Dacher Keltner on Finding Awe in Community through Music

Tacet No More

Welcome to Tacet No More: where we are asking the questions that need to be asked, and saying the things that need to be said about classical music.

This is a landing pad for positive discussions about our belief in the power of music to better humanity, and we will invite voices - from all sectors - to inspire us and the work we do on and off the stage.

In this episode, our guest is Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and the director of the Greater Good Science Center.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How awe can grow over time (even in cases where we are playing the same music over and over!) when you reflect on it and build a conceptual framework for it – helping us become “more athletic towards awe”
  • Embracing mystery in awe, and enjoying our own “transcendental journey in discovery” as artists
  • How the collective experience of making and hearing music builds awe in community
  • Staying connected to a sense of purpose that we can find in awe-filled experiences
  • Breaking down boundaries to accessing awe as institutions
  • Cultural differences in experiencing awe, and distinct emotions present in experiencing music across cultures

Mentioned in the episode:

  • Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
  • Daniel Kahneman’s research on happiness among friends
  • Awe walk study
  • Rachel Carson Council’s “Help Your Child to Wonder”
  • About John Adams’ Scheherazade.2
  • Brahms’ Symphony No. 3, third movement
  • “What music makes us feel” study

Interact with Tacet No More

Tacet No More is produced by Joseph Conyers, Yumi Kendall, Andrew Mellor, Lindsay Sheridan, and Brenda Hernández Jaimes.

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