challenges: adoption, and cost, battery range, charging infrastructures.   Electric powertrain, and drivetrain to integrate in vehicles   Class 3 commercial vehicles are used for fleet, delivery, pick up truck Utility, service, maintenance, equipment, trucks, supply chain   New electric vehicle chassis, battery plus drive chain   Supply to legacy auto makers, and do the final assembly of the vehicle   Range of 350 miles, smaller battery and is lighter with lithium cells Better cooling immersion and more efficient Over the long-term EV batteries will be smaller   Patent on charging technology, inverter for a fast charge a DC   Can plug the vehicle into any industrial outlet, and charge right at your business   Seg 2   Fast charge tech, on vehicle charging – can charge vehicle to vehicle on the road More adoption of EV cars, and market share is grow Legacy auto maker struggle to transition to EV fleet   Voltu started about 10 years ago, developing technology company with 20 people stationed in California, future plan to hire 400 more   George background is a bio engineer   Semi autonomous vehicle and Motor tech to Motor drivetrain, battery Vertical integration with the power   Investment in the Voltu Motor company so far has been startup, family, some VC   Raise money, in VC and capital markets   Goal of 1 million commercial vehicles on the road in 10 years   Solve tech issue for Class 3, dealing in Power, towing capacity, range, charging     Seg 3   Government fleets, utility, airport trucks, ports, any type of delivery   B to B type business, or businesses that want to do conversion to EV   This is a common vehicle in commercial, pick up trucks, more EV coming   Compatible with fast charging stations   Typically, a fleet truck would charge on site first thing in the morning   Truck on the road needs energy to do tasks   Has capacity to charge vehicle to vehicle when someone is in the field   Warranty of EV batteries is 10 years plus we can have an afterlife second life with energy storage   Manufacturing in the USA and certified with US in California standard   Carbon plus EBA standards, federal base of standards, be good all across the USA   Battery for light and medium commercial vehicles   Other type of vehicles are a class eight, example as long haul and big vehicles         Biotech Shows:     AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023   Tech Topic:  Best of Tech:     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.       AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:     Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    34 min
  5. 12/12/2024

    Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024

    Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024    Best of Clips on Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto from previous shows…… Exchanges w/ John Denza of ErisX Crypto News + Blockworks on Blockchain & Bitcoin w/ Jason Yanowitz Bitcoin, Bonds, Credit Markets and Reserve Currencies w/ Greg Foss Blockchain Mass Adoption thru Casper Labs w/ Mrinal Manohar     Seg. 1  Clips from Tech on the Rise from A.I. to Blockchain - BRT S01 EP 40 11-08-2020   Link to Full Show: Here   Things We Learned This Week AI w/ Naru of Aptus AI AI - artificial intelligence is used daily by the world in - search, big data, speech recognition, V/R, security, robotics, etc. AI helping in healthcare, assist Doctors Blockchain & Crypto w/ John Denza of ErisX Blockchain is a cryptography database Bitcoin is a store of value that operates on the blockchain network   Guest: John Denza, Chief Commercial Officer w/ ErisX     John Denza has 15+ years as a successful Exchange and Financial Technology Sales Professional with a strong desire to leverage these skills in the Cryptocurrency space. He has a passion  to build new Disruptive Markets while fostering relationships with Clients and Hedge Funds. Avid researcher of Cryptocurrency market structure, long term enthusiast and investor across multiple venues. He is focused on applying his Exchange and Electronic Trading experience to the Cryptocurrency Trading community.   ErisX: With in-depth experience in delivering and operating a fully regulated market place at Eris Exchange, ErisX has ventured into the digital asset space with a broad offering of both spot and futures contracts on one platform. ErisX integrates digital asset products and modern technology into reliable, compliant and robust capital markets workflows. Starting with Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC), the ErisX solution provides trading, deposits and withdrawals on a stable, proven capital markets technology infrastructure.         Seg. 2 Clips from Blockworks on Blockchain & Bitcoin w/ Jason Yanowitz of Blockworks - BRT S02 EP21 (68) 5-23-2021     Link to Full Show: Here     What We Learned This Week: Blockworks is a Financial News Site about Digital Assets - ie: Blockchain & Crypto Bitcoin is bigger than Elon Musk What is a token? Ethereum = Blockchain, Ether = token crypto Ethereum move to Proof of Stake for better payment speed Crypto Exchanges (ie - Coinbase) and future of investing and ETF creation     Guest: Jason Yanowitz of Blockworks Media Co.   Jason Yanowitz background is in finance and VC work. He started Blockworks with his partner in 2018 to be the premiere source for blockchain and crypto news and information. The site has blogs, webinars, news stories and a podcast. Jason discusses all things Bitcoin, Crypto and the Blockchain form what each is, to Mining, and energy & the Elon Musk comments (and validity). We break down Web 3.0 on tokens, NFT, and the alternate crypto coins. Understanding the creation of Ethereum, the founders, the protocol, and the difference vs Bitcoin. How will the Ethereum upgrade roll out, and if payments will be transacted faster with proof of Stake. Then we expand to the Crypto Exchanges, and Investing, funds / ETFs, and the future of the industry.       Seg. 3 Clips from Bitcoin, Bonds, Credit Markets and Reserve Currencies w/ Greg Foss - BRT S02 EP24 (71) 6-13-2021     Link to Full show: HERE   What We Learned This Week Bitcoin is Digital Energy Bond and Debt Markets cannot hold up, way too much debt with Governments worldwide Bitcoin could become Reserve Currency as Fiat currencies like the Dollar collapse Credit Markets need to be monitored as an Investor $900 Trillion Total Global Debt   Guest: Greg Foss Links:   / Bitcoin as Portfolio Insurance Paper -   Greg Foss is a former credit trader, who has worked in finance and the bond markets for nearly 30 years. This talk is a breakdown a paper Greg recently wrote entitled – ‘Why Every Fixed Income Investor Should Needs to Own Bitcoin as Portfolio Insurance’. He gives an overview of the credit markets, how bonds work, interest rates and inflation and US Treasury historical rates. Greg ties this to the overall market, currencies (fiat and hard assets), stocks and the effects current Government deficits have. Greg tells every investor to pay attention to credit markets as they are indicators of what is going on with stocks. His belief is the US Dollar is dwindling as the reserve currency, and Bitcoin (not Gold) is the better hedge vs inflation. Greg thinks Bitcoin will one day replace the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world. He goes further to give his insights on Bitcoin, the intrinsic value and where it will be in 10 to 20 years.      Seg. 4 Clips from Blockchain Mass Adoption thru Casper Labs w/ Mrinal Manohar - BRT S03 EP20 (119) 5-15-2022   Link to Full Show: HERE   Things We Learned This Week Casper is designed to accelerate enterprise & developer adoption of blockchain technology today and evolve to meet user needs in the future. Blockchain: key features are missing in the industry, that hinders enterprise adoption, ease of use + speed Blockchain – best form of copy / data / IP protection (Smart Contracts) Blockchain will cost more because the security, and copy protection is better Fees in Blockchain are expensive & inconsistent, there is a need to standardize and make predictable   Guest: Mrinal Manohar, Casperlabs CEO   Mrinal Manohar is co-founder and CEO of CasperLabs. Mrinal Manohar has an extensive career as both a computer programmer and a finance professional. Before founding Casper, Mrinal was a principal and the technology/media/telecom sector head at Sagard Capital, a ~$1b long-only hedge fund. Mrinal also previously served as a private equity associate at Bain Capital in Boston, and as an associate consultant at Bain & Company. Mrinal has been personally investing in the blockchain industry since 2012 as a seed investor in Ethereum, Blockstack, Basis, Maker, Filecoin, and more. Mrinal holds a Master of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University.     BRT 3.0 - Best Of Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Crypto 2021 w/ Greg Foss, Blockworks & Swan Bitcoin - BRT S02 EP22 (69) 05-30-2021 Clips from past show segments of BRT talking Crypto & Blockchain topics in 2021 from the exchanges,  legal, smart contracts, Bitcoin investing, & Blockchain / Crypto news service. Tech Topic: Bitcoin / Blockchain / Crypto Shows: HERE   Biotech Shows: HERE     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.     AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:   Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    50 min
  6. 11/22/2024

    Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact - AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024

    Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact  AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024    What We Learned This Week: PT Barnum the original Greatest Showman who understood the power of brand & advertising Apple Iphone release in 2007, big event w/ 1st smartphone Apple commercial Think Different, celebrate change Tesla EV Car is a marvel of tech, customer support & service + order online only Tesla $0 ad budget - use social, word of mouth, referrals, clean energy mission, & the following of an iconic Founder   Seg 1 - Tech Marketing - Apple PT Barnum is considered the original entrepreneur and showman. He was all about hype and creating big spectacles. He understand very early on the power of PR and the press. He knew he had to capture the public in interest with his posters and advertising. He promoted the extraordinary to arouse people’s curiosity to go see his shows. Truly understood the audience and how to create a hook. His infamous museum, with the Fiji mermaid and Tom Thumb and the dog man. Barnum was  adaptive and innovative, changing his show from the museum to the circus. He was not afraid to be outspoken or controversial. He just wanted press and promotion.  Power of brand and Apple was able to build a $3 trillion company because people identify with their brand.        Steve Jobs - Unique and outspoken founder who believed it was all about the product, and making the best products. He also believed in simplicity, easy to use customer centric product. Knew how to demo a product. Apple was all about the presentation and their events were covered yearly by the press. Key moment was in 2007 with the introduction of the iPhone. Steve Jobs talked about having a phone, I pod and the internet. What if this could all be in one device and then introduced the first smart phone. Apple built their brand as the young cool hip company for creatives. It was the McIntosh graphics card that originally attracted people to their products in the 1980s. Jobs was all about ease of use making a product simple. He would literally have kids test the products to see if it was too complicated. Jobs stressed simplicity, and focus. Make the best looking and sleekest products . He himself was also very simple, wearing the same black shirt and jeans every day so you didn’t have to think about what to wear. This was an Einstein trick. Understood the power of advertising. The original 1984 Super Bowl ad was a play on the book 1984 and smashing the status quo with a sledgehammer to introduce the Apple Macintosh They had a big ad campaign in 1997 with thanking and  celebrating all the eccentric rebel misfits, the change people like Einstein and Picasso and Gandhi. This positioned Apple with these iconic figures.  Apple had the ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign with a show versus tell method. People could see the videos and how good they were and how good the camera was on the iPhone.  Then the early 2000 ‘I am a PC, I am a Mac’ campaign. Where the PC was seen is an old stuffy guy with glasses wearing a suit vs the young hip Mac. Apples products cost more but the customers who are actually fans do not care. It’s almost like a cult with diehard fans just loving the brand and wanting to be part of the community. They identify with the Apple brand.  There are actually more Android phone users, 3 billion users vs Iphone users of 1 billion. In the US iPhone is more popular with a 60% share, vs a 30% share in the entire world. Apple is concerned with how good their products are spending billions on R&D, but also the look and design of products. Even the un-boxing of a Apple product. Constantly clean and simple. Even the Apple stores are very clean and easy to walk about. Steve Jobs set the tone in Apple with the product, focus on the customer, be product centric. Keep it simple and build a great brand. Ironically, Jobs did not work with consultants, nor did he ever do a survey to customers for product ideas. It’s like he knew his customers better than them, and gave them the next generation hottest product.     Seg 2 – Tech Marketing - Tesla   Tesla company with a $1 trillion valuation that spend $0 on their ad budget. It is pretty amazing that they are the biggest EV car maker in the world with a 50% market share in the US and 20% market share worldwide. Tesla actually had a 75% share in 2022, it has dropped a little. They sell 1.8 million cars worldwide per year, and the total EV car sales in the world is 14 million.  There is some smaller EV car makers who are considered rivals - Rivian, Lucid and Volvo / Polarstar, and they only have a 5% market share. Car makers, GM, Honda Nissan, Volkswagen, and Hyundai combined have like a 30% market share in the US. 1 in 4 new cars sold in 2023 was an EV, and currently EV is about 6.8% of US cars. Tesla is all about brand and identity. Just like Apple, their customers connect with the brand. Tesla is obsessed with customer experience and service Their cars are a marvel of technology and easy to use. They’re also connected to your phone and send you alerts when you need service on your car. Tesla is consistent in their messaging.  They have a zero dollar $0 ad budget, and spread the word about their online promotion, word-of-mouth, and social media. Their founder Elon Musk is outspoken and not afraid of controversy. He has millions of followers online and tweet from him can change the Tesla stock price. Tesla owns all distribution, they have no franchises. You cannot go into a dealership for buy your car. You have to shop online and order the car. One huge advantage of this is people do not like buying cars at dealerships. Tesla also has a big referral system for promoting and selling cars. They use huge launch events and promotions to create hype. They are also on a mission to be a clean energy company, not just the EV, but solar and the battery energy. Customers of Tesla have an identity with this brand and their mission of clean energy.  Tesla future plans involve AI and autonomous vehicles AKA the Robo taxi. As well as the Robo van to deliver goods.They also have the Tesla bot a robot that is expected to cost $25 grand, and be a serving around the house. Tesla has done stunts and promotions, even creating a flamethrower that was sold. Tesla is all about the software, open source so even their competitors can look at what they’re doing.         Best of Biotech from AZ Bio & Life Sciences to Jellatech: HERE   Biotech Shows: HERE   AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.     AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:   Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    24 min
  7. 11/13/2024

    AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2023

    AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra   - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2024            What We Learned This Week Arizona Technology Council, in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority, honors technology leaders and innovators from across the state with the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Awards. AZ Tech advocates for the entire tech industry New committee on Space, Satellites & Rockets for launches Major Investment$ in AZ for Semiconductor & Battery factories     Guest: Steve Zylstra, President / CEO AZ Tech Council   Steve Zylstra of AZ Tech Council joins BRT to talk all things technology in the Valley. The Arizona Technology Council is one of the largest technology-driven trade associations in North America, with over 850 members and growing, the only organization specifically serving technology companies statewide. They protect innovators and truly believe that technology moves all of us forward; and are dedicated to the future of Arizona. Steve Zylstra advocates for AZ tech, as well as his recurring writing about the industry. Steve, and the Council are a major source for updates on technology, business growth, and what legislation is being drafted.     The Arizona Technology Council, in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority, has announced the winners of the 2022 Governor’s Celebration of Innovation awards. Winners of this prestigious annual award program represent the best of the best in Arizona’s technology, science and education ecosystem. This year’s recipients were recognized tonight in a ceremony at the Phoenix Convention Center. “The Governor’s Celebration of Innovation award winners represent the pinnacle of innovation and cutting-edge problem solving throughout the state,” said Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO of the Council and its foundation, SciTech Institute. “It was a pleasure to celebrate our winners, as well as the many outstanding finalists, at tonight’s awards show. Each year we are so proud to see how far Arizona has come as a leader in technology, science and STEM education.” “Each year, the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation awards showcase Arizona’s vibrant technology community,” said Sandra Watson, president and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. “This year’s winners and finalists certainly carry on that tradition. We are proud to partner with the Council to highlight the entrepreneurs and local leaders making Arizona a magnet for innovative technologies.”     Notes:     Steve Zylstra of the AZ Tech Council joins the show to preview the upcoming Governor’s Celebration of Innovation     Seg 1   AZ Tech Council operates statewide with offices in Phoenix in Tucson. They do public policy advocacy for the technology industry in Arizona. Host events 3x a week, have a newsletter, and numerous programs members.   Council has 14 committees, with the prominent one being public policy.   Link:   Tech Impact Report:   Tech industry is booming in Phoenix and Arizona with over $102 billion invested in the semiconductor industry alone. There are four Giga battery factories being built in Arizona.   Company looks selfish if they advocate to politicians in the state direct. Arizona Tech Council acts as a go-between to advocate for the whole technology industry. They also help with legislation through legislative reps. They’ve gotten priorities past like tech credits R&D invest plans and also lower corporate taxes. They review candidates to see who votes and how the candidates info align with technology goals.   Tech Council committees include AI with 95 companies involved. One of the biggest industries in technology and also Arizona is Optics and Photonics. This deals in light, lasers, lenses or managing light through devices like a telescope to a microscope. University of Arizona and Tucson is the No. 1 school for optics.   Some companies involved are Synapse Labs and Mercurio.   Consultants help companies to transform business on how to use AI. Can either use AI current tools like ChatGPT, or create your own large language model. AI can improve all aspects of a business, really upgrade efficiency.   The AZ Tech Council has added an AI bot called Ada named after Ada Lovelace (early computers) to their website. Over time, AI learns and grows. The company that helped the council with the AI bot is called Skilly.AI.     Seg 2   Clean Energy is a big topic and technology in Arizona. With the passing of the inflation reduction act during Covid,  $12 billion has been invested in Arizona, which created 18,000 jobs.   Four Giga factories being built by companies like Kore Power, LG, and American Battery Factory. Deals in Transportation and energy storage for batteries.   You also got major EV car makers in Arizona ike Llucid and Nicola. Estimated over the next 7 years Arizona will have 40% more power needs. Arizona also number one and number two in data centers and growth.   Data Centers use lots of power and cost a lot. You also have a life science industry with organizations like AZ Bio. This is one of the fastest growing sectors. Another one is semiconductors.   Early discussion about mini or modular nuclear facilities for data centers. This could produce renewable power on site. This is long-term planning and might be 10 years away. An example of something being worked on as a nuclear plant loaded on a semi truck.   Governor Celebration of Innovation is a joint awards event between AZ Tech Council and AZ Commerce Authority. Celebrating startups, and small and large companies. Awards to stem students and teacher of the year.   Lifetime achievement award for execs in Boeing, and Phantom Launch (in Tucson) rocket company.   Link to Event:   CEO Jim Cantrell of Phantom Launch (formally of SpaceX). rocket expert building a launch system for micro satellites or small satellites. He’s competing with SpaceX, his former boss, Elon Musk, and their Falcon satellite.   Satellite and rocket launch technology is a fast growing industry and technology. Future goals to see man return and colonize the moon, as well as mine meteors for resources.   AZ Companies involved in the space industry are Honeywell, Northrup, Grumman, Raytheon, Paragon Space, Viasat, Blue Origin, and Virgin, all operating in Arizona   Steve’s son works for Space Force, and also Steve worked in the Aerospace industry prior to the tech council. Arizona Tech Council 2024 is forming a committee on the space industry the end of 2024.           Biotech Shows:     AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023   Tech Topic:  Best of Tech:     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.       AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:     Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    24 min
  8. 11/11/2024

    Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing - AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024

    Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing  AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024    What We Learned This Week: ATI - Arizona-based investors committed to supporting capital needs of early stage high growth technology driven companies within Arizona Applicants for Funding need to Answer many Q’s What Problem does your Product Solve? Who is your Competition? How Big is the Market? Startup Founders need to research VCs Startup Founders need to learn how to Tell Their Story, then work on the Pitch Deck   Seg 1 Clips from: How do Startup Founders Raise Venture Capital? w/ Chris Smurthwaite of VC Insider - AZ TRT S04 EP05 (167) 1-29-2023                      What We Learned This Week EX VC or ‘Recovering’ VC who now works with Startup Founders to help them raise $ money & build their business. Startup Founders need to research VCs to understand what type of fund they have, do some research on the fund, industry & and who they work with What VCs do not appreciate - How to Contact a VC, do not spam, make the email personalized, this is a commitment, build a relationship Startup Founders need to learn how to Tell Their Story, then work on the Pitch Deck with Problem / Solution Model What is the Exit Strategy? Exit by Acquisition, or by IPO (go public)       Guest: Chris Smurthwaite of VC Insider Chris Smurthwaite is an ex-venture capitalist. He consults with & advises Startups on navigating the complex world of Venture Capital. He spent the last decade in corporate strategy, business development and growth operations on both the investor and innovator sides of the table. At age 30, was hired to run a corporate venture capital fund for a $1.4 billion company.   Among other accomplishments, the fund made: A Seed level investment in a health tech company in 2018 which sold for $425M in 2021 An early stage investment in a company that was acquired for $106M — 7x valuation gain over initial investment. Since 2013, I have: Advised ambitious Founders whose companies are valued from $500K to $250M Established multi-million dollar business development partnerships with emerging companies Made early stage, on-and-off balance sheet investments   FULL Show: HERE         Seg 2 Clips From: Arizona Tech Investors w/ Bob DeLean AZ TRT S04 EP46 (209) 11-19-2023 What We Learned This Week ATI - Arizona-based investors committed to supporting capital needs of early stage high growth technology driven companies within Arizona Applicants for Funding need to Answer many Q’s What Problem does your Product Solve? Who is your Competition? How Big is the Market? Who are Your Advisors? What is the Business Plan? Sales Plan? Building a Company takes longer than you think, & costs more $ than you expect   Guest: Bob DeLean, Executive Director of Arizona Tech Investors LKIN: HERE Bob DeLean has been an investor with ATI for more than 11 years and currently serves as the organization’s Chairman. He spent eight years as a Senior Equity Analyst with Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc., a wealth management and capital market firm. It’s now part of Raymond James Financial Inc. Since moving back to Arizona in 2004, Bob has made 28 angel investments in early-stage and startup companies, the majority being based in Arizona. Bob is an outdoors enthusiast who enjoys road trips and spending time in nature. In the summer of 2022, he and his life-partner Maria took a five-week driving trip through various National Parks, including Arches, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Park. They love wildlife and were fortunate enough to see a handful of black bears during the trip. Locally, Bob enjoys hiking through the Phoenix Mountain Preserve and seeing the occasional rogue coyote. He is also an avid mountain biker, but it never feels like he gets out enough. Bob loves to read (although the nightstand book pile is always growing), and is an expert coin collector.     Full Show: HERE       Best of Biotech from AZ Bio & Life Sciences to Jellatech: HERE   Biotech Shows: HERE   AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023     ‘Best Of’ Topic:      Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast.     AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.  AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.  Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…    AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Click Here Podcast on Google: Click Here Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                    More Info: KFNX Info:   Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    28 min

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AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: Please Subscribe. Thanks for Listening. - More Info:

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