Colored Pages Book Club

Colored Pages Book Club
Colored Pages Book Club

Join longtime friends Marci and Ako for their bi-weekly podcast where they discuss fiction, fantasy, and magical realism written by writers from colorful and diverse backgrounds! Come for the honest discussions, stay for the complete and utter tomfoolery. Also, no worries if you haven’t read the books, we’ve got you covered!

  1. 2023. 07. 01.

    Audre Lorde’s ”Uses of the Erotic” a Comparative Literature Episode

    Hello colorful cast of powdered sugar donuts, CPBC is back with the final episode of the summer short series.   What?!? I know we're ending a little early this year and taking a bit of a hiatus, but never fear, this episode is a super sweet treat and it most certainly will not be the curtain call for the dynamic duo. So if you have the time during or between your summer shenanigans, join the Marci and Ako as they read the famous essay "Uses of the Erotic" by the queer black radical feminist Audre Lorde and compare it songs!!!    We're switching it up as we discuss rhythm and connection, the transmutation between the physical and ethereal, salvation being here and ever present, and the transformative power of you guessed    Intro/Question - 00:00-30:55 Marci's Song Choice 1 - Dance (Disco Heat ) by Sylvester 30:55  - 41:15 Ako's Song Choice 1 - I'll be there by the Jackson 5 41:16 - 49:09 Marci's Song Choice  2 - My Love is Free by Double Exposure 49:10 - 55:55- Ako's Song Choice 2 - Lift-Up by Milo and Otis ft Chance the Rapper and Thinkin' bout you - Frank Ocean - 55:56 -1:02:09 Outro/Hiatus Announcement -1:02:09 -1:06:08 And, of course, if you wanna stay afloat on all our latest episodes, you can find the links to our Twitter (@TheColoredPages), Instagram (@TheseColoredPages), and Website ( here: . You can also reach us directly by emailing us at . Come say hi!!

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    Join longtime friends Marci and Ako for their bi-weekly podcast where they discuss fiction, fantasy, and magical realism written by writers from colorful and diverse backgrounds! Come for the honest discussions, stay for the complete and utter tomfoolery. Also, no worries if you haven’t read the books, we’ve got you covered!

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