Cyber909: Episode 13 with Jimmy Sanders


In this episode of Cyber 909, host Den Jones welcomes Jimmy Sanders, the current president of ISSA International and former head of security for Netflix DVD. [00:18] The conversation delves into Jimmy's extensive career in IT security, his educational journey, and the challenges he faced along the way. [02:19] Jimmy shares insights on the importance of passion and perseverance, the role of diversity in the tech industry, and the significance of understanding human psychology in security management. They also discuss the evolution of security practices at Netflix, the concept of freedom and responsibility in the workplace, and the future plans for ISSA under Jimmy's leadership. [01:09] The episode wraps up with advice for aspiring security professionals and a reflection on the importance of mentorship and continuous learning. Main Topics Covered Career Journey: Jimmy's path from flunking out of the University of Houston to becoming a prominent figure in IT security. Motivation and Passion: The importance of finding passion in one's work and the role of psychology in understanding and managing people. Diversity in Tech: Challenges and advice for aspiring black professionals in the tech industry. Leadership at Netflix: Managing a team during Netflix's transition from DVDs to streaming, and the unique challenges of working in an environment where employees are not primarily motivated by money. Security Philosophy: The balance between security measures and user experience, and the importance of layered security defenses. ISSA Initiatives: Future plans for ISSA, including international conferences, the 40th anniversary celebration, and partnerships with other organizations. Mentorship and Community Building: The value of mentorship and the importance of building a supportive community in the cybersecurity industry.

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