Sith Takers Snap Shots

Sith Takers Snap Shots
Sith Takers Snap Shots

Sith Takers Snap Shots is a podcast dedicated to the X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games run by the Sith Takers based in Stockport, North West UK. The goal of the podcast is to release three podcasts a week of a short duration (approx 10-15 mins) discussing a single topic in detail with different members of the Sith Takers team. We will discuss news on upcoming releases and their impact on the game, our experiences attending and preparing for tournaments around the world, list creation and tweaking, meta breakdowns, and much more.

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
3개의 평가


Sith Takers Snap Shots is a podcast dedicated to the X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games run by the Sith Takers based in Stockport, North West UK. The goal of the podcast is to release three podcasts a week of a short duration (approx 10-15 mins) discussing a single topic in detail with different members of the Sith Takers team. We will discuss news on upcoming releases and their impact on the game, our experiences attending and preparing for tournaments around the world, list creation and tweaking, meta breakdowns, and much more.

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무삭제판 에피소드를 청취하려면 로그인하십시오.

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