Come See Jesus #33 -- Matthew 16:13-25 -- When people come to us, do they see Jesus?

More Than Bread

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Matthew 16 is one of only two places where Jesus uses the word "church." He says, "I will build my church and when I build my church, the gates of hell will not be able to stand against it." In essence Jesus is saying, "My legacy is a church that is an unstoppable force." But we know that that unstoppable force is at times an unspeakable mess. So here's my question,

"When people come to us, do they see Jesus?"

BY THE WAY -- I'll talk about joining me on a social media+ fast in this episode, if you join me, would you click the link below and let me know. I'll get you more information. It's part of become his church, as we make space for Jesus!

Social Media+ Fast

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