30 episodes

CultivatED Marketer is a bi-weekly podcast focusing on the Midwest marketing communications community — and, more specifically, the professional development needs of that community. This community has traditionally been very strong over the past two to three decades evidenced by:

*Vibrant corporate communications groups

*Excellent (and a large number of) mid-size and large agencies

*Notable professional development organizations

*Growing start-up, entrepreneurial community of past 12-15 years has spurred need for more niche communication and solo practitioners

Our mission at CultivatED Marketer is to help grow brand YOU …

CultivatED Marketer Cultivated Marketer

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

CultivatED Marketer is a bi-weekly podcast focusing on the Midwest marketing communications community — and, more specifically, the professional development needs of that community. This community has traditionally been very strong over the past two to three decades evidenced by:

*Vibrant corporate communications groups

*Excellent (and a large number of) mid-size and large agencies

*Notable professional development organizations

*Growing start-up, entrepreneurial community of past 12-15 years has spurred need for more niche communication and solo practitioners

Our mission at CultivatED Marketer is to help grow brand YOU …

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 29 — Exploring AI in Marketing and Communication with Martin Waxman

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 29 — Exploring AI in Marketing and Communication with Martin Waxman

    In this 29th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, together with Martin Waxman, Associate Director at the Future of Marketing Institute, delve generative AI at the KCIABC BCS Summit. They cover the benefits of generative AI for marketers and communicators, while also addressing significant considerations including ethical considerations, the impact of AI on authenticity in content creation, and the skills needed for professionals to adapt and innovate with AI tools.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 29 — Exploring AI in Marketing and Communication with Martin Waxman

    Generative AI, as discussed in the podcast, offers a plethora of benefits for marketers and communicators. It accelerates work processes, enhances quality by allowing a more strategic approach, frees up time from repetitive tasks, and ensures consistency in content creation. However, as with any emerging technology, there are important considerations to keep in mind.

    Navigating the Ethics of AI in Marketing

    One of the key points emphasized in the conversation was the ethical considerations of using AI in marketing and communication. From bias in data sets to the authenticity of content creation, professionals need to be vigilant in ensuring that AI is used responsibly. Disclosing the use of AI, fact-checking outputs, and actively addressing biases are crucial steps in maintaining ethical standards.

    Skills and Resources for Professionals

    As AI continues to play a significant role in marketing and communication strategies, professionals must adapt and acquire new skills to leverage this technology effectively. Critical thinking, prompt engineering, and innovative use of AI tools are essential skills to develop. Resources such as LinkedIn Learning courses on generative AI and How to Research and Write Using AI Tools, as well as newsletters like Neuron and Axios AI, can help professionals stay informed and up-to-date on AI trends.

    The Future of AI in Marketing

    Looking towards the future, Martin predicts that augmented reality combined with AI will be the next frontier in marketing and communication. With outward-facing and inward-facing cameras integrated into everyday objects like glasses, the way we interact with data and technology will undergo a transformation. The metaverse and real-world interactions will intertwine, offering a new dimension of engagement for professionals in these fields.



    00:00 Welcome to Cultivated Marketer: Exploring Generative AI

    01:07 The Benefits and Challenges of Generative AI in Marketing

    06:18 Real-World Applications and Ethical Considerations of AI

    11:16 Exploring AI Trends and Their Impact on Marketing and PR

    17:53 Navigating the Academic and Professional Development Landscape with AI

    24:21 Skills and Strategies for Integrating AI into Marketing Workflows

    29:22 Staying Informed: Resources and Future Directions in AI

    • 33 min
    Ep. 28 — Marketing Professionals Reconnect: Updates, Insights, and A Look Ahead

    Ep. 28 — Marketing Professionals Reconnect: Updates, Insights, and A Look Ahead

    In this 28th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, about marketing, professional development, and more. In this episode, they delve into a variety of topics, ranging from personal updates to highlights from the recent Business Communicators Summit (BCS) event.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 28 — Marketing Professionals Reconnect: Updates, Insights, and A Look Ahead

    The episode starts with a heartfelt introduction where Brent shares updates on his wife’s health journey and expresses gratitude for being back on air to engage in dialogues that resonate with professionals in the marketing realm.

    The conversations at BCS cover a wide range of topics, starting with Matt and Brent catching up on their recent activities and the exciting developments in their respective fields. From online master’s degree programs to accolades in the industry, Matt shares his experiences and achievements, setting the tone for an insightful discussion ahead.

    Highlights of the BCS Speakers

    The podcast delves into the highlights of the BCS speakers, including Dr. Corey Sheer, who discussed closing the trust gap in marketing communications. Corey’s expertise in consumer trust and organizational trust dynamics offered valuable insights for marketers looking to build credibility in their messaging.

    They also discussed Martin Waxman’s LinkedIn Learning series, noting that it is a must-watch for those wanting to learn about the impact of AI in marketing.

    The conversation then shifts to the importance of collaboration between sales and marketing teams, as discussed by industry veterans Chris Ann Cardiff and Diane Collins. Their practical tips on fostering a strong relationship between these two vital departments shed light on the significance of aligning strategies and understanding the business acumen to drive organizational success.

    Looking Ahead: Upcoming Events and Insights

    As the podcast wraps up, Matt and Brent tease upcoming events in the marketing community, including Angela Kennedy’s talk on high-performing cultures and the Digital Summit events focused on AI and podcasting. These events promise to offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for professionals looking to stay abreast of the latest trends in the industry.


    00:00 Welcome to Cultivated Marketer: A Fresh Start

    00:12 Catching Up: Personal Updates and Professional Endeavors

    01:04 Transforming Education: The Shift to Online Learning

    01:45 Celebrating Achievements and Looking Ahead

    04:18 The Return of Live Professional Development Events

    06:38 Exploring AI in Marketing Communications

    09:38 Insights from the Business Communicator Summit

    14:36 Bridging the Gap: Sales and Marketing Collaboration

    19:26 Upcoming Events and Final Thoughts

    24:05 A Personal Note and Looking Forward


    • 26 min
    Ep. 27 — Moving Beyond the Buzzword: Kim Clark's Approach on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conversations

    Ep. 27 — Moving Beyond the Buzzword: Kim Clark's Approach on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conversations

    In this 27th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, chat with Kim Clark, a consultant, speaker, and educator on DEI communications, as she shares how she transforms the way corporations approach DEI policies, making it more than just a buzzword. She also dives deep into the challenges, opportunities, and ROI that come with improving DEI efforts in the workplace.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 27 — Moving Beyond the Buzzword: Kim Clark’s Approach on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conversations

    The podcast episode starts off with an insightful conversation on improving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts and messaging. The guest, Kim Clark, a seasoned DEI educator, and consultant, sheds light on how the journey towards DEI in the workplace goes beyond just awareness to the need for substantial and tangible changes. She points out that while 80% of corporations have DEI policies in place, only 25% of employees feel a significant change in their day-to-day work life.

    Clark emphasizes the crucial role of communicators in understanding DEI and articulating its essence to the entire organization. According to her, communication professionals have a responsibility to not just understand the concept of DEI but also to convey it in a way that resonates with the organization’s purpose, mission, vision, and values. She also suggests that it is important to have historical and social context when creating DEI messaging.

    Kim also draws attention to the correlation between language and behavior, asserting that the former can lead to changes in the latter. In this light, the role of an inclusive communications guide becomes paramount. She discusses her experience working with Sony PlayStation in creating an inclusive communications guide, reinforcing how it led to a shift in behavior within the entire Sony organization.

    Effective DEI Commitment Statements and Strategies

    Kim then dives deep into the necessity of moving DEI beyond performative gestures to purposeful and tailored action. She continues saying it is about demonstrating commitment through consistent action and tangible changes. She advises that organizations should use their core capabilities to make meaningful contributions to society, thus underscoring their commitment to DEI.

    Kim provides a thought-provoking and in-depth analysis of how DEI should be integrated into an organization’s strategy. She emphasizes that DEI should not be seen as a side initiative, but rather, it should be woven into the fabric of the organization’s culture, influencing every aspect of its operations and communications.

    Inclusive Communications Guide and Measuring ROI

    Kim shares insights about the importance of having an inclusive communications guide within organizations. This guide goes beyond the usual glossaries of what to say and what not to say, and instead focuses on how language leads to behavior change. Thus, an inclusive communications guide aims to provide employees with a context of why respectful communication is important and how it benefits them.

    She emphasizes that it is not about tone policing or political correctness, which often come across as external rules imposed on individuals. Instead, it is about giving people the tools to develop their own understanding and confidence in communicating respectfully with individuals who are different from them.

    Kim stresses the importance of tailoring the guide to each client or organization, emphasizing the need to understand and respect the unique cultural and social contexts present within each organization.

    In terms of measuring the return on investment (ROI) of DEI initiatives, Clark discusses the importance of considering both the tangible and intangible costs. From a financial perspective,

    • 53 min
    Ep. 26 — Navigating Leadership and Communication in a Post-Pandemic World

    Ep. 26 — Navigating Leadership and Communication in a Post-Pandemic World

    In this 26th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, chat with Mark Schumann, IABC Fellow and renowned executive coach, as he shares his invaluable insights on leadership, communication, and the new challenges faced by leaders in a post-pandemic world.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 26 — Navigating Leadership and Communication in a Post-Pandemic World


    Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World

    Our guest for this episode is IABC fellow and Professor in communications and culture at New York University, Mark Schumann. Mark is an executive coach and consultant who has worked with some of the biggest names in the CEO world. We talk with Mark about his experience working with senior leaders at the highest levels in big companies, such as Southwest Airlines CEO Herb Kelleher.

    We also discuss how the role of leaders has permanently changed due to the pandemic and how they have had to adapt to living and working in different ways. Mark walks through a recent conversation with a CEO that he has worked with before, during, and after COVID, and reflects on how leaders became a source of information about not only the business, but also vaccines, schools, home education, and a myriad of other things that connect our lives.

    Mark helps us to understand the importance of acknowledging how our lives have been impacted by this difficult time. He draws attention to the newly formed expectation of connection, and how marketers play a pivotal role.

    Empathy in Virtual Meetings and Communication

    We explore how the check-in process has changed in the virtual world and how to create a safe space for employees to express themselves. We emphasize the importance of fostering camaraderie and productivity by taking the time to connect with others as human beings.

    We also look into the notion of work-life balance and how the open window of the outside world can have an impact on an organization. Mark notes how previously it might have felt as though you were walking a tight rope, but now we are so connected that there isn’t a separation. He says marketers’ skills to intently listen to their people, and put together what is heard, they can create a safe space to have those open conversations.

    CEO Communication Strategies

    Following the same progression, we examine the changing role of a CEO in terms of expressing opinions on the world and how this can influence the dialogue within organizations. After Brent gives a few examples of how a CEO responds to crisis communication, he asks Mark to explore why it is difficult to find the personality of these individuals. Mark dives into the self-awareness of these leaders, and how through their behavior they can express what is permissible or not throughout the organization.

    Mark stresses the importance of how a leader communicates and interacts with people dictates whether those people feel heard, which correlates to their involvement in the organization. He gives examples of how important it is for people to see the CEO in unscripted moments, where the human side of them and their personality can really show. The group discusses some examples of when these unscripted moments can be better or worse for employee connection.

    Effective Communication Beyond Technical Tools

    We discuss the importance of developing the skills necessary to be an effective communicator. Mark discusses one of the methods he uses with his students to get them examining the tactics driving the messages some of these people or organizations are putting out.

    The group explores how curiosity and conviction can help lead to clarity when communicating. They hark back to times when there were fewer tools to distribute an organization’s message, yes the effectiveness of those messages was ultimately the same. Mark emphasizes that clear communication is at the top of the hierarchy, more than distribution,

    • 44 min
    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 25 — Creating Authentic Voices with Brooke Estell

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 25 — Creating Authentic Voices with Brooke Estell

    In this 25th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, chat with Brooke Estell, Senior Copywriter at Conscious Minds Studios, about authentic marketing for Gen Z,the importance of storytelling, and the impact professional development had on her career.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 25 — Creating Authentic Voices with Brooke Estell

    Introducing Brooke Estell and her Entrepreneur Career Journey

    Brent and Matt briefly introduce their guest Brooke Estell before asking her to discuss her career journey during COVID.

    * Brooke says she started off in corporate legal marketing for 7 years before switching over to financial tech.

    * She mentions how she took advantage of working from home during COVID by beginning freelance work, before ultimately getting laid off by her company.

    * With belief in herself, she focused on growing her own business, and grew to a point that she was able to fire a client that didn’t align with her passions.

    * Shortly after firing that client, she began working as a freelance writer for Conscious Minds, which later turned into a fulltime position.

    * After prompting from Brent, Brooke notes that it was made even more difficult because she began working for them through a mentor turned client.

    Brent takes the opportunity to dive into Brooke’s solo/entrepreneur journey, asking her about what resources she was able to use and leverage to help grow her business.

    * Brooke notes that KC Source Link not only featured her, but also connected her with a lot of other people that taught her many skills necessary to run your own business.

    * She describes how important the marketing and networking resources were that had been made available to her, and helped give her a level of credibility.

    Matt recalls his own career transition, and asks Brooke if she feels different, and how the transition has manifested in her life.

    * Brooke says that she feels freer than she ever has, and that she is working her dream job.

    * She recalls her own upbringing and career transition from a stable corporate life to being an entrepreneur running her own business.

    Storytelling and Marketing for Gen Z

    Brent notes that Brooke’s talk at the KC IABC Business Communicators Summit was around storytelling, and asks why there is such a focus on storytelling for Gen Z.

    * Brooke begins by noting the shift in the purchasing generation from millennials to Gen Z, and differences between the two.

    * She points out the importance of community and authenticity to Gen Z, and how that impacts their marketing strategy.

    * Matt mentions how similar topics were also talked about in Jeff Fromm’s book Marketing to Gen Z.

    Matt says Brooke only uses 2-3 platforms in an integrated way to complete work for major brands like Nike, and asks her to speak about that process.

    * Brooke talks about the first project Come Thru, and their collaborative work with Nike.

    * She then discusses how they shifted their focus away from YouTube and towards the Nike App itself, and bring in personal stories,

    • 34 min
    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 24 — How to Shape Your Career with Dr. Dani LaGree

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 24 — How to Shape Your Career with Dr. Dani LaGree

    In this 24th episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, chat with Dr. Dani LaGree, Public Relations Professor at Kansas State University and Co-Founder of the Trajectory Project, about the Trajectory Project, the influence personal connections can have on a career, and what employees really want in a workplace.

    CultivatED Marketer Ep. 24 — How to Shape Your Career with Dr. Dani LaGree

    After updates about upcoming local events, Brent introduces Dr. Dani LaGree, briefly touches on her background, and then asks how the Trajectory Project got started.

    * Dani says that together with her colleague, Dr. Katie Olsen, they maintain relationships with their students as they leave the university and enter the workforce.

    * She says that a lot of those graduating students have the skills to perform their jobs, but did not have resources around career navigation, and have many questions.

    Trajectory Project for Early Career Professionals

    Matt asks what are some of the strategies and tools that the Trajectory Project are currently using.

    * Dani discusses the variety of resources they have including a Facebook and Instagram page.

    * She then discusses some of the research they’ve done over the last 5 years looking at the early career phase of professional employment in advertising and public relations.

    * Dani then highlights four strategies that came out of that research that can help boost an individual’s career trajectory.

    Brent talks about the strategy of ‘growth through failure’ and how they approach the topic of failure with early career professionals.

    * Dani says having a good manager that you are able to talk to, and provides you the resources in those challenging situations, is critical.

    * She also points out the importance of the middle manager encouraging and promoting their people, results in greater employee retention.

    Brent asks about why there was a strategy shift away from finding one’s professional identity, and towards developing one’s professional network.

    * Dani discusses how their early research has shaped and changed their strategy.

    * She continues noting differences between generations, and how that certain proclivities tend to play out in the work environment.

    * She walks through what their study found when they focused on developing your professional network, and what results came from that, such as higher employee retention.

    The Influence of Mentors on a Career Path

    Matt notes how many students don’t have any idea what a career path might look like in their field, and asks Dani what they might be able to do to give them a better idea.

    * Dani recognizes that there is not one formula to give them a better idea, because it is so different in field by field.

    * She mentions a couple of different characteristics that can help people discover more about your current field.

    * Matt adds on this by emphasizing the importance of getting involved in extra curricular groups.

    Brent asks Dani if there was an influential person, or mentor, that steered their careers towards academia after being in the field for many years.

    * Dani discusses her career path, mentioning that she is the first person from her family to go to college.

    * She talks about her collegiate years, her many experiences in the working world, mentioning the many mentors that helped steer her career path, that ultimately resulted in her returning to academia.

    Gender Representation in Marketing

    Matt notes how few women are at the top of the business, and yet in his classes it is 80% female, and asks Dani about female representation in the field.

    * Dani corroborates Matt’s findings, and then speculates some of the reasons why the disparities exist.

    • 58 min

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