Women Wired for Wellness hosted by Dr. Nisha Chellam

Dr. Nisha Chellam
Women Wired for Wellness hosted by Dr. Nisha Chellam

Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.

  1. 2021/12/12

    The Three hormones that impact your weight loss/gain

    3 Hormones That Prevent Weight Loss Thanks to the modern sedentary lifestyle, obesity is one of the most common public health issues these days. A common complaint from people these days is unstoppable weight gain. Almost 42.4 percent of adults in America are overweight.  From the obese population of the U.S., half of them are at a high risk of developing chronic conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Along with this, the modern lifestyle has also normalized stress, increased fatigue, and brain fog—conditions people try to live with; till they can’t take it anymore.  If you are someone with weight loss issues, facing fatigue and memory loss, wondering why you aren’t losing weight, this blog is for you. You will learn about specific hormones that you should get checked first thing while facing weight loss issues, understand their function and dysfunction, and how to resolve it.  In this blog, we’ll be delving into three hormones that might be contributing to your weight gain: Leptin  Adiponectin  Cortisol Grab a pen and notebook, and let’s get started! Please note that the following hormonal imbalances are not limited to morbidly obese individuals—they can be observed in skinny-fat individuals with a normal BMI too.    Hormone #1: Leptin The first hormone is produced by the fat cells called leptin. The function of this hormone is to signal the brain to regulate appetite. Back-story: The food you eat provides glucose to the cells of your body to produce energy. This glucose in your blood is transported to the cells via a mediator called insulin.  Now, in the modern life of abundance, people tend to eat more than what their cells need, so there's always some extra glucose left in the blood. Insulin stores this extra glucose in the liver and muscles. Even after that, if there's still some excess glucose, new storage called adipocytes (fat cells) is created. These adipocytes also have endocrine functions: the production of the leptin hormone.     What is the function of the leptin hormone? The leptin hormone signal the brain to stop sending the hunger signal to the body when there is excess energy in the cells. Nevertheless, having a lot of leptin is not actually a good thing. Your levels of leptin go up indicating that your fat cells are increasing. When your fat cells increase, they take up most of the glucose from the blood; glucose that the body cells need to produce energy. As the body cells are deprived of glucose, the brain gets the signal to increase the hunger cue; resulting in incessant hunger and overeating.  This turns into a condition called leptin resistance. The most common abnormality with people who gain weight but have normal blood glucose is leptin resistance.  The high levels of leptin not only affect the brain but also the beta cells in the pancreas—increasing fat storage, insulin levels, and insulin resistance.  All of this drives up inflammation.    How do you know if you have leptin resistance? You probably have leptin resistance if you: Wake up with no hunger and go hours without the first pang of hunger hitting you in the middle of the day You feel hungry till bedtime, even after eating. You face a lot of difficulties losing weight.    Ways to resolve Leptin Resistance: Intentional Fasting: This fasting cycle intends to shift your metabolism—shifting the use of energy from glucose or carbohydrates to the utilization of fat through a process called ketosis. As this shift happens, your leptin resistance starts to go down. Leptin resistance can be handled by postponing your first meal and preponing your last meal. To practice Intentional Fasting: Stop eating after dinner.  Avoid bedtime snacks.  Have dinner three hours before bedtime.  If you feel the hunger before bed for the first few weeks, drink a little water.  After waking up, break the fast around midday, but check the ketose level before doing that. Caloric Deficit: Leptin resistance happens when yo

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  2. 2021/11/07

    Diabetics confused about what you can do- listen to this

    3 Healthy Diets for Diabetes Patients and Prediabetics   There’s no one diet that fits all. This is why there’s an abundance of various diets out there that deliver different results. The question is—which one is sustainable for you? How can you shift your health? This blog will answer the infamous question—what to eat when you’ve been diagnosed with Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome? Nutrition is the core pillar of how you shift your health. Yet it’s also a complex question to answer, even after the tons of research done about it already. As you keep reading, you will learn about the science behind: The Plant-based Diet The Low-carb High-fat Diet The Carnivore Diet  Let’s dive right into it!   The Plant-based Diet A plant-based diet consists of foods that are only obtained from plants. It includes everything from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, to nuts, seeds, and beans. No animal-sourced or processed foods. Going on a plant-based diet is not equivalent to going vegan. This diet has been a part of the nutritional world and has been studied extensively in the field of nutritional sciences since the 1940s.    Why should you go on a plant-based diet? More Sustainable: As Dr. Dean Ornish said, “It takes 10 times more energy to eat higher on the food chain i.e. when you're eating animal-based food as opposed to a plant-based diet, it takes ten times more resources to make that possible.” The plant-based diet is good for your body and the planet. Scientifically Proven Safe: There’s countless evidence to support the benefits of the plant-based diet—culturally and scientifically. Research shows that countries that eat mainly plant-based have less mortality rates and a lower ratio of chronic diseases that are relatively high around the Western world with an abundance of animal-based protein. Helps in Lowering High Cholesterol: The plant-based diet is proven to lower bad cholesterol levels from about 15% to 30% as it is relatively low-fat and removes oil from the diet. Good for Heart Patients: This diet is confirmed to be good for the heart as eating multicolor, leafy food, and fiber can reduce the risk of stroke, and lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Beneficial to people with Metabolic Syndrome: The plant-based diet has demonstrated efficiency in lowering each of the five risk factors—high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, abdominal fat, and high triglyceride level—for developing metabolic syndrome. It also helps in the prevention of metabolic syndrome with the removal of oils and processed food from the diet. All in all, plant-based diets are designed to get to the root cause of the disease and shift your health on a diet-and-lifestyle level. When causality is treated with plant-based nutrition there is: No mortality from the diet No morbidity from the diet And the health benefits improve with time. If you have been eating predominantly the Standard American Diet (SAD), the easiest transition into a healthy lifestyle with a safer diet is going plant-based.   Foods included: Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains Legumes Seeds Nuts   Foods to avoid: Oil Meat Fish Fowl Dairy Coffee   Loopholes in the Plant-based Diet  Even though there are numerous benefits to the plant-based diet, people still tend to fail in seeing results or sticking to it.  Especially for diabetics, the transformation is slow because when you have high insulin resistance, getting the blood sugar down at the start is very difficult and takes a long time.  Reasons: People may not have involved a variety of plants in their diet. People may not have stopped consuming oils totally. They might consume too many fruits, dried fruits, and grains that increase sugar surges and don’t help with overcoming sugar addiction.  Involving too many fruits and fewer plants can lead to severe insulin resistance. They are gluten-sensitive.    The Low-carb, High-fat Diet (LCHF) The low-carb, high-fat diet is mainly low in c

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  3. 2021/10/05

    Type I Diabetes another way to handle it.

    Reverse Diabetes With Plant-based Vegan Diet Whenever we hear of disease, medicine is always ready as a cure. We know that particular medicine will tackle the problem at hand but what we miss out on is - what are the other direct effects of the same medicine. Medicines can never be the long-term solution. Diabetes is a very big problem in today’s time. But here’s a fact, you can reverse type 2 diabetes with a plant-based vegan diet. And here’s another fact, when it comes to diet, there is no diet fits all. However, a type of diet can work wonders for you. The question is- are you willing to make the change? Are you ready to make the shift?  In this blog, we will discuss: WHAT IS TYPE 2 DIABETES? WHAT IS A VEGAN DIET? HOW DOES THE VEGAN DIET WORKS FOR DIABETICS? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A VEGAN DIET? HOW TO ENSURE THE SUCCESS OF A VEGAN DIET? KETO DIET AND ITS SIDE EFFECTS Before we dive into the blog and delve into all the information, first let us know about someone who has had Type 2 diabetes for a very long time but has been able to live a medication-free healthy life for the past eight and half years now, Marc Ramirez. He is a B.S. Kinesiology, is a TEDx presenter, motivational speaker, and certified Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Marc and his wife Kim run a non-profit called Chickpea and Bean, which helps all people achieve health through the healing power of plants. In 2011 Marc made a shift to a plant-based lifestyle and his health greatly improved. He reversed Type 2 diabetes, psoriasis, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, high cholesterol, obesity, frequent heartburn.  WHAT IS TYPE 2 DIABETES? Type 2 diabetes is often characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and a relative lack of insulin. It is a chronic condition that results in more than the required amount of sugar circulating in the bloodstream. In type 2 diabetes, there are two interrelated problems.  Your pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into your cells) Hence, the cells respond poorly to insulin and take in less sugar  Managing type 2 diabetes is very much possible. By losing weight, eating well and exercising regularly you manage your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to disorders of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.  WHAT IS A VEGAN DIET?  A person who follows the diet of abstaining from the consumption of animal products is called a vegan and the philosophy is called veganism. There are multiple distinctions between Vegans. Dietary vegans, also known as "strict vegetarians" avoid consumption of meat, eggs, dairy products, and any other animal-derived substances. An ethical vegan, also known as a "moral vegetarian", not only follows a vegan diet but also extends the philosophy to the treatment of other humans, and opposes the use of animals for any purpose. "Environmental veganism", refers to the avoidance of animal products and opposes the industrial farming of animals as it is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. In simple terms, a Vegan diet is a diet exclusive of animal and dairy products and inclusive of only plant-based products. This means no cow milk, no eggs, no chicken, no meat, no cheese. A vegan diet is full of while fruits and vegetables along with legumes and nuts.    Vegans in the USA have been increasing at a very high rate. More and more people are shifting to a plant-based diet. People have realized that their diet plays the most important role in maintaining a healthy and problems free life.    If you follow a healthy vegan diet, you are less likely to get heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, cholesterol.    Studies have also shown that vegans are less likely to be overweight and tend to have a lower percentage of body fat. Thus, reducing the risk of other chronic diseases.   However, a vegan diet has proved to be very be

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  4. 2021/09/28

    Is Fish all that Safe?

    Effect of Mercury Exposure on Your Health Mercury is a metal element that naturally exists in nature as found in air, water as well as soil. Its presence starts to impact our health if it gets in direct contact with this metal through breathing, intake or physical contact. This can then lead to various neurological, cardiovascular (heart-related), digestive, hormonal as well as dermatological (skin-related) issues.   The last 50 years have seen an evident rise in the level of mercury exposure, a big contributor being the industries using coal as fuel which when burned releases mercury in vapour form thus inevitably making it a part of our direct ecosystem. It has subsequently caused a tremendous rise in medical cases with harmful mercury exposure at its root.   In this blog we will delve deeper to understand this phenomenon of mercury exposure, how it happens, what are its signs, what can you do to reduce it and more. Let’s get started, shall we? What is Mercury Poisoning?   Mercury is a natural metal found in the air, water and soil and is also commonly referred to as Quicksilver. It’s found in a thick, silver-shining liquid state under standard temperature and pressure. However, it can also vaporise and be inhaled by us as well as bind with certain molecules (especially all enzymes) causing serious issues in our biochemistry and subsequent metabolic problems.   High levels of mercury in our body can really harm the body systems especially the brain and kidneys leading to a condition called Mercury Poisoning. Mercury most commonly enters our body in a vapour state via inhalation of contaminated air, intake of contaminated food or getting in through our skin if it gets in direct contact.   Factors that determine the impact of mercury exposure on your health   The impact of mercury exposure on your body depends on: How much mercury gets into your body? In which forms has it entered your body? How did the mercury get into your body? How long have you been exposed to mercury? How does mercury poisoning affect our health? An abnormally high level of Mercury in our body may have significant negative impacts on our overall health, especially our brain, heart and gut health.   It’s observed that its impact are even more dangerous for babies and children since their brains are still under development. What are the signs of Mercury exposure on your health?   Abnormal levels of mercury exposure may lead to detrimental impact resulting in both short-term as well as long-term signs such as below.   Short-term signs of unhealthy mercury exposure Severe respiratory irritation Digestive disturbances Marked renal damage Memory loss Impaired hearing, vision, speech Tremors Lack of coordination (while walking, writing etc.) Skin issues Difficulty in chewing and swallowing   Long-term signs of unhealthy mercury exposure Deteriorates nervous system Weakness Fatigue Anorexia Weight loss Disturbance of gastrointestinal function   If not identified and treated on time, it might also manifest itself into or worsen certain diseases and health conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's, colitis and even cancer. What are the common sources of mercury exposure?   Mercury exposure commonly occurs in two ways:   General Exposure   Large predatory fishes (like shark, tuna, swordfish etc.) Dental amalgam used for fillings that contain mercury Vegetables & fruits from contaminated soils Soaps & cosmetics Use & damage of mercury-containing products (eg. batteries, fluorescent lamps) Waste   Occupational Exposure   Manufacturing products containing mercury (eg. medical devices, paints, fluorescent lamps) Gold mining Industry (eg. cement production, metal production, Chlor-alkali industry) How to get tested for Mercury level in your body?   The most common tests done to access mercury exposure in our body are urine and hair tests. However to get a more precise analysis of its presence in our tissues. What can you do to reduce the risk of mercury

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  5. 2021/07/10

    What is the best diet for a diabetic

    3 Healthy Diets for Diabetes Patients and Prediabetics   There’s no one diet that fits all. This is why there’s an abundance of various diets out there that deliver different results. The question is—which one is sustainable for you? How can you shift your health? This blog will answer the infamous question—what to eat when you’ve been diagnosed with Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome? Nutrition is the core pillar of how you shift your health. Yet it’s also a complex question to answer, even after the tons of research done about it already. As you keep reading, you will learn about the science behind: The Plant-based Diet The Low-carb High-fat Diet The Carnivore Diet  Let’s dive right into it!   The Plant-based Diet A plant-based diet consists of foods that are only obtained from plants. It includes everything from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, to nuts, seeds, and beans. No animal-sourced or processed foods. Going on a plant-based diet is not equivalent to going vegan. This diet has been a part of the nutritional world and has been studied extensively in the field of nutritional sciences since the 1940s.    Why should you go on a plant-based diet? More Sustainable: As Dr. Dean Ornish said, “It takes 10 times more energy to eat higher on the food chain i.e. when you're eating animal-based food as opposed to a plant-based diet, it takes ten times more resources to make that possible.” The plant-based diet is good for your body and the planet. Scientifically Proven Safe: There’s countless evidence to support the benefits of the plant-based diet—culturally and scientifically. Research shows that countries that eat mainly plant-based have less mortality rates and a lower ratio of chronic diseases that are relatively high around the Western world with an abundance of animal-based protein. Helps in Lowering High Cholesterol: The plant-based diet is proven to lower bad cholesterol levels from about 15% to 30% as it is relatively low-fat and removes oil from the diet. Good for Heart Patients: This diet is confirmed to be good for the heart as eating multicolor, leafy food, and fiber can reduce the risk of stroke, and lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Beneficial to people with Metabolic Syndrome: The plant-based diet has demonstrated efficiency in lowering each of the five risk factors—high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, abdominal fat, and high triglyceride level—for developing metabolic syndrome. It also helps in the prevention of metabolic syndrome with the removal of oils and processed food from the diet. All in all, plant-based diets are designed to get to the root cause of the disease and shift your health on a diet-and-lifestyle level. When causality is treated with plant-based nutrition there is: No mortality from the diet No morbidity from the diet And the health benefits improve with time. If you have been eating predominantly the Standard American Diet (SAD), the easiest transition into a healthy lifestyle with a safer diet is going plant-based.   Foods included: Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains Legumes Seeds Nuts   Foods to avoid: Oil Meat Fish Fowl Dairy Coffee   Loopholes in the Plant-based Diet  Even though there are numerous benefits to the plant-based diet, people still tend to fail in seeing results or sticking to it.  Especially for diabetics, the transformation is slow because when you have high insulin resistance, getting the blood sugar down at the start is very difficult and takes a long time.  Reasons: People may not have involved a variety of plants in their diet. People may not have stopped consuming oils totally. They might consume too many fruits, dried fruits, and grains that increase sugar surges and don’t help with overcoming sugar addiction.  Involving too many fruits and fewer plants can lead to severe insulin resistance. They are gluten-sensitive.    The Low-carb, High-fat Diet (LCHF) The low-carb, high-fat diet is mainly low in c

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  6. 2021/06/21

    Can Chronic Disease be Reversed by Nutrition?

    What is the Nutritarian Diet? Can it Prevent and Reverse Chronic Diseases?    When faced with disease, many of us don't prefer taking medicines. Medicines are an option but they aren't a long-term solution. So, could you shift the health of your cells by changing your nutrition?   In this blog, you will discover just how big of a role nutrition plays in the prevention and reversal of illness. This comprehensive blog with answers to all of your nutrition and diet-related questions: The Connection between Nutrition & Chronic Illness The Issue with Most Types of Diets About the Nutritarian Diet What are the G-BOMBS? The Importance of Including Nuts & Seeds in the Diet Oils vs. Seeds Veganism & Deficiencies  Is there a natural source of Omega 3 to replace supplements?  Macronutrients—too much or too little?   Ready to dig in? Let’s go!   But before that, here’s what you need to know about the creator of the Nutritarian diet, Dr. Joel Fuhrman: Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a long-term Board-certified family physician and seven times New York Times bestseller author who has a retreat center in San Diego called the “Eat to Live” retreat.  His specialty is preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Furhman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss, reverse heart disease, diabetes & many other chronic illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, he keeps delivering this life-saving message to people around the globe.   Now, let’s dive right in! The Connection between Nutrition & Chronic Illness   Modern nutritional science gives us the power to treat chronic diseases to a large degree. Access to processed & high-calorie nutrient-deficient foods more readily available at low prices has given rise to obesity and poor health conditions that follow. Things have gotten worse, not better.  The idea, proposed by Herbert Shelton in the 1950s, that the body is a miraculous self-healing machine and disease is unnatural is imperative. Dr. Fuhrman believes that it's not normal to live with diseases. One has to earn all diseases by living an unhealthy lifestyle. A species can be protected from disease if you feed it properly, taking care of all essential nutrients. This underlying premise will never change.    Studies reveal that wholesome organic plant-based diets can prevent chronic fatal diseases. So making healthy shifts in diet can provide longevity and help in reversing heart diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, reducing daily migraines, getting rid of arthritis, and whatnot.   As such, Nutritional excellence can be utilized as a therapeutic modality. It can not only prevent disease but also reverse disease.    So, while we’re living in a world of information with all the research readily available around us,    Why is there still so much confusion about nutrition?    The fast-food and the restaurant industry with billions of dollars to spend on promotion whereas the organic food producing industry doesn't put out  information at that scale. Nobody is promoting those industries.   With such a massive level of promotion of processed food and meats; it’s easier to make people buy a full meal quicker for money, rather than try to eat whole foods.       The different types of diets out there and the media also have a role to play here. The vegan diet, the paleo, or the ketogenic diet, etc.  For instance, seeing people lose weight with the keto diet can be tempting to anyone who wants to lose weight.   The Issue with Most Types of Diets As we know, most types of diets are targeted towards either weight loss or reducing cholesterol levels etc. Yet, short-term change doesn't mean that a certain diet is sustainable. Dr. Fuhrman believes that short-term benefits shouldn’t be utilized as a measurement of the success of any diet. Like medications, while they might be a good short-term solution, diets too might have some long-term consequences (such as the shortened lifespan of a person).

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  7. 2021/05/28

    Women's Menstrual Health and Nutrition

    Let’s Talk Women’s Health: Everything from Menstrual Health, Pregnancy to Menopause and more!   Most women live decades of their lives away putting up with many physical annoyances such as the discomfort of menstrual cycles, body ache, insomnia, swelling, and anxiety. Yet they continue to function doing what they’re supposed to; pushing themselves through it all.    Their name is way down in the list of the people they take care of—children, parents, partners, and so on. It's not until they experience complete well-being that they realize the burden they were carrying.   In this blog, we cover the highlights of a conversation between Dr. Nisha Chellam Board Certified Internist and Founder of Holistic ICON, and Dr. Marilyn Glenville Ph.D., a registered nutritionist the founder of Glenville Nutrition, talking about the various phases of a woman’s life and how we can change the underlying physiology by changing the lifestyle and the pattern of eating.    You will learn about:  Pre-menstrual Syndrome—All Questions Answered The Barriers on the Path to Healing  The Increasing Rate of Menstrual Abnormalities in Young Women Advice for Tampon Users Effect of Pregnancy on Women's Health  Role of Alcohol in Fertility An Outlook on Perimenopause The Possible Osteoporosis Epidemic The Mindset You Need to Regain Your Health How to Eat Healthily? How to Stay Consistent?   Get your notepads ready and keep reading!   Who is Dr. Marilyn Glenville? Dr. Marilyn Glenville Ph.D. is the founder of Glenville Nutrition, a registered nutritionist, psychologist, author, and broadcaster. She focuses on the natural nutritional healing of many chronic problems that women face—from menstrual irregularity, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility to menopause, and osteoporosis. Helping women understand and naturally manage these diseases.    Pre-menstrual Syndrome—All Questions Answered   What is Pre-menstrual Syndrome?  Pre-menstrual syndrome is a change in a woman's emotional and physical health 7 to 10 days before her menses.   PMS involves a cluster of symptoms such as:  Water retention Breast tenderness Bloating Mood swings Food cravings The timing of the symptoms is more important than the symptoms themselves in this situation as the symptoms are varied and can be diverse from month to month.   Is it abnormal? Certain symptoms that notify you of your periods are normal. However, when it affects your quality of life—physically and emotionally—that’s when it becomes abnormal. If a woman faces major personality shifts that affect her relationships, the syndrome can turn into pre-menstrual disorder; a psychiatric disease.    Is Pre-menstrual Syndrome heritable?  While there might be some genetic snips that put you at a high risk of hormonal imbalance, understand that it’s the habits that run in the family, not the condition.  There could be a genetic component, but there are also patterns of eating in how the family eats together. PMS is something that a woman can take control of. You can heal the symptoms by making lifestyle changes.    What can help with PMS? Foremost, sorting out blood-sugar levels and get them under control.  This is the crux of hormonal imbalances—from the cortisol and progesterone to the thyroid; everything gets disrupted by blood sugar fluctuations.   The Barriers on the Path to Healing  Not trusting the process: The first step to healing is to believe that it is going to be worth making the effort to heal yourself. Dependence: A person can be prescribed as many pills to control symptoms, but that's not the goal here. Doctors can give as many solutions, but it's you who has to make the effort and take the action. Make better choices daily. Change is hard: Most women seem to choose to belong to a community over feeling alienated as they change their lifestyle to a healthy one. The Victim Treatment: Psychologically, part of the reason people want to stay in that phase is for comfort’s sake. Somehow it suits them to stay

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Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.








