Cosmic Cocktails

Cosmic Cocktails
Cosmic Cocktails

This podcast takes you into the Vedic ocean of ancient wisdom where we dive into the sciences of Ayurveda, Vedic astrology and Dream Yoga. Our aim and wish is to inspire you to look at yourself and life from a different and possibly very new perspective - which filters are you using? What's so core that cannot be shaken? All episodes are based on our own study material, knowledge and experiences infused with interviews with intriguing guests who inspire us too. So we can learn about how they navigate through all tastes of life - from the sweet to the extremely bitter.

  1. 2023. 06. 03.

    S2 #4 Vic Dicara - Finding meaning in the (Vedic) stars

    ‘If astrology is used to predict events, that’s exactly the same as astrology used to do psychology. It’s just the way that you enunciate your interpretation, is in words about prediction or in words about a description, but it’s the same exact thing.’ Google the name Vic Dicara… Guitarist? Punkrocker? Who’s this longhaired dude who used to slam the guitar during the #krishnacore heydays? The warm but sometimes raspy voice that back in the days blasted through the microphone, but now calmly explains the beautiful Vedas. May we introduce to you the Mick Jagger of Vedic Astrology - rock ‘n roll ánd incredibly knowledgeable. He’s one of the few Westerners (in our eyes, at least) who is able to take you on a journey into the very depths of this beautiful ancient wisdom from India and translates it in the most practical yet poetic way. Bringing you in a state of Sharavana, deep listening. We are a big fan of his Nakshatra series and books as a source of truthful information on this paramount part of Vedic Astrology. We couldn’t be more proud and excited to have him as a guest for our podcast. Someone we keep learning from, again and again. A conversation that goes beyond the stars, but him being the biggest Vedic star of all. Let's bring him to to stage, the cosmic stage... The topics discussed in this podcast: - Vic’s own journey towards becoming an astrologer - Astrology: prediction or psychology? - Masculine vs. Feminine focus in astrology - Why being an astrologer is extremely tiring - Why astrology ánd relationships help us see ourselves - The importance of the Nakshatras (lunar signs) in Vedic Astrology Give it a listen (preferably on Thursday, the day of planet Jupiter who represents teachers and higher wisdom) and we would love to hear your thoughts on this! DISCLAIMER: The podcast content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other approved treatment regarding any medical condition. Never deny professional medical advice or delay the search because of something you heard in our podcast.

    1시간 6분
  2. S2 #3 Paula Crossfield - Why Vedic Astrology Helps You Grow Your Business

    2023. 01. 04.

    S2 #3 Paula Crossfield - Why Vedic Astrology Helps You Grow Your Business

    ‘Your ruling planet is meant to give you things’ For a long time we’ve been following Paula to gain a better perspective not only on the planets but especially how they work in the context of business. Can Vedic Astrology help you thrive and bring success and wealth? Absolutely. Having the knowledge about your unique chart can be a huge tool for success and upliftment instead of just following the daily grind and hoping for luck (and some good financial bonus) to come your way. Even though some zodiac signs are by nature more motivated and career savvy than others, still every single person on this planet has its unique blueprint to pursue his or her 'job' in this lifetime. The question is... what's yours? What are your greatest assets in this life? Are you meant for one career or multiple careers? The planets will reveal. The topics discussed in this podcast: - How can Vedic Astrology help with career and business - The most important indicators for success and wealth - The most important planets, houses and signs as indicators for career and business - What you’re meant to do in this life (Dharma) - Getting to know your ruling planet - Reading the dashas (chapters in life) - Entrepreneurship vs. Employment - Making good money and finding wealth - That one self-debilitating belief we all should ditch  - How to see compatibility with business partners - Ps. Why we always first have to befriend Saturn in our chart  Give it a listen (preferably on Wednesday, the day of ‘Money Making Mercury’) and we would love to hear your thoughts on this!  DISCLAIMER: The podcast content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other approved treatment regarding any medical condition. Never deny professional medical advice or delay the search because of something you heard in our podcast.

  3. S2 #2 Dr. Robert Svoboda - Saturn & The City

    2022. 12. 10.

    S2 #2 Dr. Robert Svoboda - Saturn & The City

    ‘If you don’t live with reality, reality will come to live with you’ It’s one of our favorite lines from Dr. Robert Svoboda, a living legend (if we may say so) when it comes to Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology. Living with reality - how hard can it be? Well, in this day and age it seems like a big task for many. We escape in many ways, activities and online realms, yet to learn again and again there's no way out. And the one planet that will have us face reality at all times is planet Saturn. Saturn or ‘Shani’ is the most dreaded planet in someone’s horoscope, according to Vedic Astrology. He’s the big black, slow, cold and dry planet on the outskirts of the Universe. And there’s no denying that Saturn can make life indeed very painful and disappointing. But we must learn and understand what’s behind Saturn's dark veil and why he’s actually the greatest teacher of all. Of all the 9 ‘grahas’ (planets), we must first look at Saturn. And who better to explain this complex yet very alive reality to us than Dr. Svoboda. He is the first Westerner ever to graduate from an Ayurvedic college and has been teaching Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology all over the world. He is the writer of many books including ‘Light on life’, ‘The Greatness of Saturn’ and ‘The Law of Karma’ - and yes, all are on our nightstand. We couldn’t be more proud and grateful to have Dr. Svoboda in our podcast to talk about the Greatness of Saturn and karma. Because this slice of reality tastes freaking good. The topics discussed in this podcast: - How does Vedic Astrology work? - Who is planet Saturn and why is everyone afraid of him - Why Saturn is the most important planet of all - How Saturn helps us face difficulty in our life - Different positions of Saturn in your chart and what it means - Why Saturn represents our load of karma in this life - How to recognize and work with our personal karmas - How free are we really or is everything in life predestined? Give it a listen (preferably on Saturday, the day of Saturn) and we would love to hear your thoughts on this! DISCLAIMER: The podcast content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other approved treatment regarding any medical condition. Never deny professional medical advice or delay the search because of something you heard in our podcast.

    1시간 4분
  4. S2 #1 Meet Our Guru - 'Having your own realizations is way more important than taking on someone else's beliefs'

    2022. 11. 28.

    S2 #1 Meet Our Guru - 'Having your own realizations is way more important than taking on someone else's beliefs'

    It is taught that the very first word of the first line of a classical text holds a particularly important position. And the very first sound, drink or bite in the early morning puts a stamp on the rest of the day. So we had to start this new podcast season with the most influential person in our Jyotish journey, our very own teacher and Guru Shivananda. From skating and punkrock to meditating and 108 mantras - welcome to the journey of our Guru. Driven by a deeper thirst for Indian Philosophy and Yoga, he moved to the US in his early twenties to study Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute. It was there he met Hart de Fouw who later became his Jyotish teacher for over a decade. After his retirement, he found his second teacher, Pt. Sanjay Rath, where he embarked deeper in the traditional path where it takes 5-6 years to study one classical text. For the past 20-something years he’s been seeing hundreds of clients and is also guiding a group of students (including ourselves). Jyotish to him is a science and art and he sees it as the most profound way to understand one's own path and lessons for this lifetime. To us he’s not only a brilliant teacher but also a guiding force in our own journey through life teaching us how to surf the waves with an extra pinch of flexibility and discernment. Dealing with all our questions regarding starting a new business, calculating partner compatibility, dealing with health issues or broken hearts and so much more - each and every time he knows how to navigate us through life with more wisdom and humor. Teaching us which lenses and filters we are using to help face and digest reality. Today we want to share a tiny slice of this Jyotish cake and his way of guiding people with this Science of Light, so you can have a flavor of his magic. The line of topics discussed in this podcast: - Moving from West to East through the wisdom of nature - Finding the Vedic sciences in the early nineties - Moving from Ayurveda to Jyotish - The toolbox of Jyotish and how it supports   - How does Vedic Astrology actually work - How Jyotish plays an important role in his life (practically) - The most important lesson(s) he has learned through Jyotish - The most important pillars in a chart and why (and the question éveryone asks) - What is free will and what is choice - His most interesting reading and why - What he answers when people are saying the influence of the planets on us human beings is bullshit or non-existent - Why people should consider doing a Jyotish reading and when (timing is everything!) Give it a listen (preferably on Thursdays, the day of planet Jupiter (aka The Guru) and learning higher wisdom) and we would love to hear your thoughts on this! DISCLAIMER: The podcast content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other approved treatment regarding any medical condition. Never deny professional medical advice or delay the search because of something you heard in our podcast.

    1시간 9분
  5. #27 Incoming Vata Season - 'We weten allemaal wat een tornado doet...'

    2022. 09. 29.

    #27 Incoming Vata Season - 'We weten allemaal wat een tornado doet...'

    Het gevaar zit 'm niet in de herfst en het koude seizoen, maar in de óvergang naar de herfst. In tijden van verandering zijn we het meest kwetsbaar. Om te begrijpen waarom de seizoensovergang voor veel mensen het meest uitdagend is, leert Ayurveda ons over Vata dosha (windelement).  De wind staat voor verandering, vernieuwing en brengt dingen in beweging - de bladeren buiten maar het stuurt ook alle interne processen in ons lichaam aan. Van ons ademen en knipperen van de ogen tot de eindeloze gedachtestroom. Als de wind stabiel is, gaan onze innerlijke processen als vanzelf. Maar we weten ook het verschil tussen een zachte wind, opzwepende storm en een verwoestende tornado. De Vata-wind kan zich heel rebels gaan gedragen als we niet goed opletten en de boel de boel laten, waarbij het lichaam overweldigd wordt door onvoorspelbaarheid, harde tikken en allerlei soorten pijntjes en andere klachten. Blijf je tegen de wind in fietsen 'omdat het nu eenmaal zo is' of wil je leren hoe het te managen? That's the question. De kunst is om jezelf in deze overgangsperiode te supporten met gepaste Vata-remedies zodat je moeiteloos en well-prepared het nieuwe seizoen ingaat. Dit geldt voor iedereen, maar vooral voor mensen met een Vata-constitutie en 'airy' zodiac signs Tweelingen, Weegschaal en Steenbok of die in een Saturn of Rahu periode van hun leven zitten. In deze podcast praten we over: - Onze kwetsbaarheid tijdens de seizoensovergang en waarom - De wind waait niet alleen buiten, ook vanbinnen - Queen Vata - 'You don't want her angry' - Bekende klachten bij de seizoensovergang (nee, niet zozeer verkoudheid) - Voeding en lifestyle tips voor deze periode Benieuwd naar jouw unieke constitutie (Vata, Pitta of Kapha)? En welke planeet jouw leven grotendeels aanstuurt? Boek nu een consult en we duiken verder in op jouw 'astral passport'. DISCLAIMER: De inhoud in de podcast is niet bedoeld als vervanging voor professioneel medisch advies, diagnose of behandeling. Vraag altijd advies aan uw arts of andere gekwalificeerde zorgverlener met betrekking tot een medische aandoening. Negeer nooit professioneel medisch advies en stel het zoeken ervan nooit uit vanwege iets dat je in onze podcast hebt gehoord.

  6. #26 Tong schrapen met je scharrel - 'Dat ik dat al die jaren heb doorgeslikt'

    2022. 08. 31.

    #26 Tong schrapen met je scharrel - 'Dat ik dat al die jaren heb doorgeslikt'

    Dit onderwerp... het moést er van komen. Het zit immers niet voor niets in onze openings tune, zo belangrijk is het. Zo'n ding waarvan je denkt: waarom hoor ik dit nú pas en heeft niemand me hier ooit eerder op gewezen?! Want het maakt een groot verschil voor je gezondheid en... een frisse adem. Tong schrapen (nee, dus níet met een tandenborstel) is een van de belangrijkste en meest besproken rituelen in de dagelijkse Ayurvedische routine. En laten we er ook maar meteen bij zeggen, een van de makkelijkste om te implementeren in je snelle Westerse levensstijl. Het goede nieuws: het is nooit te laat om te beginnen. Het nog betere nieuws: tongschrapen kan ook zónder scharrel.  In deze Cosmic Snack vertellen we je er alles over: waarom, hoe, wanneer en met welke schraper. En dan snap je dus helemaal waarom wij écht niet meer zonder kunnen, dat we onze tongschraper meenemen naar elke scharrel (geen grap) en dat die IEEEUW van Joanne uit haar tenen komt. Want je wil dus niet weten wat je inslikt als je het niet doet.  Het kost je slechts 5 seconden extra tijd in de ochtend. En geloof ons: het is héél bevredigend en ook NO-WAY-BACK.  DISCLAIMER: De inhoud in de podcast is niet bedoeld als vervanging voor professioneel medisch advies, diagnose of behandeling. Vraag altijd advies aan uw arts of andere gekwalificeerde zorgverlener met betrekking tot een medische aandoening. Negeer nooit professioneel medisch advies en stel het zoeken ervan nooit uit vanwege iets dat je in onze podcast hebt gehoord.



This podcast takes you into the Vedic ocean of ancient wisdom where we dive into the sciences of Ayurveda, Vedic astrology and Dream Yoga. Our aim and wish is to inspire you to look at yourself and life from a different and possibly very new perspective - which filters are you using? What's so core that cannot be shaken? All episodes are based on our own study material, knowledge and experiences infused with interviews with intriguing guests who inspire us too. So we can learn about how they navigate through all tastes of life - from the sweet to the extremely bitter.

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