42 episodes

Join us as Cari Kenzie interviews entrepreneurs, thought leaders and elite performers to inspire, educate and challenge you to your greatest potential.

You will be motivated and equipped to cultivate a curiosity that brings alignment with your inner wisdom, clarity to take empowered action, and the confidence to make your dreams and deepest desires a reality.

Curiosity, Clarity, Empowerment: with Cari Kenzie Cari Kenzie

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 24 Ratings

Join us as Cari Kenzie interviews entrepreneurs, thought leaders and elite performers to inspire, educate and challenge you to your greatest potential.

You will be motivated and equipped to cultivate a curiosity that brings alignment with your inner wisdom, clarity to take empowered action, and the confidence to make your dreams and deepest desires a reality.

    42. The Urgency of Awareness: Getting Curious About Life’s Alarms to Awaken

    42. The Urgency of Awareness: Getting Curious About Life’s Alarms to Awaken

    Hey there, beautiful souls! In this week’s episode of "Curiosity, Clarity, and Empowerment," I dive into a personal story that began with a literal fire alarm and unfolded into a profound metaphor for awareness in our lives. It all started in a busy Starbucks in Atlanta, where amidst blaring alarms and flashing lights, life seemed to go on undisturbed. This moment sparked a realization about how often we ignore the alarms in our own lives, assuming they are false without ever pausing to consider their significance.
    As I navigated the discomfort of a discordant conference and faced more alarms, literal and metaphorical, I was forced to confront the incongruences in my own life. These alarms, I realized, were not random disruptions but critical signals urging me to awaken to deeper truths about my alignment and purpose.
    Join me as I explore how these experiences reflect broader themes of self-awareness and alignment, urging us to listen more closely to the alarms of our own lives. Whether it’s a nagging feeling of discontent, a sudden disruption, or a quiet whisper of doubt, these signals are often the universe’s way of nudging us towards greater authenticity and action.
    This episode is a call to embrace the alarms, to explore what they are trying to tell us, and to act with courage and clarity. It’s about recognizing that every alarm, whether false or true, offers an opportunity for reflection, growth, and a deeper engagement with life.
    So, are you ready to tune in to the alarms in your life? Let's dive deep into this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Listen, reflect, and perhaps, you'll find the clarity to transform these alarms into stepping stones toward a more authentic life.
    Remember, the universe speaks to us in many ways; it's up to us to listen and respond. Join me, and let's decode these messages together!
    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal
    Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - 
    CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:02 - Exploring what a "fire alarm" could reveal about your subconscious mind. 5:00 - Ignoring Alarms: Discussing why noticing life's alarms is crucial for personal breakthroughs and awakening. 10:00 - Conference Discomfort: Reflecting on feelings of misalignment and the importance of addressing them. 15:00 - Middle of the Night Alarm: Different responses to alarms and their implications on our awareness and reactions. 20:00 - Insights on Alignment: How external alarms prompt internal growth and realignment. 25:00 - Listen to and learn from life's signals to foster transformation and self-discovery.  

    • 30 min
    41. Unleashing the Feminine Power: Samantha Lotus on Transforming Lives through Holistic Mastery

    41. Unleashing the Feminine Power: Samantha Lotus on Transforming Lives through Holistic Mastery

    Hey there, beautiful souls! This week on "Curiosity, Clarity, and Empowerment," I'm overjoyed to share my soulful conversation with the incredible Samantha Lotus. Samantha, a holistic master coach and naturopathic practitioner, has made it her life's mission to guide others through the journey of self-reclamation and holistic mastery.
    In our chat, Samantha dives into how she shifted from conventional career paths to embrace a life led by intuition and spiritual alignment. Her story is a beacon for anyone feeling stuck in a life that doesn't resonate with their deeper calling.
    We also explore the potent impact of embracing our feminine energy. Samantha's insights into balancing demanding lives with authentic self-care provide actionable advice for nurturing our own wellness while pursuing our ambitions.
    Are you ready to align your work with your deepest values and start living a life filled with purpose and joy? Join us in this enlightening episode to learn how you can harness your intuition and transform your life’s work into a source of fulfillment and abundance.
    Hit play and let's journey together toward discovering our truest selves and unlocking the magic of our potential.
    Remember, the universe constantly whispers guidance to us—it's time to listen, trust, and take the bold steps necessary to fulfill our destiny.

    Guest links: 
    Website: http://samanthalotus.com
    Social Handle: @samantha_lotus
    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal
    Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - 
    CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:45 - Meet Samantha Lotus: Journey from disillusioned professional to holistic master coach. 3:30 - Harnessing Intuition for Transformation: Samantha discusses how intuition has shaped her career and life. 6:15 - Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs: Techniques Samantha uses to help her clients achieve freedom. 10:30 - Exploring the Power of Feminine Energy: Insights into its unique strengths in leadership and healing. 15:00 - Achieving Balance: How Samantha structures her life for wellness and productivity. 20:00 - Overcoming Challenges: Samantha shares significant hurdles and how she turned them into growth opportunities. 25:00 - Vision for the Future: Samantha’s hopes for the evolution of holistic wellness and feminine empowerment. 35:00 - Final Reflections: Samantha offers parting insights for those who want more in life.

    • 47 min
    40. Unlock Being In The Moment: How to Master Presence Even With Life's Endless To-Do List

    40. Unlock Being In The Moment: How to Master Presence Even With Life's Endless To-Do List

    Do you ever find it hard to stay in the present moment? Like your mind is always racing and thinking about your ever-growing to-do list…?
    This topic surfaced during a recent heart-to-heart with a close friend and hit me full force this past week while at a cheer competition in Florida. Despite the joyous occasion of reuniting with my son and watching my daughter compete, I found myself wrestling with being fully present.
    I realized, while unwinding in a bath after days filled with business calls and family time, that the root of my struggle was tied to how I value myself—not in terms of accomplishments or financial success, but in the simple, profound presence in each moment.
    This revelation was powerful, illuminating not just the personal barriers I've placed between myself and true presence, but also the broader societal pressures that equate worth with productivity. I share this journey not to preach, but to offer a reflection on our shared experiences. We often find ourselves caught up in what we feel needs to be done, losing sight of the value in just being.
    As I navigated through these realizations, I discovered that being present isn't about perfection but about making a conscious choice, again and again, to focus on the here and now.
    So, whether you’re tackling a hectic day or enjoying a quiet moment, remember the importance of being present. It’s not just about reducing stress or improving productivity—it’s about living fully, richly, and deeply.
    If this resonates with you, I invite you to explore these themes further in our SHIFT membership, where we delve into tools and practices to help bring more presence into everyday life.
    Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, remember to cherish each moment, for in the art of living, the truest path to fulfillment is found not in the hustle, but in the pause.
    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal
    Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - 
    CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:30 - Balancing productivity with being present: Sharing experiences from the cheer competition in Florida. 2:00 - Reflections during a quiet moment in the bath on personal value. 4:24 - Exploring how societal norms impact our self-value and presence. 6:06 - Tips for maintaining presence in everyday life. 7:47 - Discussing the benefits of presence for personal well-being. 10:18 - Invitation to join the SHIFT membership for deeper learning. 12:31 - Concluding thoughts and encouragement to embrace the moment.

    • 18 min
    39. Breaking Free from People Pleasing: Empower Yourself with Cari Kenzie

    39. Breaking Free from People Pleasing: Empower Yourself with Cari Kenzie

    Hey there, beautiful souls!
    Today on the podcast, we’re diving deep into a topic that many of us have struggled with: people pleasing. It’s something we’ve all dabbled in, whether it’s saying yes when we mean no, or holding back our true feelings to keep the peace. But here’s the twist—what if I told you that stepping into our truth could be the most liberating choice we make?
    I had a profound realization about the toll people pleasing was taking on me. It wasn't just about putting others first; it was about neglecting my own needs to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion. Inspired by thinkers like Gabor Maté, I've learned how deeply our well-being is tied to honoring our boundaries and expressing our true selves.
    Imagine this: by saying no, we might not just be setting a boundary, but also paving the way for others to grow. In one memorable conversation with my daughter, I realized that not confronting a friend was actually enabling her hurtful behavior. It’s a powerful lesson in how our actions, or inactions, shape our relationships.
    This episode is a call to all the gorgeous beings out there to start honoring themselves. It’s about transforming our need to please into a strength that empowers not just us but those around us too.
    Join me in shedding the weight of others' expectations and embracing the freedom of living authentically. Let's explore how setting boundaries is not only an act of self-care but a profound way to nurture our relationships.
    So, are you ready to choose you? Dive in with me, and let’s embrace the power of self-affirmation together. Remember, every step towards self-respect is a step towards collective healing.

    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie  
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - 
    CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:02 - Cari kicks off the episode, setting the stage for a deep dive into people pleasing. 0:32 - The People Pleasing Trap: Discusses the cultural norms and personal experiences that lead us to prioritize others over ourselves. 1:45 - Personal Revelation: The transformative moment of realization about the toll of people pleasing. 2:58 - Insights from Gabor Maté: Cari reflects on how people pleasing links to physical and emotional health, influenced by the work of Gabor Maté. 4:20 - Real-Life Example: Recounts a conversation with her daughter about standing up to a difficult friend, illustrating the consequences of people pleasing. 6:03 - The Power of Saying No: Explores the positive ripple effects of establishing boundaries. 7:45 - Empowering Ourselves and Others: Discusses how setting boundaries is beneficial not just for personal growth but for communal respect and understanding.  

    • 18 min
    38. Empowering Women to Heal from Within with Brooke Herbert

    38. Empowering Women to Heal from Within with Brooke Herbert

    Hey there, beautiful souls! I'm thrilled to bring you another insightful episode of the Curiosity, Clarity, and Empowerment Podcast. This time, I had the privilege of sitting down with Brooke Herbert, a board-certified health and wellness coach, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Gold Ivy Health Company. Brooke is also a podcast host and group fitness instructor, and she brings a wealth of knowledge on gut health and holistic healing.
    In our conversation, Brooke opened up about her personal journey from being a medical mystery to becoming a health coach who empowers women to reclaim their health. Her story is one of resilience, from struggling with gut issues, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances, to discovering the power of functional medicine and holistic healing.
    We delved into how Brooke's experiences led her to advocate for women to never stop fighting for their health. She shared how ancient healing remedies, inner wisdom, and behavior change psychology have helped her transform her life, and how she now uses these tools to guide others.
    We also discussed the importance of understanding the connection between the gut, mind, and emotions. Brooke emphasized how unresolved trauma and stress can manifest in physical symptoms, and how addressing these underlying issues can lead to profound healing.
    Join us on this empowering journey as we explore Brooke's path to wellness, and how we can all learn to trust our bodies, listen to our inner wisdom, and make choices that support our health.
    Ready to dive in? Hit play and let's journey together toward a healthier, more holistic approach to life.

    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/  
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity
    Links for this Episode:
    Website: goldivyhealthco.com
    Instagram: @goldivyhealthco & @iambrookeherbert

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:30 Get to know Brooke and her journey from medical mystery to health and wellness coach.
    2:21 Brooke's struggle with gut health issues, her experience with traditional medicine, and how functional medicine provided solutions.
    8:41 The connection between gut health, mental health, and the importance of holistic healing.
    14:31 Brooke's insights on the importance of lifestyle changes, healing from within, and the challenges of modern medicine.
    22:01 The role of mindfulness, healing, and embracing an ongoing journey of self-care and acceptance.
    28:31 The best resources for holistic health and how to start today!

    • 47 min
    37. What Could Have Been..? Exploring the Paths Not Taken: Embracing Life's 'What-Ifs' with Empowerment

    37. What Could Have Been..? Exploring the Paths Not Taken: Embracing Life's 'What-Ifs' with Empowerment

    Hey there, friends! In this episode, I delve into a theme that haunts many of us: the notion of "What Could Have Been." It's a question that often visits us in quiet moments—what if we had chosen differently at life's many crossroads?
    Recently, while reflecting on a personal setback at a marathon, I confronted this very question. The disappointment reminded me of past decisions where I hadn't stayed true to myself. This got me thinking about the broader implications of our choices and the authenticity of our paths.
    I shared how we often romanticize alternate outcomes without recognizing that every step we've taken has shaped us into who we are. Our journeys, no matter how rugged, are necessary for our growth and learning. The idea isn't to regret but to realize that even missed opportunities or perceived failures contribute profoundly to our personal narrative.
    What if we viewed every choice not as a misstep but as a stepping stone towards deeper understanding and self-acceptance? This shift in perspective is what I aim to offer—encouragement to embrace every aspect of our journey, knowing it leads us to where we need to be.
    Join me in this heartfelt exploration as we learn to appreciate our paths, accept our present, and anticipate a future where all experiences enrich our lives. Let's transform our "what could have beens" into powerful lessons of resilience and affirmation of our choices.

    JOIN THE NEWSLETTER NOW: CARI’S MASTERCLASS STARTS SOON! https://carikenzie.ck.page/subscribe
    Website: https://carikenzie.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carikenzieglobal
    Instagram: (@carikenzie) https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/
    5 Days To Clarity FREE Mini-Course - 
    CLICK HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/n8R8aMD/5daystoclarity

    Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown: 
    0:00 - Welcome to the Show: Cari introduces the episode and teases the exploration of "What Could Have Been?" 0:40 - Reflecting on Choices: Discussion about how different decisions might have changed her life, inspired by a recent marathon experience. 1:32 - Marathon Story: Shares the story of her unexpected end at the 2022 marathon and the subsequent reflection on self-honoring choices. 2:49 - Wider Implications: Cari connects her personal story to broader life choices and how they shape our experiences. 3:58 - Healing and Regret: Talks about dealing with regret and anger from past decisions through a client's story that mirrors her own. 5:12 - What Ifs of Life: Explores potential outcomes of different life choices and discusses accepting past decisions. 7:54 - Acceptance and Understanding: Cari shares insights on acceptance, using a personal analogy involving 'Devil’s Snare' from Harry Potter to illustrate letting go. 10:23 - Empowering Reflections: Encourages listeners to embrace their life choices and learn from them, fostering resilience and self-awareness. 15:36 - Join the community and how to connect directly with Cari!  

    • 21 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
24 Ratings

24 Ratings

brookeherbert07 ,

This Podcast is EVERYTHING

I wish I had this podcast years ago!! Cari does such an incredible job of providing healing + enlightening conversations whether it’s a solo or guest episode. There is so much value packed in each episode. Thank you Cari!! 🤍🙏🏻

a6482h ,

Amazing Host + Powerful Episodes

Cari is such a warm and empowering host. I love listening to her episodes to help shift my mindset with grace and ownership. As a guest (ep 33- Andrea Herbert), I had a blast and loved having a genuine conversation. Thank you, Cari!!

Ammy1648 ,


I met Cari and she is beautiful inside and out…. Thank you for making such an impact!


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