Paging Dr. Chanda

Paging Dr. Chanda

Dr. Chanda has been referred to as, “The Culture’s Psychologist” due to her relatability and viral social media content. The "Paging Dr. Chanda" podcast is a conversation hub for our generation. In this podcast, Dr. Chanda uses her background in psychology and ministry to discuss all things including Black mental health, faith, lifestyle, and buzzing topics in entertainment. Get ready to laugh, cry, and self-reflect, as Dr. Chanda interviews various influencers, creators, entertainers, and other mental health professionals about their mental health journeys.

최고 5점
69개의 평가


Dr. Chanda has been referred to as, “The Culture’s Psychologist” due to her relatability and viral social media content. The "Paging Dr. Chanda" podcast is a conversation hub for our generation. In this podcast, Dr. Chanda uses her background in psychology and ministry to discuss all things including Black mental health, faith, lifestyle, and buzzing topics in entertainment. Get ready to laugh, cry, and self-reflect, as Dr. Chanda interviews various influencers, creators, entertainers, and other mental health professionals about their mental health journeys.

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