Welcome to Crimetown, a series produced by Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier in partnership with Gimlet Media. Each season, we investigate the culture of crime in a different city. In Season 2, Crimetown heads to the heart of the Rust Belt: Detroit, Michigan. From its heyday as Motor City to its rebirth as the Brooklyn of the Midwest, Detroit’s history reflects a series of issues that strike at the heart of American identity: race, poverty, policing, loss of industry, the war on drugs, and our universal desire for a savior. Detroit’s a tough town, and its residents are even tougher. They’ve weathered riots, a drug epidemic, political scandal, and innumerable other hardships, but they’re still here—and they have stories to tell.
Hosts & Guests
Season 3 Please!!!!
Jul 23
Well done but need a new season!!!
No money
Jun 22
$20k a day and the man has no money for his family saved when he goes to prison. That’s probably the saddest part of the podcast.
Apr 25
Beyond all recognition.
Mar 30
I’m from RI and love hearing the stories told about the history of Providence. It’s an incredible series of events and this podcast tells it in an enchanting way.
- Channel
- CreatorGimlet
- Episodes53
- Seasons2
- RatingExplicit
- Show Website