Conversations as you Go

Dave Lawton
Conversations as you Go

For anyone who is interested in following Jesus as his disciple. This podcast will be conversational, talking together about topics of prayer, sharing our faith with others, making disciples, our relationship with the word of God, forming groups and multiplication. If you are a disciple, disciple maker, group leader, church leader or multiplying leader you will enjoy these real experience based conversations.

  1. 13 HR. AGO

    140. In the Heart of Auburn – Tom and Sophie Butler

    Today we have the privilege of hearing from Tom and Sophie Butler who have intentionally placed themselves in the multicultural suburb of Auburn in West Sydney. They have an awesome vision of seeing multiplying hubs established all across the city. Be blessed as you hear their heart and stories of how God has called them into DMM and how lost people around them in Sydney are being impacted by Jesus. Tom and Sophie’s story Tom and Sophie have spent almost 5 years pursuing God’s call to see disciple making movements birthed in Sydney. They share how exposure to DMM as late teenagers influenced them to follow God’s lead and start Discovery Groups with old school friends and jump into Auburn for the last two years. Jesus’ focus on discipling the lost and his unconditional love has captured their hearts to fully embrace God's vision for the nations in and beyond Sydney.  Stories from and a vision for Sydney These guys have been intentionally reaching out amongst the nations in Auburn, seeing Discovery Bible Studies start in places like a local Mosque and seeing people’s lives transformed by Jesus. Tom shares a powerful story of seeing a young Nepalese man reconciled with his father after responding to one of Jesus’ parables. Tom and Sophie are part of a team called ‘Fruitpickers’ who carry a vision of seeing catalytic teams in every urban centre of Sydney and across Australia. They dream of seeing Discovery Groups grow into simple and organic churches amongst every people and affinity group of the city and into the nations.  Word of encouragement Tom reflects on Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8): “Movement will take sustained effort for a long time. Jesus is asking us, ‘Will I find faith on earth when I come?’ Will we maintain faith that a movement is not only possible but it is God’s will and desire?" Sophie finishes the podcast by praying for us and says, “Don’t let the fear of making mistakes get in the way of living out the call of God on your life!”  Before moving on from this podcast, allow Jesus to ask you, "Will I find faith on earth when I come?". Ask yourself, "Is fear of making mistakes creeping into my life as a disciple maker?". Pray for God to give you fresh faith to take risks in pursuing his heart for disciple making movements in your context.

    32 min
  2. OCT 18

    139. Thailand 24 #6 – Fear and Faith (Mk 4:35-5:41)

    In this podcast, we jump into a word of encouragement that Dave gave to the Thailand ’24 gathering with some of our international leaders. As a group, we’d just done a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) from the story of Jesus crossing the lake with his disciples, encountering and stilling a great storm and then encountering another storm of spiritual warfare when confronting the demoniac upon arrival in the Decapolis. We explore the themes of fear and faith from the reflections of this DBS found in Mark 4:35-5:41.  The invitation to participate in the Great Commission God is in partnership with us and the whole of creation. He calls us out to "go" and be apostolic. To be 'sent ones'. However we will always confront fear as we respond to his call to "go", just like in this story.  Confronting fear Like the people in the story, we will face different fears as we join in God’s work of kingdom advancement. We are called to respond with faith in Jesus who is power and authority.  This story is a story of taking new ground for the kingdom of God. The storm that this story is talking about is one that comes from a response to God’s call to "go" and see the Kingdom of God advance in a new place.  Faith from Spirit birthed vision in prayer  ‘Faith is about prayer and hearing the voice of the Spirit and then obedience to God.’ We are to listen to God’s kingdom advance plan in the place of prayer. All apostolic advancement begins in prayer. As we pray, God speaks to ‘go’. Just as God must have spoken to Jesus about going into this new gentile region, God always speaks to us about not settling for where we are right now. Vision birthed by God is always bigger than what we can handle. This is because it is God’s vision not ours. Faith is risky “Without the element of risk, there is no need for faith” (Hudson Taylor).  As we step into the boat, fear always comes up against faith. Fear can cause us to withdraw. However apostolic advancement happens through our obedience and faith in Jesus, knowing his presence in ‘our boat’. Faith in Jesus' authority When God calls us into new territories, we will run into spiritual powers and forces of darkness like in this story. But can put our faith in Jesus’ presence that comes and surrounds us as we obediently go, responding to Jesus’ words in the Great Commissions… “And surely I will am with you always” (Matthew 28:20) “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. (John 20:21-22) Final words of encouragement “Obey Jesus. Go where he is calling you. Let it be birthed by the Spirit. He will lead us into dark places. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have ground God has called you to. It will require you to have faith in Jesus when fear confronts you. Go, take the land God is calling you to. Expect more than what you have right now!”

    30 min
  3. OCT 10

    138. Thailand 24 #5

    We continue listening to part 2 of Rey’s case study from the Hong Kong team sharing at our Thailand 24 gathering. In this second episode Rey shares with us exciting stories of how multiplication is happening from Hong Kong back into his home country, all across the Philippines.  How to be a disciple maker Find a Person of Peace (Luke 10). Bring these people into a DOBS (Discovery Obedience Bible Study).  Baptise to be a disciple.  Continue being part of a DOBS.  Grow by being accountable in loving God  Scriptures to help disciples be accountable and multiply Matthew 28:19-20. The Great Commission keeps disciples focused on disciple making.  Matthew 22:39-40. Love God (by worshipping, praying, serving, obeying and giving their ‘three Ts’: Time, Talents and Treasure). Love people (by their care, time and giving).  Acts 1:8. We need the power of the Holy Spirit.  2 Timothy 2:2. What we learn from someone, pass it onto others who pass it onto others.  If see the above in disciples, they will start to multiply as start DOBS.  The operating system of DMM Rey shares how DMM will only work if it is fully embraced. He finishes by sharing what he calls the head, heart and hands operating system of DMM:  Head: we lead people to learn and remember the Bible story.  Heart: we lead people to love the Lord, not the leader.  Hands: we lead people to obey God.  After listening to Rey, ask yourself this question: "How can the Gospel spread and multiply in my context?” *In the last episode, Rey calls a DBS a DOBS (Discovery Obedience Bible Study) since he says "there can only be movement if there is obedience".

    27 min
  4. OCT 4

    137. Thailand 24 #4

    We continue our Thailand 24 gathering series as we listen to case studies from around the world. In this episode, we listen to Rey from the Hong Kong team. In this first of two episodes, you’ll hear how God prepares a person. This includes the tests that happen in the life of a leader as they seek to embrace God’s vision for movements.  The test of ‘no evidence’ We hear how God called Rey and his wife Ethel (both from the Philippines) to pioneer disciple making amongst filipino maids (foreign domestic workers) in Hong Kong. It began by being exposed to movements from around the world. However their church and community were not convinced about DMM with no obvious initial results.  DOBS in the park After stepping out of traditional church leadership, Rey shares how God said to him, “Work for me, don’t work for money.” After praying and fasting, God told Rey, “If you want a church to do DMM with in Hong Kong, then why don’t you start one?”. This led to Rey starting a new ‘DOBS’ in a park. Rey calls DBS (Discovery Bible Study) a ‘DOBS’ with the O standing for Obedience.  “We cannot have DMM without obedience.” Ray’s disciple making methods: POP (People of People) hunting at least once a week (based on Luke 10).  DOBS as the DMM training.  Measure by baptisms: Rey’s first baptism happened at the end of the the first month of doing DOBS in the park. (Since July 2022, his team’s goal is to see baptisms by the end of each month with now 82 people being baptised.) 4 hubs or communities have now been established across Hong Kong for training, fellowship, prayer and 'disciple worship celebrations'. (Rey uses DOBS as the way of teaching and training.) Home groups are also starting in people’s homes (including children participating in DOBS). Ray’s vision "When foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong retire, everyone can bring DMM home." Rey and his team tells them, “First you are a missionary to Hong Kong. Then if you train well and master the DBS and DMM principles, you can go back and make disciples when you go home. And we will support you!” God’s challenge to us, the listener There are many integrity tests God leads us through as he calls us. As you listen to this podcast, ask yourself this question: What’s God’s challenge to you as you hear Rey’s story?

    28 min
  5. SEP 26

    136. Thailand 24 #3

    In this episode, you will hear a particular case study coming out of South Asia as one of the movement leaders to shares with us.  Bible based The podcast begins by encouraging us to keep things simple. Just share the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to help us apply the Bible in our lives. If we keep things simple, multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches can happen.  Authority releasing Leaders in DMM are intentional about seeking to make another leader. Ministry without leadership cannot stand. Jesus himself created leaders that multiplied. Multiplying church happens on the back of multiplying ordinary disciples and leaders.  Start with being a disciple There is no hierarchy in DMM, at the core, everyone is a disciple.  “If you are a good disciple, you are a good leader. If you are a good leader, you are a good pastor. If you are not a disciple, how can you be a good pastor and leader?” Case Study One of his leaders shares with us how he started with 12 traditional house groups but he soon caught the vision of DMM and started to implement some of the DNA.  “I used to think, 'I am the boss'. Now I know that God is pleased with our obedience not our knowledge. These days I am giving authority to local leaders and churches are multiplying as a result! Today we have 126 house groups with 70 leaders across 70 villages. Our vision is to reach all 700 villages in our district which consists of 1.6 million people.”  DMM methodology in India Prayer Sending out ordinary people  Adopting local culture  Empowering local leaders  Releasing authority to them  Multiply  He shares how his teams create short and long term Discovery Bible Study stories. They coach their leaders through their challenges after six months of DMM training.  “Just like human children, our leaders need to learn to eat by themselves after six months.”  Pray for South Asia The podcast finishes by urging us to pray: "We have 1.4 billion people. Official statistics say that 3% are Christian however we believe that it is more like 6%. Please keep praying for us!"

    20 min
  6. SEP 20

    135. Thailand 24 #2

    We continue our Thailand gathering series and hear part one of a two part case study of what God is doing in South Asia. The leader shares part of his journey into DMM and his current context which now sees over 2000 churches planted down to over 10 generations deep. Simon's journey into DMM We hear how the vision of ‘ordinary’ people leading from the beginning captured his heart as he stepped out of traditional church ministry. He share's how he was attracted to DMM because of how it is centered on obedience to God’s Word and multiplication. Simple training and facing persecution These days, the leader and his team meet people where they are at and train them in DMM. They keep things really simple so that anyone can easily apply and multiply what they learn. Persecution is an everyday challenge. Matthew 28:16-20 is what encourages his team when they are faced with persecution. Their response is to pray for endurance and courage since they know persecution will not stop but keep coming. “We are not praying that persecution will stop. No, it will come. The one thing matters to us is endurance and courage.” Challenges for DMM in South Asia Finally, He gives us a brief insight into the challenges he and his leaders are facing to see DMM in the South Asian context. Firstly, the cultural barriers of the diverse harvest fields in the region. They are seeking to continue trying to contextualize the gospel when connecting with new peoples. Secondly, the traditional church is another barrier for them.

    25 min
  7. SEP 16

    134. Thailand 24 #1 – Dave

    This is our first episode of a new series from our Thailand 24 gathering. This gathering saw fruitful movement leaders come together from 15 nations. This introduction from Dave is a call to collaborate with others as we build team. Dave draws us into a reflection on the resurrection of Christ and his triumphant procession. He hear how Jesus gave the gifts of people as an establishment of his movement.  Movement Methods and Strategy Movement methods or tactics are tools in our tool belts. They include: abundant prayer vision birthed by God  building teams harvest connection  groups started  churches formed  multiplication that leads to saturation The strategy applies the methods. It is the view of saturation of a region, people group, city or state. How do we create a momentum of leaders and workers that will ‘fill the area’ with the teachings of Jesus? It includes a focus on building catalytic hubs of leaders, bound together by a common vision and strategy.  God’s gifts are people When Christ ascended on high he led a host of captives (like a Roman Caesar), and he gave gifts to men (2 Corinthians 2:14-16, Psalms 68:18). The gift of God in the context of the resurrection are people. He gave gifts to men… he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers (Ephesians 4:7-12).  Word of encouragement  When God wants to start a movement, he gives gifts. His gifts are people. You are that gift. That’s why you matter so much. But we are not enough. Our big task is to multiply workers. You can start … but 100 can create a saturation movement. God wants to multiply workers through you. Focus on building catalytic hubs of leaders, bound together by a common vision and strategy.  Image: Triunph(us) Caesaris (The triumph of Julius Caesar), plate 6. Andrea Andreani, fl. 1584-1610 - Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

    27 min
  8. SEP 6

    133. Reaching cities with Scott Crawley #2

    We continue our conversation with Scott and hear him share about the kingdom of God and our participation in it as we simplify our walk with God in complex cities. What is the kingdom? “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15). Scott begins by giving us an overview of the kingdom of God from a biblical perspective. Drawing from Mark 1:15, Scott shares how the gospel is itself the kingdom. It is where we participate in God ruling over us. So how do we participate in the kingdom? Scott described the kingdom of God as an upside down triangle where everyone can listen and obey God, helping others do the same. Luke 10 gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ excitement (and the disciples’ astonishment!) of how the kingdom of God is for everyone, even the unlearned and ordinary. ‘At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children….Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” (Luke 10:21,23-24) Culture and the kingdom Scott also shares an analogy of the kingdom being like poured out wine. We need to keep in mind that our Christian culture or 'wineskins' are not necessary the most helpful vessels of God’s kingdom for some people. Engaging complex cities Some keys can include: Understanding the distinction between what is simple, complicated and complex. Cities are indeed complex systems where God wants to see his kingdom emerge. Christianity as an ‘empire’, ruled from the centre, can easily breakdown in complex cities. However Jesus, the king of God's kingdom, can lead each of us with his amazing creativity. We need to stay flexible and adaptive to what can help serve us and those we lead as we all live out our relationship with God. Finally, since our king’s character is predictable, tools like DBS (Discovery Bible Study) are helpful since they centre around the obedience to and sharing of God's Word. Resources to help us engage further Check out Scott’s blog here. Check out the 'Two Four Eight' movement website here. Keeping it simple Scott finishes by encouraging us to keep our discipleship walk simple... “Simply ask, ‘Am I listening, trusting and obeying God? And am I helping others do the same?’ This is all we need to do. God will guide us when we give him space…He wants sons and daughters who are living and sharing life with him. He will work the fruit out!”

    37 min


For anyone who is interested in following Jesus as his disciple. This podcast will be conversational, talking together about topics of prayer, sharing our faith with others, making disciples, our relationship with the word of God, forming groups and multiplication. If you are a disciple, disciple maker, group leader, church leader or multiplying leader you will enjoy these real experience based conversations.

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