Awaken Your Wise Woman

Elizabeth Cush
Awaken Your Wise Woman

Welcome to the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast with host Elizabeth Cush, licensed clinical professional counselor and life coach for highly sensitive women. Every other week you’ll hear from Elizabeth and her guests as they explore women’s needs, desires, fears, hopes, and dreams—all that it means to be a wise, sensitive woman moving through life's joys, challenges, and transitions. Tune in to learn from Wise Women who know the struggles that come with being a sensitive woman today. We'll explore how to live a more grounded, authentic, purposeful, joyful, and compassionate life. The stories Elizabeth and her guests share will help you find the path back home to the brightest version of you — your truest, most beautiful, messy self. Together, let's shine our divine feminine energy brightly. The world needs us now more than ever. Awaken Your Wise Woman is the evolution of the Woman Worriers podcast.

  1. 3월 3일

    Reclaim Your Femininity and Find Satisfaction

    Lately it seems like women’s equality is farther away than ever? Don’t despair! Listen in on this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush welcomes author Alanna Kaivalya for an inspiring discussion about finding your feminine power. “For feminine women, we want inclusion, we want community, we want collaboration.” — Alanna Kaivalya You’ve probably heard the saying, “It’s a man’s world.” It’s true that our culture is still dominated by traditional masculine values, which can shape our views of what success is and how to achieve it. But what if we want a different definition—one that is collaborative rather than competitive? Where success is inclusive rather than winner take all? What can we do? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth “Biz” Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a mid-life women’s coach, welcomes Alanna Kaivalya, author of The Way of the Satisfied Woman: Reclaiming Feminine Power for a discussion about the challenges women face in a patriarchal society. They talk about the need to reclaim femininity and embrace a community-focused approach to success, explore the importance of listening to our intuition and, most important, provide reason for hope that we can find lives that are satisfying for us on our terms. You can find the show notes and resources mentioned in this episode here-

  2. 1월 27일

    How to Have Challenging Conversations: When You're a Highly Sensitive Person

    As a highly sensitive person, do you avoid conflict? Listen in on this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush welcomes executive coach and consultant Michelle Gladieux for conversation about communication challenges, conflict management and emotional intelligence. “The more interested or passionate we are about a topic, sometimes the more dangerous our words and tone can become.” — Michelle Gladieux When a work situation doesn’t sit right with you, do you speak up or hold your peace? What about when the boss wants to have a word with you? How do you handle disagreements with your partner or your friends? Do you avoid conflict? Or do you dive in head first and insist that you’re right? Communication doesn’t always come easily, especially if you’re highly sensitive. In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth “Biz” Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a mid-life women’s coach, welcomes Michelle Gladieux, an executive coach, consultant and author of Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges, for a discussion of communication skills for the highly sensitive. They talk about the roots of some common responses to conflict and why these approaches are usually self -defeating, and offer practical strategies and examples of how you can say what you need to say when you want to say it.   You can find the resources and show notes for this and every episode here.

  3. 1월 6일

    What Do You Want More of in Your Life?

    Happy New Year! In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast host Elizabeth Cush shares her take on New Year’s resolutions and offers listeners a guided meditation. “How I can bring more of the good and the positive into my life from last year to this year, and what I can either eliminate or set boundaries around in the past year that didn't sit right with me.”  — Biz Cush Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Set intentions? Or dive into the new year figuring it out as you go? No matter how you approach it, the new year can be a good time to reflect on what’s working for you and what could be different, on what you would like less of and what you would like more of in your life. If you’re thinking along the lines of “less stress” and “better friendships,” you’re in luck. In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Biz Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a life coach for highly sensitive women, offers her reflections on the new year and thoughts on moving forward as a highly sensitive person (HSP), building strong friendships in midlife and learning to recognize uncomfortable feelings like anxiety. She includes a guided meditation to use when you are feeling stress so you can work with it instead of against it. You can find the resources and show notes for this and every episode here.

  4. 2024. 12. 09.

    Challenges and Treasures of Sensitivity

    Do you view being highly sensitive as a negative? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes back Keri Nola—matriarch of the Receptivity Portal for Healing Entrepreneurs—to talk about her journey from struggling with sensitivity to embracing it as a gift. “I used to really curse my sensitivity. It felt like such a negative thing, because it made navigating the world so hard.” — Keri Nola For so many women, being highly sensitive can feel like a burden, like a barrier to navigating the world. It doesn’t have to be. We don’t have to be at odds with our environment or the situations around us. In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth “Biz” Cush, LCPC,  a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes back Keri Nola, best-selling author, coach, podcaster and founder of the Receptivity Portal for Healing Entrepreneurs for a conversation about being a highly sensitive person (HSP) in a “Go, Go, Go!” world. They reflect on how they experienced their sensitivity as they were growing up and came to recognize it for what it is, they share tips for how they avoid anxiety and overwhelm, and talk about all the positives they now associate with being highly sensitive. You can find the full show notes for this and every episode here.

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79개의 평가


Welcome to the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast with host Elizabeth Cush, licensed clinical professional counselor and life coach for highly sensitive women. Every other week you’ll hear from Elizabeth and her guests as they explore women’s needs, desires, fears, hopes, and dreams—all that it means to be a wise, sensitive woman moving through life's joys, challenges, and transitions. Tune in to learn from Wise Women who know the struggles that come with being a sensitive woman today. We'll explore how to live a more grounded, authentic, purposeful, joyful, and compassionate life. The stories Elizabeth and her guests share will help you find the path back home to the brightest version of you — your truest, most beautiful, messy self. Together, let's shine our divine feminine energy brightly. The world needs us now more than ever. Awaken Your Wise Woman is the evolution of the Woman Worriers podcast.

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