Cream of the Crud: Assignment Miami Beach

Notes From the Back Row

Today on Cream of the Crud, Dan and Carlo are joined by Matt from the Movie Melt podcast! They talk about the movies they've been watching, play some battle of the bands, answer your questions and much more! 

Movies Discussed:

White Lightning (1973)

Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)

Solarbabies (1986)

Blind Rage (1976)

The Inglorious Bastards (1978)

Don’t forget to:

Follow Matt on Letterboxd (@dukeroyal)

Follow Dan on Twitter and Letterboxd (@yckmd_)

Follow Carlo on Twitter (@carlogocarlo) and Letterboxd (@psychopike)

A new episode of Notes From the Back Row will be released every other week...ish. If you have a new movie premiering, drop us a line – we might be interested in setting something up with you too!

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