Chunxiao Qu


Ahead of the launch of Samstag Museum of Art’s group exhibition Direct, Directed, Directly, Chinese Australian poet and artist Chunxiao Qu joins Associate Curator Anna Zagala to discuss her art practice.

Chunxiao Qu grew up in Qingdao, China, before emigrating to Naarm / Melbourne in 2015 to study at Monash University, where she is now based.

She shares why working with language interests her and what it does in her artworks, the impact of one dedicated tutor in shaping her art practice, and what drew her to working with LED neon.

Direct, Directed, Directly is on at the Samstag Museum of Art 28 February 2025 – 30 May 2025.

The exhibition features Richard Bell / Madison Bycroft / Kuba Dorabialski / Danielle Freakley / Christine Sun Kim and Thomas Mader / Monte Masi / Chunxiao Qu

ON ART is supported by the Gordon Darling Foundation and Solstice Podcasting and produced by Tilly Balding in Tarntanya/Adelaide. The conversation was recorded 18 February 2025.

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