Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature

Wolf at the Door
Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature

Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature – Second Year Classics, C667, Professor [REDACTED]. This course discusses the Anterran Civilization, examining the evidence regarding the recent archeological ruins uncovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The earliest human society, [REDACTED] years older than previously known to exist, will provide opportunities for analysis of ancient writing and thought. Topics include literature, religion, and philosophy. Wednesdays, Room 014 Brussels Hall, Harbridge University.  Additional resources can be found on the class website:

최고 5점
262개의 평가


Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature – Second Year Classics, C667, Professor [REDACTED]. This course discusses the Anterran Civilization, examining the evidence regarding the recent archeological ruins uncovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The earliest human society, [REDACTED] years older than previously known to exist, will provide opportunities for analysis of ancient writing and thought. Topics include literature, religion, and philosophy. Wednesdays, Room 014 Brussels Hall, Harbridge University.  Additional resources can be found on the class website:

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