Cradle to the Grave

Erik Hanson
Cradle to the Grave

My name is Erik and as long as I can remember I’ve loved horror. Horror movies. Horror novels. Horror comics. My life's milestones can be measured by the genre. It’s given me years of entertainment, as well as countless sleepless nights. It has kept me young at heart and filled my mind with wonderful memories that I cherish. This podcast is my way of sharing those moments with you. So, starting with my birth year of 1971, I’ll be listing my Top 10 horror films of every year of my life and discussing each one in detail with a little help from my friends. Join us as we journey from the Cradle to the Grave. 

최고 5점
9개의 평가


My name is Erik and as long as I can remember I’ve loved horror. Horror movies. Horror novels. Horror comics. My life's milestones can be measured by the genre. It’s given me years of entertainment, as well as countless sleepless nights. It has kept me young at heart and filled my mind with wonderful memories that I cherish. This podcast is my way of sharing those moments with you. So, starting with my birth year of 1971, I’ll be listing my Top 10 horror films of every year of my life and discussing each one in detail with a little help from my friends. Join us as we journey from the Cradle to the Grave. 

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