Ask a Cop? False information: Thanks Nicolette My son was born in February of this year. His father & I have been together since before I got pregnant & are still together now. But there is a guy, that I have never had sex with, going around telling everyone that he is my son's father. Can I or is there a way I can sue him for spreading false information like that? Ask a Cop? What were your first days as a cop like? Thanks: Jesse I am trying to get hired - I have studied all the books and tests and materials. I have done a few ride alongs at the department I would like to work with but the one thing they never teach you is what the first days, week, or years are like after you are hired. What issues did you have during your first few days, weeks and years? Eye Opening? Depressing? How does it affect your personal life? Internet Crime: * Tracking you via your phone and your photos? * GPS Location Data * PopSci Article - Hacking the Cloud - The worries of Cloud computing * Older CopTalk Article - * Clicking on Email Links * Bot Nets * Facebook Security Issues * Online Apps * Non Secure Wi-Fi Connections - Fire Sheep * FBI Disrupts BotNet * If youâ€re worried about your online security, here are 6 tips on how to be a little more web-savvy, keeping those Internet predators at bay: 1. Sign your credit and debit cards as soon as you receive them. 2. When paying by card in any shop or store, make sure your card is always in view. 3. Destroy any physical correspondence that includes your name, address, Social Security details or account numbers; and donâ€t let mail sit in your mailbox for too long. 4. Save your ATM receipts or destroy them. 5. Clear browsing data, including cookies and temporary files, after making an online purchase. 6. And of course, never save or write down your passwords, keep your antivirus software up to date and only shop online at trusted sites. Remember to protect your personal reputation online and avoid identity theft at all times * 75 Million Scam emails are sent daily claiming over 200 victims * 73% of Americans have experienced some form of cyber crime - 65% globally * 66% of the worlds hackers are American * 10.5 are from the UK * 7.5 are Nigerian * Brazil is the worst hit with 83% of the population has suffered from Internet crime * 78% of American feel that cyber crime will not be brought to justice and only 2% expect to escape cyber crime in their lifetime. * Average Internet crime costs the victim 128 bucks * Most Common Crimes: Computer Viruses, Online Scams, Phishing, Social Network Hacking, Online Debit and CC Fraud, Sexual Predation * Average Financial loss per fraud complaint, Debit CC Fraud = 223, Auction Fraud: 610, non delivery of items: 800, computer fraud: 1000, Nigerian Letter fraud: 1650 * The 5 most popular passwords: 123456, password, 12345678, lifehack, qwerty * 33% use the same pass for every site they visit - 22% never use the same password twice * Password length affects hacking time: 3 digit length = if you use upper and lower case and 52 letter or digits = ...