Crafting the Right Message: Appealing to Your Ideal Population

Badass Clinicians Podcast


In this episode of the Badass Clinician Podcast, Natty and Chestin discuss the importance of crafting the right message to appeal to the ideal population you want to serve. They explore the StoryBrand framework, which starts with identifying the character (the person you want to serve) and their problem. They emphasize the need to demonstrate empathy and authority, provide a roadmap for solving the problem, and have a clear call to action. They also discuss the importance of showing successful results and the potential negative outcomes if action is not taken. The episode concludes with a discussion on the transformation process and the importance of setting an example for others.


  • Crafting the right message is crucial to appeal to your ideal population.
  • The StoryBrand framework helps in understanding the character's problem and providing a roadmap for solving it.
  • Demonstrate empathy and authority to build trust with your audience.
  • Have a clear call to action to prompt action from your audience.
  • Show successful results and the potential negative outcomes if action is not taken.
  • The transformation process is important in helping your audience become a better version of themselves.
  • Setting an example for others is a powerful motivator.

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