'Embrace trials because we know it produces character, and in the end that's a good thing.' Today I bring you Gabriel Aviles... husband, father, shepherd, friend, confidant, music facts genius. Gabriel is just an all round great guy. I wanted to bring him onto the podcast because we have both been walking similar paths... seeking entrepreneurship, taking risks, trying new things, struggling, failing, yet still learning so much along the way, with a strong belief that our live's are held in greater hands. From moving to America as an immigrant, to walking away from a deeply rooted religion, taking chances at forging his own career path, trying his hand at various entrepreneur ventures... Gabe's curiosity and resiliency to try new things runs deep, but it doesn't come without it's fair share of difficulties. This is a conversation about faith, fear, failure, and faithfulness... all of which we all can relate. I hope you enjoy. Resources: Joyce Meyer "Enjoying Everyday Life": https://open.spotify.com/show/525jKxXqHKgPGEWI02GJIA?si=YFRrVKSaSDWNVMEIULzFEA Rachel Hollis "Girl Stop Apologizing" & "Girl Wash Your Face": https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/66988572-F347-471B-A7A7-26D71F0BC69C?store_ref=SB_A0234566J8GJL5NJVV4Q&pf_rd_p=591760d1-6468-480f-9b10-0ee9c85706fd&aaxitk=As1KMLVuBs0k9G.Uz60lBg&hsa_cr_id=2040797040001&lp_asins=1400201659,1400209609,1400215420&lp_mat_key=rachel%20hollis&lp_query=rachel%20hollis&lp_slot=auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris&ref_=sb_s_sparkle Michael Hyatt "Best Year Ever": https://www.amazon.com/Your-Best-Year-Ever-Achieving-ebook/dp/B0741CYBHK Michael Hyatt "Free to Focus": https://www.amazon.com/Free-Focus-Productivity-System-Achieve/dp/0801075262/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1582905312&sr=1-3 Chip & Dan Heath "Power of Moments": https://www.amazon.com/Power-Moments-Certain-Experiences-Extraordinary/dp/1501147765/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3QYKDIAQO3K34&keywords=the+power+of+moments+by+chip+and+dan+heath&qid=1582905463&s=books&sprefix=chip+and+dan+heath+po%2Cstripbooks%2C217&sr=1-3 Andrew Wommack "The Gospel Truth": https://open.spotify.com/show/3EL9sqDRK8cgZ9IwAUNJDi?si=kM3hm1hjRZ2vHV-sbNjGiQ
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