Can A Woman Preach? # 8

7 Minutes with God Episodes

Episode 8 Can a woman preach? Can a woman be a pastor or bishop even? This has been a problem from the beginning...the Garden of Eden. We as the church can be so narrow minded just as the Pharisees were when Jesus came to this world. They were so stricken with the word of God as law, they could not see the word of God revealed. In this message (Can a Woman Preach), I touch on how the woman is redeemed by her pain of giving birth to the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Emanuel. It was not easy for her even though she was carrying the Lord inside of her body. Mary fulfills the long awaited prophecy of the seed that would crush the serpent's head and his offspring. If the woman remains silent, then where is her seed to war against her enemy's offspring to destroy their works. The enemy is trying to silence the woman IN the CHURCH so he can give her a loud voice IN the WORLD. Don't be DECEIVED AGAIN! If you were chosen to bear pain, you're as equally chosen to share in carrying God's glory. In the Old Testament Bible under the law the spirit of God would come on a man...or upon a man. But, in the New Testament for the first time God puts his spirit in a woman and that is Mary. Because of this, through Jesus who was in the womb of the woman, that came out of the woman, went to the cross, resurrected, then came out of the tomb, he ascended to Heaven with The Father, and came back to earth to announce that ALL power was given to him in heaven and in the earth. He breathe on his disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit...The Comforter. They later went to Jerusalem to Tarry for the Holy Ghost where about 120 people were present in one room, in unity with one mind and were all individually filled with the Holy Ghost at the same time. The Holy Spirit is available today to ALL who believe and want God to dwell in them. The kingdom is now within you. Women of God ...PREACH UNTIL YOU CAN'T PREACH ANYMORE! Crush the serpent's head! The only way you can do that is by releasing that seed (God's Word) from your MOUTH! Don't let the enemy shut your mouth! PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Follow us on our website: PODCAST AVAILABLE: On Apple and Android App store. Also on : Apple Podcast, Audible, Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, Google Podcast, and our own Kingdom Rights App.








