Heads and Tails

The craft of distilling involves making cuts: the heads, the hearts, and the tails. You have the hearts in your glass, so we are going to bring you everything else. Each month, Heads + Tails serves up interviews, discussion, and news from the world of spirits that aims to broaden your knowledge of these amazing liquids. Have questions or comments? Email us at headsandtails@thebrewingnetwork.com. Heads + Tails is a production of The Brewing Network.
JP and Beardy make me moist!
Now that I have your attention, listen to it. It’s awesome, and you’ll learn something. Make more shows!
Step it up.
I’ve been listening to the Brewing Network since 2009. Their early shows help lead me to where I am today in the world of fermented beverages. I’ve really loved distillation and whisk(e)y almost as long as I’ve been passionate about beer. I want to love this show, but can’t. There’s something that can be advantageous where the interviewers doesn’t know anything about what they asking questions about – I’m a broadcast journalist trained in radio as well with the Air Force – but they miss SO much in the interviews to ask that gets covered in the beer shows. It’s really frustrating wanting to broaden my knowledge of distillation, but I spend more time yelling at my phone or speaker than I get out of it with new knowledge. So much of my yelling is how do you not know this!?! PLEASE GET A PRO DISTILLER FOR A COHOST. Then there’s the low bar of production quality from time to time. The latest show, the audio levels we SO off between the mics in the mix. I had to crank my volume up to here anything the guests and Warren said, but JP would blow out my speakers. Maybe in a few more years it’ll be there, but now that podcasts are a thing vs when the BN started, someone else has bound to got it together out the gate. Sad.
Great stuff guys
Once again JP you Beardy and the crew hit one out of the park.
Good stuff
If you have an interest is booze and want to learn more, good place to start. Some really cool distilleries have been interviewed.
- 创作者The Brewing Network
- 活跃年份2018年 - 2019年
- 单集20
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权© 2018 The Brewing Network
- 节目网站