Rusted Junk - The 80s and 90s Movies Podcast

Charlie, Joe and Dom
Rusted Junk - The 80s and 90s Movies Podcast

All those 80s films you’d forgotten either intentionally or just faded into the mists of time - some famous, some not so famous but whatever we choose, we always have a good discussion. Come and listen to Charlie, Joe and Dom bicker over, sorry ’analyse’ whether it’s a good, bad or just plain ugly movie.

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
5개의 평가


All those 80s films you’d forgotten either intentionally or just faded into the mists of time - some famous, some not so famous but whatever we choose, we always have a good discussion. Come and listen to Charlie, Joe and Dom bicker over, sorry ’analyse’ whether it’s a good, bad or just plain ugly movie.

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